She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 150: It's time for you to go to school

Chapter 150 It’s time for you to go to school

Mr. Qi's strangeness did not attract the attention of others.

He Yao, who was closest to him, glanced at him with an unclear expression. The next second, his eyes met with Li Jiu's in the air.

The eyes contain information that only two people can understand.

 Looks like the time has come.

He Yao lowered her head and picked at the food in the bowl. What Li Jiu said to her a few years ago suddenly flashed in her mind.

—“Everything originates from the Imperial Capital. Help me keep an eye on those people involved in this matter...or, the family.”

 Tsk tsk, the first bird is shot, the fun is about to begin.

“Second child, third child, come with me to the study room after dinner.” Mr. Qi suddenly said.

Everyone was stunned and didn't understand what he was going to do.

Qi Jingci nodded slightly, "Okay."

Qi Jingyuan also responded.

 After dinner, the two brothers followed Mr. Qi to the second floor.

He Yao took advantage of others not paying attention, quietly moved towards Li Jiu, and asked in a low voice: "Boss, what do you think Grandpa Qi wants to talk to them about?"

Li Jiu fiddled with the leaves of a pot of marigolds and said casually: "How do I know?"

He Yao narrowed her almond eyes and guessed: "It must be related to several other big families. I heard that they have been doing a lot of things secretly these days."

Li Jiu raised the corners of his lips and said softly, "Catch the turtle in the urn."

He Yao raised her eyebrows, "Yes."

With their behavior these days, they might want to bring down the Li family and the Qi family.

“San’er, tell me, who could be that turtle?”

He Yao smiled: "It can't be Grandpa Qi and Mr. Li anyway."

They are all experienced veterans, is it possible that they fell into trouble so easily?

Li Jiu pulled off a leaf with a strong hand and clicked his tongue, "Even you can see it."

He Yao’s mouth twitched.

“Boss, what do you mean, I am a genius with an IQ of over 200, okay?”

Li Jiu plucked off another leaf and turned to look at her: "The one with an IQ of over 200 is the first?"

He Yao: "...Who am I doing that for?"

If Li Jiu hadn't told her to keep a low profile, would she have answered the questions with her eyes closed every time in the exam?

So much so that brother An Yan now thinks she has something wrong with her brain.

As soon as he said this, He Yao felt confused. "Boss, I don't understand. Why do you have to hide it so much? Where did your domineering attitude of killing everyone when you dragged him until you had no friends?"

It's better now. She has become an illegitimate daughter. Her previous aura of chopping up anyone she didn't like is gone. She spends her whole day as a Buddhist to support her in old age and sleeps until she wakes up naturally.

Li Jiu’s eyes twitched, feeling that her image in previous years might have had a bad impact on her.

  …Children, don’t be so violent all day long.”

 Really, violence is bad.

 Look at her, ever since she came to the Imperial Capital, especially after meeting Qi Jingci.

 She felt that her tolerance was much greater.

 He Yao: “…”

He Yao: "Boss, have you forgotten that you were more violent than me when you were seventeen?"

Li Jiu’s old face stiffened: “…”


Li Jiu coughed lightly and glared at her, "Why are you mentioning those things?"

He Yao curled her lips and muttered in a low voice: "If the president knows that you are teaching me not to be violent now, he will definitely take you back to see a brain doctor."

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes dangerously, "What did you say?"

He Yao cleared her throat, "Boss, I mean, do we need to add fuel to the fire?"

Li Jiu hummed, "No need, just let nature take its course."

He Yao was confused, "But boss, aren't you in a hurry?"

 She was only one step away from the answer, how could she still remain calm?

Li Jiu moved his gaze to the pot of marigolds and said, "Why are you so anxious? I have been waiting for so many years."


He Yao asked: "What else can you say?"

Li Jiu glanced at Qi Anyan, who was walking towards her not far away, and said, "Besides, you should go to school."

As expected, the next second, Qi Anyan's voice was heard: "Yao'er, it's time, I'll take you back to school."

 He Yao: “…”

 boss, to be honest, I really want to tear down the school now. Do you think you can solve the follow-up problems?

 (End of this chapter)

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