She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 135: There's nothing I can do

Chapter 135 There is nothing I can do

Qi Sijin twitched the corners of his mouth and closed the car door.

  Turning the air conditioner to warm, he put his coat on Qi Mowei.

 Gradually, she fell asleep.

He didn't wake up until he reached the old house. He had no choice but to pick her up again.

 “Ah, why are you drinking like this?”

Mrs. Qi opened the door and was surprised to see Qi Mowei so drunk.

“Grandma, she didn’t pay attention to the alcohol content today and accidentally drank too much.” Qi Sijin said.

Seeing him holding someone in his arms, Mrs. Qi quickly got out of the way and said, "Come in, come in, I'll make some sobering soup for her."

 Speaking, he went to the kitchen.

Qi Sijin carried Qi Mowei all the way back to the bedroom, put her on the bed, covered her with the quilt, and left.

 He ran into Mr. Qi head-on.

He was wearing dark gray pajamas and slippers. Apparently he heard the noise and came out to take a look.

“Grandpa.” Qi Sijin called.

Mr. Qi nodded, looked at him, frowned, and said, "What... do you look like! What's going on with your hair and eyes?"

Qi Sijin was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was talking about his long hair and light blue eyes.

Mrs. Qi often has video calls with him and is used to his current appearance.

 In contrast, Mr. Qi was naturally very surprised.

“Grandpa, how are you? Have I changed a lot?”

Mr. Qi snorted coldly, "No matter how great the change is, he is still the same cry-loving kid back then."

Qi Sijin froze: "...Grandpa, how long has it been..."

 Let’s not talk about old things, okay?

"How is Weiwei?" Mr. Qi glanced at Qi Mowei's bedroom and asked.

 “It’s okay, I’m just drunk.”

Mr. Qi frowned, "Don't take your little aunt out to fool around in the future. She is a girl, and it is not good for her to get drunk outside."

Qi Sijin felt very innocent, "Grandpa, she obviously forced me to go."

"You still dare to say that? Then the Jingfeng Banquet is not because of you?"

Qi Sijin shrank his neck. As for his grandfather, if you can, don't contradict him.

 Otherwise, you will still be the one who suffers.

 “I got it, grandpa.”

At this moment, Mrs. Qi went upstairs with a bowl of soup. When she looked up, she saw her grandfather and grandson blocking the stairs.

She frowned and said, "What are you doing here if you don't want to sleep?"

“I woke up, come out and take a look.” Mr. Qi turned sideways and made way for her.

Madam Qi turned to Qi Sijin and said, "Ajin, it's so late, go back quickly." "Okay, grandma, take good care of Weiwei."

 “Well, don’t worry.”

 Seeing Qi Sijin leaving, Mrs. Qi just looked away, gently opened the door, and walked to Qi Mowei's bed.

Seeing that she was already asleep, he put the sobering soup aside and carefully tucked her into bed.

 The door was opened a crack, and the light from outside came through.

Mr. Qi walked in quietly.

He looked at Mrs. Qi and was about to open her lips to speak, but the latter immediately made a silent gesture.

Mr. Qi nodded, and the two of them exited the bedroom and closed the door.

"This child's temper is really..." Mrs. Qi closed the door and sighed softly.

"Her temperament, after all, is not the result of your pampering." Mr. Qi said.

"I'm happy to do it. Do you have any objections?" Mrs. Qi glanced at him.

"I don't dare. I admire Madam's education methods. None of these three children are crooked."

Mr. Qi flattered him seriously, with a flattering look on his face.

 “Stop complimenting me.”

  “Where there is.”

Mrs. Qi glanced at Mr. Qi and said, "I won't tell you anymore. It's so late, I'm going to bed."

Just after turning around and walking a few steps, I found that the person behind me had been following me.

"What are you doing?"

Mr. Qi smiled and said, "Well... Hanqing, can I go back to my room and sleep?"

Mrs. Qi immediately denied it: "No, we will wait until you get rid of the problem of talking in your sleep."

 Recently, he suddenly started talking in his sleep for some reason.

It was so noisy that she couldn't sleep all night long.

For the quality of her sleep, she had no choice but to force him to sleep in the study room.

Mr. Qi suddenly frowned like a child, "But I can't sleep without you."

“I saw you slept well just now.”

“But I was woken up by that brat Ajin.”

 “Oh, then there’s nothing I can do.”

Mrs. Qi walked into the bedroom and closed the door with a bang.

 He was ruthlessly blocked from the door.

Mr. Qi’s face turned dark instantly.

 (End of this chapter)

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