She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 143: child bride

Chapter 143 Child Bride

“So, she is your child bride?”

Li Jiu leaned against the wall, holding a lollipop in his mouth and his hands in his pockets, looking at Qi Mowei leisurely.

 “You guys are quite good at playing.”

Qi Mowei pursed her lips at Qi Anyan who was coaxing He Yao not far away, "She is his child bride and has nothing to do with me."

Li Jiu followed her gaze and said twice, "Can such a young person do this?"

Is it possible that Qi Anyan, the grandson of Qi's eldest son, looks gentle on the outside, but is actually a beast in disguise?


Qi Mowei's mouth twitched, "What are you thinking about? Ayan only treats her as a sister."

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows.

Qi Mowei sighed, "I don't know what to say..."

 Her eyes fell on He Yao, "Her mother is the cousin of Lu Qingran's mother, and she has some friendship with my mother."

Li Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth, what a complicated and tortuous relationship this is.

Qi Mowei also felt that it was a convoluted topic, so she simply did not introduce it and simply said concisely: "There was a problem with the He family back then. Her father wanted to ask the Lu family for help, but he ran into a wall. Finally, he came to our family and brought He Yao over and said She wants to be a child bride for us.”

 At this point, Qi Mowei sighed, "He Yao was only ten years old at that time! What the hell! Is he worthy of being a father?"

"We didn't agree, so he had no choice but to take He Yao and leave. Unexpectedly, the man became crazy."

Qi Mowei said angrily: "Later we heard the news that He Yao's mother committed suicide due to depression. She said she committed suicide, but in fact she was forced by that man. Before she died, she wrote a letter to my mother, begging us to take good care of He Yao. My mother brought her back.”

Li Jiu asked: "Then how come she became Qi Anyan's child bride?"

Qi Mowei's mouth twitched, "That girl grabbed An Yan's legs as soon as she came to our house, clamoring to be his wife."

 Li Jiu: “…”

"Yao'er, stop playing around. There must be a limit to your pranks."

Here, Qi Anyan is preaching to He Yao.

“If you really caught Miss Li just now, I’ll see how you end up with it.”

He Yao curled her lips and muttered in a low voice: "I won't choke..."


He Yao raised her head, smiled, looked at Qi Anyan with her almond-shaped eyes, and said, "Brother Anyan, I am sensible."

Qi Anyan frowned, "It's not a good idea to be cautious. Just put your things here for now. You can reflect on them."

 It’s easy to let her do harm to others.

He Yao wailed, "Brother An Yan doesn't want it, it's all my treasure!"

Qi Anyan was indifferent. Knowing that he was serious, He Yao could only purse her lips and say: "Okay..."

Seeing her like this, Qi Anyan's expression relaxed, he touched her head with his big hand, and asked: "How is it? Did you understand everything in today's class?"

He Yao's lips twitched, yes, this man is not only her brother and future husband, but also her class teacher.

Qi Anyan is a typical child from other families. His grades have been outstanding since he was a child. It is not an exaggeration to call him a genius.

 After arriving at university, he frantically completed all the credits and graduated early.

 After graduation, he did not join a company, but went to the best high school in Dijing to work as a teacher.

It's better to die than to die, he is her class teacher.

What kind of **** idol drama is this?

He Yao suddenly wilts, "It's okay..."

 She didn’t listen either.

Qi Anyan hummed, "The final exam is coming soon. You have to work hard. After dinner, I will take you back to school."

 He Yao: “…”

Since Li Jiu was coming to the house today, Qi Anyan specially asked for leave for her to come back for dinner.


 Can’t you just take a day off?

 What the **** are a few hours!

Her grades were so bad that she felt like she was hopeless.

 Can’t you just give up on me?

He Yao wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Yao'er, as long as you work hard, you will definitely be rewarded." Qi An said.

He Yao smiled with difficulty and swallowed the bowl of poisonous chicken soup from the class teacher.

 Life is not easy, I sigh every day.

 Why did she fall in love with such a big piece of wood?

 Normally she would always give hints, but he seemed not to notice and had no reaction at all.

What made her vomit blood even more was that ever since Qi Anyan became her class teacher, he had been keeping an eye on her while studying.

 Even the time after returning home is arranged to study.

 She just wanted to die!

 (End of this chapter)

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