She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 144: If you pretend to be a dramatist for a long time, it will become real.

Chapter 144 If you keep pretending for a long time, it will become real.

Qi Anyan walked up to Li Jiu with He Yao, whose head was drooping from the poisonous chicken soup.

 “Third Aunt.” Qi Anyan called.

Li Jiu: "...I am not your third aunt."

Qi Anyan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Sooner or later."

 Li Jiu: “…”

 “Third aunt!”

He Yao also called out.

 Li Jiu: “…”

She felt that the only advantage of being engaged to Qi Jingci was to quickly raise her seniority.

 Suddenly there was a nephew in his twenties and a niece of seventeen.

This feeling is not an ordinary sour feeling.

Li Jiu raised his forehead and said, "Just call me Ajiu."

Qi Anyan frowned, "This... is not good. Third uncle will tell us if he finds out."

 “Then let’s call him Mr. Jiu.”

 In short, don’t call her third aunt, she will be so scared.

Qi Anyan: “…”

 Why does he feel that this future third aunt is a bit social?

At this moment, Qi Mowei suddenly looked down at her phone, raised her head and said to Qi Anyan: "Anyan, Ajin is here and asked us to go down and help get things."


"have no idea."

Qi Mowei rolled her eyes, Qi Sijin was really good at it, he knew how to torment them.

 “Then let’s go.”

Qi Mowei hummed and said to Li Jiu before leaving: "Ajiu, you and Ayao go down first, dinner is about to begin."

Li Jiu nodded.

Seeing that both of them had left, Li Jiu also planned to go out. As soon as his hand touched the door handle, his eyes suddenly froze.

Li Jiu let go of the door handle and turned to the side.


One leg kicked on the door. The door was slightly dented and deformed, and there was a loud muffled sound.

 This shows how powerful this kick is.

Li Jiu's face instantly turned cold, and he said in a deep voice, "It's not over, is it?"

He Yao grinned at her, "Of course it's not over."

As soon as she finished speaking, she kicked Li Jiu from the side again.

Li Jiu's side.

 A wooden box next to him fell to the ground with a sound.

He Yao clenched her right hand into a fist and swung it at her with great strength.

Li Jiu took his time, stretched out his left hand, spread his fingers, and caught her fist.

 The two of them started fighting in the small attic.   To mess up the clutter that was originally neatly placed.

Li Jiu removed the strength from He Yao's fist, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Are you trying to tear down the house?"

 “I’m not Erha.”

He Yao kicked him again, but Li Jiu clamped his leg unexpectedly.

 She moved but couldn't break free.

He Yao: "..." has to be finished.

Sure enough, the next second, Li Jiu grabbed her ankle and threw her out.

He Yao rolled around on the ground a few times, trying to stabilize her body.

She stood up, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said, "I won't fight anymore."

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "Have you had enough fun?"

 “Enough fun.”

Li Jiu let out a cold chuckle.

He Yao's face stiffened, and then her almond-shaped eyes narrowed, "Isn't this just to test whether you have regressed in the past two years?"

Li Jiu crossed her chest and asked, "What next?"

He Yao smiled flatteringly, stretched out her thumb, and said: "The boss is worthy of being the boss, and his skills are still so powerful."

Li Jiupi smiled and said, "Really? But I feel like your skills have become weaker."

The smile on He Yao's face became even stiffer, "This...that..."


He Yao was about to cry: "Boss, you can't blame me! I can't even finish my homework every day, let alone train."

Li Jiu patted the dust on his sleeves from the fight and said, "San'er..."

This Erhuayin was so independent that He Yao trembled all over.

Li Jiu smiled: "If you pretend to be an actor for a long time, it will become a reality."

 “Boss, boss, I was wrong.”

He Yao really wanted to cry. Why couldn't she hold back and fight Li Jiu just now?

Li Jiu snorted coldly.

He Yao trembled all over and did not dare to speak.

After a long time, Li Jiu couldn't help it anymore and chuckled.

He Yao raised her head, showed a bright smile, and threw herself into Li Jiu's arms, "Boss! You miss me so much!"

Li Jiu dodged with accurate prediction, causing her to miss.

 “I don’t know you very well, so keep your distance.”

He Yao pursed her lips and looked aggrieved, "Boss, I'm so sad when you say that."

Li Jiu stretched out her hand and moved her wrist, "You can't take it back, can you?"

He Yao said seriously for a second, "Boss, Sixth Sister has arrived in Ancheng."

 (End of this chapter)

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