She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 137: I've apologized

Chapter 137 I apologized

"This Lin Yan is an investor in your crew. It is easier for you to get close to him." Li Jiu said.

Bai Muyou nodded, "Okay, I understand."

 After saying that, she put down her chopsticks, took out a tissue and wiped her hands, then stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait a moment."

Bai Muyou paused for a moment.

Li Jiusu raised her hand, and a ray of silver light flew towards her.

Bai Muyou reached out and took it, opening his palm, there was a silver ring.

It is covered with dark lines, and there is also a "six" engraved on the inside.

Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows, "This..."

 Isn’t it sent to be improved?

“Lao Si added Lao Qi’s new poison to it.”

 Bai Muyou pinched the silver ring and felt a little funny, "No need, boss, I'm just investigating an ordinary person, there's no need..."

"in case."

Bai Muyou curled his lips and said, "Okay."

 She put the silver ring on her index finger, picked up the hat and sunglasses beside her, and said, "Let's go."


After Bai Muyou left, Li Jiu propped up his chin and took out another silver ring from his pocket that was exactly the same as the one just now.

It's just that "nine" is engraved on the inside of this one.

Li Jiu carefully stroked the silver ring, tapped her fingers, and pressed a button somewhere.

Yanhong’s lips came closer, she opened them gently, and said, “Inform the people in the third group and ask them to go with Lao Liu.”

“Captain, is it possible that Sixth Sister can’t handle that Lin Yan alone?”

The silver ring vibrated slightly, and an unfamiliar male voice came out.

Li Jiu: "What I mean is that when Lao Liu investigates Lin Yan, you look for new clues."

 She always felt that there was something deeper hidden behind this.

“...I’ll make arrangements right away once I know the captain.”

Li Jiu turned off the call, stood up and left.

While walking down the stairs, someone suddenly hit me on the back.

Li Jiu frowned, impatience flashed in his eyes, and turned around.


The girl who bumped into her apologized quickly, but while she said she was sorry, there was no apology in her eyes.

 She raised her head and glanced at Li Jiu. The next second, her eyes widened in surprise and said, "You, you are... Li Jiu?"

 She took a step closer to confirm.

A strong smell of perfume hit his face. Li Jiu frowned and stepped back half a minute.     “It’s really you!”

The girl turned around and shouted: "Ah Rong, come quickly! Look who this is?"

While shouting, he wanted to pull Li Jiu's sleeves to prevent her from leaving, but Li Jiu calmly avoided her.

Who is this?

Li Jiu couldn't stand the strong and pungent smell of perfume, so she started to leave.

However, the girl took the lead and blocked her way.

Li Jiu's eyes turned cold completely, and she said: "Get out of the way."

But the girl turned a deaf ear and kept winking behind her, "Ah Rong, look quickly, is this the third master's fiancée?"

 “Mingming, don’t mess around.”

There were gentle footsteps behind him, followed by a soft female voice.

Li Jiu looked sideways, and saw that the girl was extremely slender, her skin color was almost transparent white, and her face looked sickly.

  Nevertheless, her features are still very beautiful.

The girl named Mingming's eyes lit up, she ran over and hugged Yun Rong's arm, saying, "A Rong, is she right?"

Yun Rong patted her hand on his arm, glanced at her, and said, "Mingming, why are you stopping me? How rude."

 Leng Ming curled his lips.

Yun Rong looked at Li Jiu with apologetic eyes and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Li, Mingming didn't bump into you on purpose. Are you okay?"

Li Jiu raised her eyebrows. Does this person know her?


All of this is really thanks to Qi Jingci.

 Otherwise, she would not be so high-profile.

 “Miss Li.”

Yun Rong saw her lowering her head and didn't know what she was thinking. She said softly: "Miss Li, I'm really sorry."

 “Ah Rong, I’ve already apologized.” Leng Ming said.

 “Not sincere, apologize again.” Yun Rong turned to her and said.

Leng Ming bit her lip and turned her head to the side, refusing to do as she asked.


Yun Rong was about to say a few words to her, but Li Jiu suddenly said: "No need."

Yun Rong looked at her in surprise: "But..."

Li Jiu just glanced at the two of them lightly and said, "You have to use your eyes."

 The implication is that Leng Ming does not have eyes.

   Sorry, I’ve been too busy these days, plus Kevin, so there’s only one update today...



 (End of this chapter)

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