She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 154: This person is difficult to deal with

Chapter 154: This person is difficult to deal with

Although it is true that Bai Muyou and Bai Yuxiu are siblings, she has been mostly abroad these years, and she does not know much about Bai Yuxiu's current situation in detail.

 She was skeptical about what Secretary Qiao said, and there was some similarity in it.

 After all, Fenghua Entertainment can be regarded as the leader of the imperial entertainment companies.

 How many people want to take the opportunity to build relationships, hoping to have their backs against the big tree of elegance.

But judging from the information she had previously investigated, Lin Yan did not look like this kind of person.

Bai Muyou frowned slightly, unable to figure out what he was going to do.

 “Ms. Bai, please come inside.”

Secretary Qiao led the way, opened the door of the box, and made an invitation gesture to her.

 The decoration in the box is not as luxurious and luxurious as imagined, but has a simple and elegant elegance.

There is an incense burner placed next to the hollow window, exhaling mist.

As soon as you enter the door, the strong aroma of tea hits your face.

Bai Muyou tightened his eyebrows again, a hint of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

Has Lin Yan investigated her specifically?

 Knowing that she doesn’t like tea, why would you invite her to a place like this?

 Yes, unlike Li Jiu, Bai Muyou particularly dislikes the bitter taste of tea.

  In contrast, she prefers the mellow aroma of spirits.

He Han followed her into the box, but was stopped by an arm.

 She raised her eyebrows and looked at Secretary Qiao.

“Ms. He, my boss invites Miss Bai to dinner. Isn’t it convenient for you to be here?”

“But Secretary Qiao, as Mu You’s agent, I must follow her to ensure her safety. This is my responsibility.”

Secretary Qiao frowned and asked, "Do you think the boss will be unfavorable to Miss Bai?"

"That was not what I meant."

 Secretary Qiao opened her mouth and was about to say something, but was interrupted by a voice.

 “Xiao Qiao, let Miss He stay, you go out first.”

Upon hearing this, Secretary Qiao immediately turned around and said, "Yes, boss."

Lin Yan walked towards Bai Muyou with two cups of tea, a very decent smile on his lips, and his dark blue suit fit snugly, highlighting his perfect body proportions. He has a slicked back hair and looks very energetic. The cufflinks with golden patterns on his cuffs and the silver chain hanging from the outside of his chest pocket make him look particularly elegant and gentlemanly.

Lin Yan handed a cup of tea to Bai Muyou, stretched out his hand, and said politely: "Please sit down."

 Then he turned to He Han and said, "Miss He, please sit down and try the tea I made."

He Han quickly said: "Okay, thank you, Mr. Lin."

"You're welcome."

Bai Muyou took off his glasses and sat opposite him, but did not drink the cup of tea.

Lin Yan chuckled and joked: "Ms. Bai, are you worried that I've poisoned the tea?"

The tone was very natural and familiar, as if they had known each other for a long time.

He Han couldn't help but frown. With Lin Yan's attitude, if she didn't know Bai Muyou's interpersonal relationships very well, she would really think that she had something to do with him.

Bai Muyou glanced at the still steaming porcelain cup and said directly: "I don't like tea."

There was a hint of surprise in Lin Yan's eyes, as if he didn't expect her to be so straightforward and not say any polite words.

This makes him inexplicably new to someone who has been immersed in shopping malls for many years and is used to flattering others.

He showed a smile and said, "Miss Bai is really different from your brother. He prefers to drink tea."


Bai Muyou's eyes flashed, and he asked casually, "Do you know Mr. Lin and my brother?"

 Lin Yan nodded, "We know each other, but not very well. We just worked together before."

Bai Muyou asked: "I just heard Secretary Qiao say that my brother is kind to you. What's going on?"

Lin Yan was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't react.

After a few seconds, he laughed and cursed: "Why does this little Qiao have no way of keeping his mouth shut? He talks about everything outside."

Bai Muyou refused to comment.

Lin Yan raised his eyes and looked at Bai Muyou. There was a shrewdness in his eyes that belonged to a businessman, but he concealed the cunning in them very well.

From the first sentence he spoke just now, Bai Muyou knew that this person would be difficult to deal with.

 (End of this chapter)

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