She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 148: Demonstrate personally

Chapter 148 Personal Demonstration

After blaming all the faults on Qi Jingci's face, Li Jiu's slightest feeling of strangeness disappeared.

He Yao didn't know what to say at this time.

 It’s been so many years.

 The boss is still the same boss.

 The familiar taste has not changed at all.

Even as a minor, she could tell that the atmosphere between the two was different.

 There are two righteous masters, one is duller than the other.

 Each one is more of an emotional idiot than the other.

 Seriously, if I can't beat him.

She really wanted to press the heads of these two people and ask.

If she didn't feel it, would the dignified and noble Flower of the High Mountains be as angry as a child?

If he didn't feel it, why would a grumpy man who would never beat anyone up if he said kill someone be willing to be a secretary for so long?

 Don’t you have any points or numbers in your mind?

He Yao felt tired.

She would like to say something sincerely on behalf of those humble CP fans on the Internet who are fighting their way out in the midst of abuse.

 You are really not qualified righteous people.

He Yao sighed silently in her heart.

Li Jiu was unaware of her thoughts and still lowered his head in deep thought.

 Suddenly, she thought of something and asked: "Lao San, are everyone else here?"

He Yao was stunned. The topic changed a bit too quickly.

In just a moment, she came to her senses and said: "Sixth sister, you have seen fourth brother, and the rest... tenth brother is still in Jiangcheng, and only eighth brother and seventh sister are abroad."

Li Jiu nodded and thought for a moment, "Let Lao Ba and Lao Ten not come for the time being."


Li Jiu's mouth showed an unpredictable arc, "Because... I want to cause trouble."


 “Xiaojiu, where have you been? I’m just waiting for you to have dinner.”

Li Jiu came back after chatting with He Yao. As soon as she entered the door, Mrs. Qi immediately pulled her to the dining table.

Li Jiu smiled apologetically at the others, "Sorry, the room is too stuffy. Let's go out and take a breath." Mr. Qi, who had not shown up in the study, waved his hand and said, "It's okay. Everyone is here, let's start dinner."

As Mr. Qi spoke, everyone became less restrained and began to move.

Qi Mowei and Li Jiu were right next to each other. As soon as they picked up a bite of food, they felt a chill coming from the opposite side.

 Looking up, sure enough, Qi Jingci was crossing his chest with his hands, looking at her indifferently.

Qi Mowei immediately dropped the food on her chopsticks.

She retracted her hand timidly, touched Li Jiu with her arm, and motioned her to look across.

 The meaning in his eyes is obvious, what is going on?

 Why does third brother keep staring at her?

 Li Jiu: How do I know what’s going on?

Qi Mowei: Could it be that...the third brother has taken a liking to the dish in front of me?

Li Jiu: Who knows?

Qi Mowei swallowed and pushed the dish in front of her forward slightly.

Qi Sijin, who was sitting next to Qi Jingci, saw this and immediately stretched out his chopsticks to the plate of food and said, "Thank you very much."

 Qi Mowei: “…”

He Yao, who had been paying attention to everything from the side, couldn't help but raise her forehead:...

   I lost my sight.

Qi Mowei, ah Qi Mowei, is this your professionalism as an assister?

Haven't you seen that Third Master is unhappy because you are sitting next to Li Jiu?

 Are your reflection arcs measured in light years?

 The organization expresses its disappointment in you.

He Yao felt that the eldest son of her family, a noble single nobleman, had been alone for so long and finally found someone who was slightly different to her.

 She must do her best to bring these two people together!

So, He·Assist No. 2·Yao planned to go into battle in person to set a correct example for Li Jiu.

 She lightly kicked Li Jiu under the table, earning a dangerous look from the latter.

He Yao raised her chin and motioned for her to look at him.

Then she picked up the chopsticks in her hand, picked up a large piece of braised pork, put it into Qi Anyan's bowl next to her, and said sweetly: "Brother Anyan, eat more, you are too thin."

Qi Anyan looked at the fat piece of meat in the bowl and fell into silence: "..."

This sudden maternal love caught him off guard.

Li Jiu reacted for a long time before finally understanding He Yao's wink, so he imitated her and put a piece of meat into Qi Mowei's bowl next to her, saying, "Eat."

 He Yao: “…”

 Qi Mowei: “…”

Qi Mowei is about to cry but has no tears. She is losing weight!

  The chapter from yesterday has been changed back



 (End of this chapter)

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