She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 118: An unforgettable meeting ceremony

Chapter 118 An unforgettable meeting ceremony

Li Muye nodded, satisfied, and then sat back down.

“Brother Makino, why don’t you bring your sister over to meet us?”

“That’s right, if we don’t know her, how can we call her sister?”

 Everyone responded, and they were now very curious about Li Jiu.

Li Muye’s eyes were blurry and he had almost passed out from drunkenness.

Hearing their words, he hummed in a low voice subconsciously: "Okay, Hiccup! Wait for brother, Hiccup! In a few days... I'll bring her, Hiccup!, to you!"

 Then, he completely lost consciousness.

 When he sobered up, he wanted to slap himself a few times.

Li Jiu also wants to slap him a few times now.

What kind of nonsense did this man say when he was drunk?

 You call her sister when you meet her?

 A group of rich second-generation dudes followed behind her, calling her "Sister" like a mentally retarded person.

 She still feels embarrassed!

Therefore, no matter how Li Muye begged her, Li Jiu coldly said two words: "I won't go!"

Li Muye was about to cry without tears. He especially wanted to go back in time and slap his drunken self to death.

 But now he has no choice.

Last night when he was drunk, he praised Li Jiu as a fairy in the sky, and he used up all the nice words.

After his commotion, almost the entire rich second-generation circle in Imperial Capital is now curious about Li Jiu's true face in Lushan.

And his group of bad friends went even further and even made a video of him taking off his clothes and dancing when he was drunk that night.

They also threatened him that if he didn't bring Li Jiu to see them, they would send this video to the group of ladies from the Imperial Capital family, so that all the ladies could appreciate his elegance as one of the four young masters of the Imperial Capital.

Li Muye gritted his teeth and tore the hearts of the group of people into pieces.

If the video really spreads, will he still be alive?

So, Li Muye came to Li Jiu without any dignity and shamelessly asked, "Good sister, just come with me."


Li Muye took a deep breath, a look of determination flashed in his eyes, and said, "Okay, you forced me to do this."

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, suddenly having a bad feeling in his heart.

As expected, Li Muye fell to his knees with a plop in the next second.

Holding her thighs with both hands, he cried: "Xiaojiu, good sister, please help me. If those beasts really release the video, your brother and I will not be able to live! Wuwuwuwu "

Li Jiu: "... let go."

Li Muye hugged her tighter, "Don't let go!"

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu’s body pressure is getting lower and lower, and his expression is getting colder and colder.

Li Muye shuddered unconsciously.

Li Jiu took a deep breath before she could resist the urge to kick him to death.

I really don’t understand why genes are so mysterious!

How could an uncle with such a gentle and generous temperament be able to give birth to a son like Li Muye?

I'm afraid I hugged you wrongly.

Li Jiu clenched her fists, and her desire to hit someone became even stronger. She narrowed her eyes, covering up the anger in her eyes, and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Li Muye was instantly surprised: "Really?"

Li Jiu gave him a kind smile, "Of course."

Anyway, I will definitely not be able to sleep today.

Just to let her vent.

Those wealthy children really want to see her, don't they?

 Well, she satisfies them.

 “Brother Makino.” Li Jiu said.


 “How many people are there in your group of friends?” She could estimate it.

 “A dozen or so, but...”

 “Hmm? But what?”

Li Muye scratched his head and said sheepishly: "But they are too talkative and have told others about my evaluation of you. Now it is estimated that all the aristocratic family members in the Imperial Capital want to see you."

Li Jiu smiled, "That's it...then invite them all over."

Li Muye:? ? ?

Li Muye: "...Huh?"

 He coughed lightly, "Yes, but is this really good?"

Li Muye frowned. He was worried that there might be trouble if there were too many people there.

 Li Jiu: “It’s okay.”

It doesn’t matter how many people there are.

 Aren’t they curious?

 Don’t you want to see her true face?

 Okay, she will leave them an unforgettable meeting gift.

 “Oh, by the way, Brother Makino.” Li Jiu suddenly shouted.

Li Muye: "Ah? What's wrong?"

 “Are there any larger boxing clubs nearby?”

 Li Muye: "...Yes, yes."

“Well, let’s get together there.”

Li Muye:…

 I don’t know why, but I suddenly have a bad feeling.

 (End of this chapter)

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