She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 136: I want you to investigate

Chapter 136 I want you to investigate

 The next day.

Li Jiu received a brand new mobile phone.

There was also a message on the courier: The newly developed style is strong and resistant to falling. Boss, please take your time and use it.

Li Jiu:…

Isn’t it just a mobile phone?

   Why does it look like a new type of weapon?

    小三: Boss, Lin Yan has made new moves. ]

Just a few seconds after turning on the phone, the chat message popped up.

   九:Huh? ]

                                                           In the light of the incident, he gradually turned the wind towards the third master. ]

Li Jiu squinted her eyes. She had expected this situation a long time ago.

 In other words, Lin Yan's actions confirmed her previous thoughts.

   九: Don’t act rashly yet, just let him go. ]

       But what if I can’t control it? ]

   九: Don’t worry, it’s okay. ]

Li Jiu lowered his eyes, with an unclear look in his eyes, silently thinking about something in his heart.

 Suddenly, she took out her mobile phone.

 “Lao Liu, come out for a moment.”


 “Hello, Miss.” the waiter asked with a smile on his face.

This is a famous time-honored store in Dijing. Business is very hot and lively during the day.

Bai Muyou pushed up her sunglasses and lowered the brim of her hat to prevent others from recognizing her face, and whispered: "Where is Box 302?"

“Upstairs, please follow me.”

 Bai Muyou followed the waiter upstairs. As soon as he opened the door of the private room, he saw Li Jiu sitting there, playing with his mobile phone.

  She closed the door, took off her hat and eyes, exhaled a breath, and said resentfully: "Boss, why did you choose such a place? What if I am recognized?"

Li Jiu raised his eyes, looked at the armed Bai Muyou, and said, "Run away if you recognize him."

Bai Muyou rolled his eyes and sat down.

"You are really good at making sarcastic remarks. Will I be able to run away then?"

Li Jiu glanced at her lightly, "If you can't even escape, then your training is still too little."

Bai Muyou's face stiffened.

 She smiled bitterly and changed the subject: "Why do you have time to have dinner with me today?"

Li Jiu picked up the teapot at hand and poured himself a cup of tea.

 White mist rises and the fragrance of tea overflows.

 He took a sip and cleared his throat. He didn’t say his purpose. He just asked: “The private cuisine here is good. Is there anything you want to eat?”

Bai Muyou picked up the menu and ordered a few dishes.

 The food came out very quickly, it didn’t take long.

Bai Muyou was indeed hungry, so he picked up his chopsticks and started eating. While eating, he raised his head and asked Li Jiu, "Boss, what do you want from me?"

Li Jiu said: "I heard that you are going to Ancheng to film a movie recently."

Bai Muyou was stunned for a moment, nodded, then smiled, raised an eyebrow at Li Jiu, and said, "You are so familiar with my schedule, boss, aren't you a fan of mine?"

Li Jiu’s expression remained unchanged as he said, “I asked the mistress.”

The smile on Bai Muyou's face froze, and he curled his lips, feeling a little unhappy.


 She thought Li Jiu was really her fan.

Bai Muyou sighed. Sure enough, he still couldn't think too much.

She lowered her head and took a bite of the ribs, and said: "Sister He recently picked a script for me. I thought it was pretty good, so I accepted it. I will join the team in a few days, and the filming location will be in Ancheng."

Li Jiu hummed and said, "I heard that one of the investors in your crew is a man named Lin Yan."

After finishing speaking, Bai Muyou frowned slightly.

Li Jiu has never been interested in things in the entertainment industry.

 Even if it was about what movie she wanted to film or what award she would win, she never asked about it.

 How come you know so much this time?

Bai Muyou put down his chopsticks and asked in confusion: "Boss, what happened?"

Li Jiu looked up at her and said, "You know what happened on the Internet a few days ago, right?"

Bai Muyou's mouth twitched, "Is there anyone who doesn't know now?"

 The news of her engagement to Qi Jingci spread throughout the empire in just a few moments.

Qi Jingci is the man that women in the empire most want to sleep with!

  That's how she labeled it.

 Tsk tsk!

 Bai Muyou suppressed a smile: "Did you know that there are people on the Internet who are going to jump off the building because they can't think about the engagement between you and the third brother?"

Li Jiu’s eyes twitched, “That’s not what I meant.”


Li Jiu told what happened before.

Bai Muyou frowned, "So, there is something wrong with this Lin Yan?"


Bai Muyou frowned even more, "That Lin Yan doesn't know you, how could he..."

Li Jiu: "So I want you to investigate this Lin Yan."

 (End of this chapter)

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