She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 123: What is her purpose?

Chapter 123 What is her purpose?

Mr. Qi was also helpless. The culprit was Lao Litou. If Xiaojiu wanted to blame him, he couldn't be blamed.

"Anyway, you should hide it from Xiaojiu first. She will be in trouble if she is targeted by those people. Fortunately, they are focusing on you now."

Qi Jingci clicked his tongue and used his own son as a target.

 He is really good at playing.

“Dad, even if they are all staring at me now, sooner or later they will notice Li Jiu, and then you won’t be able to hide it even if you want.”

Mr. Qi was angry: "When I asked you to get engaged to Xiaojiu, didn't I just ask you to protect her? I tell you, if anything happens to Xiaojiu, watch your skin carefully!"

Then, with a bang, he hung up the phone.

Qi Jingci’s mouth twitched.

I really don’t understand why the two old men insist on choosing Li Jiu.

If it were anyone else...


Qi Jingci frowned, a hint of disgust flashing in his eyes.

 Let’s choose Li Jiu.

Although she has a bit of a nasty temper, she is still better than those squeamish women who can only cry.

 More importantly, she is strong enough.

He doesn't need to spend too much effort to protect it.


Qi Jingci propped his chin up, looking thoughtful.

Is it really possible that Li Jiu can't find out what the two old men want to do?

 Since he met her four years ago, she has been very mysterious.

 He has no real understanding of his origin, background, or even what he really looks like.

 After she robbed him, he checked her countless times and found only one name, Mo Jiu.

 This is why he was very surprised when he learned that Li Jiu was Mo Jiu.

Even he cannot control all the forces under Li Jiu. If she really wanted to know what the two old men were doing, it would be easy.

  But she didn’t express any sign of it.

Did he not know it, or did he already know it but did nothing?

He believed that the identity of Li Hong's daughter was true for the time being.

But according to Li Jiu's temperament, he would actually be willing to stay in the Imperial Capital for two years, without revealing a trace of his strength, and quietly be an illegitimate daughter.

This is somewhat intriguing.

 What is her purpose?

 In other words, why did she come to the Imperial Capital?

 Is it related to what the two old men are going to do this time?


Li Jiu yawned and stared at the chat box on his phone with some irritability.

     小三:Boss, we found it. ]

Li Jiu's eyes lit up, and the mole at the end of his eye became more vivid.

    IX: What was the result? ]

   [Xiaosan: The accounts you gave me all have the same addresses, so they are the same person. ]

    九:Who? ]

Li Jiu stared at the phone closely.

After searching for so long, do you finally have some clues?

  [Xiao San: Lin Yan, the son of Lin Zhenghai, the richest man in Ancheng. ]

Li Jiu frowned slightly, Lin Yan?

  Have never heard of this name.

   IX: His information. ]

     小三:Tsk tsk tsk, boss, this Lin Yan is a ruthless character. ]

   九:Huh? ]

[Mistress: There is no doubt that this Lin Zhenghai is also a peerless scumbag. He married a famous lady in a business marriage. Within a few years of their marriage, he had an outhouse. The red flags at home were not down, but the colorful flags were flying outside. Soon the outhouse was given to him. I gave birth to a son who is one year younger than Lin Yan... Tsk! Scumbag! ]

She spurned Lin Zhenghai in her heart, and then continued: "In order to let his son have the inheritance rights of the family property, the wife used a trick to kill Lin Zhenghai's wife, who was Lin Yan's mother. ]

[After that, Lin Zhenghai legitimately married the foreign wife. The foreign wife was pretty good to Lin Yan at first, but the stepmother was still a stepmother after all, and they couldn't get married. When he was in high school, the foreign wife finally coaxed Lin Zhenghai into being completely disappointed with him. , was directly exiled abroad. ]

 It was a **** plot, but Li Jiu had a question.

   九: How do you know so clearly? ]

[Xiaosan: Boss, as long as I think about it, there is nothing I can't find. Do you think the words "number one hacker" are just reputation? Bullish jpg.]

Li Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth. I think you are just gossiping.

   九: You continue. ]

[Mistress: Lin Yan stayed abroad for five years, and everyone almost forgot about his existence. However, five years later, he returned with a strong attitude, taking control of the Lin Group in one fell swoop and forcing Lin Zhenghai to abdicate. , let him divorce the foreign wife, and kicked out the mother and son. Now, the Lin family basically belongs to Lin Yan alone. ]

The editor said that I am still recommending it, but one update a day is not enough.


 Okay, then I have to work hard, bite the bullet, save the manuscript, and update it twice a day.



 (End of this chapter)

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