She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 149: five major families

Chapter 149 The Five Families

“Aci, why don’t you move your chopsticks?”

Zhao Yilan frowned when she saw Qi Jingci sitting there.

 “Is the food not to your liking?”

Qi Jingci heard this and replied: "No."

 “Then why don’t you eat?”

Qi Jingyuan snorted coldly: "If he doesn't eat, he's not hungry. A Lan, just ignore him."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Yilan's face darkened and she stepped on him hard.

"How do you talk? Is the third child your brother?"

Mrs. Qi also frowned and said, "Second brother, don't talk about third brother in such a shady manner."

 Qi Jingyuan: “…”

Zhao Yilan glanced at him fiercely, turned around and gave Qi Jingci a dish, and said with a smile: "Aci, I made it myself, try it quickly."

 The next second, Qi Jingyuan's face turned dark and his eyes were fixed on Qi Jingci.

It seems to be saying, I haven’t eaten the food my wife cooked yet!

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows slightly. Regardless of Qi Jingyuan's death gaze, he picked up the chopsticks and took a bite. He praised: "Second Sister-in-law's craftsmanship is still so good."

When Qi Jingci was young, because his second brother and sister-in-law were both teachers, he was sent to foster care by Mr. Qi, who wanted him to be nurtured by the intellectual atmosphere and restrained.

Who knows, in the end, Zhao Yilan completely doted on Qi Jingci as his son.

  Whatever is said depends on it.

Anyone who has a younger brother who is twenty years younger and looks so good will probably become a fan of his mother, right?

 So, Qi Jingyuan completely fell out of favor.

After that, the relationship between the two brothers was finally forged.

As long as Qi Jingci is around, Zhao Yilan will act like an old woman, completely ignoring her husband and son.

Just like now, Zhao Yilan happily served Qi Jingci with food, completely unaware that Qi Jingyuan's face next to him was so gloomy that he could shed tears.

 “Aci, come on, try this again.”

Zhao Yilan made another pass.

Qi Jingyuan's face turned a little darker, and his back molars were grinding back and forth, making a creaking sound.

The original elegance and bookishness in his body has disappeared.

He snorted coldly in his heart, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Qi Sijin who was eating happily. He suddenly lost his temper and kicked him.

Qi Sijin’s hand holding the chopsticks froze.

 Does this count as being shot while lying down?

Qi Jingyuan kept signaling with his eyes: Didn’t you see that your mother ignored you?

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows: When did she ever pay attention to me? Qi Jingyuan glared: Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and attract your mother’s attention!

Qi Sijin rolled his eyes: No, I can't rob the third uncle.

Qi Jingyuan was furious: Brat, that’s your mother!

Qi Sijin said calmly: Then she is still your wife.

Qi Jingyuan was so angry that his heart ached. He felt that his son was really disappointing, so he kicked him again.

Unexpectedly, the kick was wrong this time.

Qi Anyan had a stiff smile on his lips, feeling that his calf must be bruised.

 He looked at Qi Jingyuan: Second uncle, you kicked the wrong person.

 Qi Jingyuan: “…”

 Qi Sijin: “…”

Qi Jingyuan coughed lightly, trying to hide his embarrassment.

At this time, while serving Qi Jingci, Zhao Yilan finally caught a glimpse of her husband's unnatural expression from the corner of her eye and said, "What's wrong?"

Qi Jingyuan smiled slightly, retracted his expression and said, "It's nothing."

 There was a rare excitement at the dinner table.

The Qi family gathered together today, laughing and chatting as warmly as an ordinary family. They didn't look like a top wealthy family at all.

Mr. Qi ate quietly, looking up from time to time to see these juniors getting along with each other, with a smile in his eyes, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes could not help but deepen a little.

 It’s rare, they haven’t had a meal together for a long time.

Scenes like today’s are really rare.

 Just don’t know…

How long can this calm before the storm last?

Mr. Qi thought about this, his hands suddenly stopped, and a glimmer of light flashed deep in his eyes. It passed quickly, and no one noticed anything strange.

The Leng family, the Yun family, and the Ye family, those waiting in the dark and those exposed in the light, are all ready to make a move.

There seemed to be a pair of big hands behind this, trying to pull the Qi family into the water.

 Oh, and the Li family is also their target.

Mr. Qi sighed softly.

Nowadays, the world only knows that the two giant families in Imperial Capital are the Li family and the Qi family.

 A few people know it.

 In fact, a few decades ago, five major families coexisted in Imperial Capital?

 (End of this chapter)

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