She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 122: Can't blame us

Chapter 122: You Can’t Blame Us

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you have known it for a long time and have kept silent. What's wrong? Are you happy to see me being scolded so badly?"

Qi Jingci flexibly turned the pen in his hand in a circle and said, "That's not true. After all, you are tied to me now. If you are scolded, I will gain nothing."

Li Jiu snorted, "So, do you know who is behind this?"

Qi Jingci hummed and said in a low voice: "I have a vague guess that this time... you may have been implicated by me."

Although the comments on the Internet are all directed at Li Jiu.

 But he and Li Jiu are now both prosperous and devastated.

Who is Qi Sanye?

 The uncrowned king of the imperial capital.

Who can control him?

Qi Jingci’s fans were shocked by the sudden engagement news and thought he was forced to do so.

 But if you think about it slowly, you will understand.

 Who can force Qi Jingci?

 At the end of the day, he still agreed to the engagement.

 He fell in love with a disgusting illegitimate daughter.

 As a result, his reputation may also be affected.

Li Jiu: "So Mr. Qi, how do you plan to solve this matter? Although I don't care on the surface, I'm still a little unhappy in my heart."

"after all…"

Li Jiu grinded his teeth and smiled, "I also hold grudges."

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows, "Isn't there someone already venting your anger on your behalf? The Internet has collapsed, and your subordinates really know how to stand up for you."

Li Jiu groaned, "Stand up for me? They know how to cause trouble."

 Everyone is afraid that things will not get into trouble.

“Okay, I’ll take care of the online stuff. You’d better not go out recently.”

Li Jiu frowned, "Why?"

Why can’t she even get out of the door?

Qi Jingci: "I'm afraid you will be thrown rotten eggs when you go out on the street."

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu gritted her silver teeth and squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth: "Who am I doing this because of?"

Qi Jingci had no consciousness of being the culprit. Instead, he said, "When I find out who is behind this, you will be released after serving your sentence."

Li Jiu sneered, "Released after serving your sentence? It's still early." Judging from the madness of Qi Jingci's group of fans, they now have the intention to kill her.

I'm afraid that as long as she carries the title of Qi Jingci's fiancée for a day, she won't be able to go out properly.

Qi Jingci sighed, "That's really **** you."

Li Jiu made a cold sound and hung up the phone.

Qi Jingci looked at his phone, his thin lips slightly raised, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

“Master, the Internet has returned to normal.” Jing Er said from the side.

 Qi Jingci took the tablet and got on the trumpet.

    Am I delusional? Why did the network crash again? ]

                Do you still remember what happened before? Those big guys...]

                                                     ify down to see that the comments from those big guys are all gone. ]

     Sure enough, I had an illusion. ]

    Not only that, the hot search has also been removed. ]

When everyone took a look, sure enough, the number one hot search topic had changed.

    So…what’s going on? what happened? ]

   [Upstairs, you are not the only one who has this question. ]

  Qi Jingci handed the tablet to Jing Er and continued to lower his head to work on the documents.

“Notify the following, do a good job in public relations, and guide the trend.”

Jing Er said respectfully: "Yes, Master."

“In addition, secretly observe who is driving the rhythm behind the scenes.”


Jing Er exited the office.

Qi Jingci glanced at the document and picked up the phone, "Hi, Dad."

 “Well, how was it?”

 “They really started to take action.”

Mr. Qi snorted coldly, "Don't take action yet, they won't be able to hold back even to this extent."

"I know."

Mr. Qi sighed, "This time, I really wronged Xiaojiu."

Qi Jingci was silent for a long time, and then he suddenly asked: "Dad, is it really okay for you and Mr. Li to hide Li Jiu like this?"

Mr. Qi choked up and felt a little guilty, "It's not that I want to hide it from Xiaojiu, it's all that dead old man Lao Li..."

He coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said: "Anyway, let's do this for now. It's not us who brought it up first anyway. If Xiaojiu finds out in the future, she can't blame us..."

 The last word "bar" is inexplicably lacking in confidence.

520. As a single nobleman, I can’t say I love you to others. I can only say it to all the cuties who are reading. Thank you for your support. I will improve the shortcomings and hope to write better works for everyone. Yo~ I love you so much~ (^з^)-☆



 (End of this chapter)

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