She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 155: The food is delicious

Chapter 155 The food is delicious

While Bai Muyou and Lin Yan were having a "happy chat", a plane took off from Imperial Capital and landed safely at Anseong Airport.

 There are people coming and going in the airport, and the noise is mixed with electronic prompts.

Jingyi parked the car at the exit, came to Qi Jingci and said, "Sir, the hotel is ready."

Jing Er also walked up to Qi Jingci and said, "Sir, all the partners are waiting."

Qi Jingci nodded slightly and turned to ask Li Jiu beside him: "Do you want to come with me to discuss cooperation or go back to the hotel?"

Li Jiu took off his headphones and yawned. A few drops of crystal overflowed from the corners of his eyes and said, "Go back to the hotel."

 After a day's flight, she was almost exhausted.

 Why do we still need to talk about work?

Li Jiu glanced at Qi Jingci secretly. He was really a model worker and had great energy.

 After being on the plane for so long, I didn’t even take a break. I had to go to work after getting off the plane.

 Tsk tsk tsk.

Seeing that she was a little listless, Qi Jingci didn't force her. He just nodded and said, "Jing Yi, take her to the hotel."

 Then he lifted his feet and walked in the other direction.

 “Yes, sir.”

Jing Er walked to Li Jiu, picked up her suitcase, and said, "Madam, let's go."

Li Jiu suddenly glanced at him, and that look was something he had never seen before.

Jingyi swallowed and didn't understand why Li Jiu looked at him like this.

 “What did you call me?”

 “Husband…” Man.

 Before he could say the word "人", he was already pinned to the spot by Li Jiu's eyes.

Li Jiu narrowed her eyes dangerously, with a cold light in her eyes, "Don't call me madam."

Jing Yiyi froze and asked, "Ah? Then, what is it called?"

 “Call me.”


 Jing Yi was very efficient and it didn’t take long for Li Jiu to check in.

The room is a presidential suite, and only one room has been booked.

Jingyi put down her suitcase and left.

Li Jiu opened the suitcase, took out a set of pajamas and entered the bathroom.

By the time she came out, her eyelids were so sleepy that she fell directly onto the bed and fell asleep.

Twilight is gradually rising, and the night outside the window is woven on the treetops and roofs, until it covers the earth.

 In the dark room, through the neon light outside the window, you can vaguely make out the bulge on the bed.

  “Hmm…”     There was a cry and a shallow gasp in the darkness.

Li Jiu reached to the side and turned on the light.

 The warm yellow light suddenly turned on, and she squinted her eyes uncomfortably.

After a few seconds of reaction, I caught a glimpse of the dark night outside the window and realized how long I had slept.

 She took the phone and opened it to see twenty-three unread messages and three missed calls.

 They are all Qi Jingci.

 Li Jiu: “…”

Just when she was debating whether to answer him or not, the sound of the door opening suddenly came from outside.

Li Jiu was stunned for a moment, got up and walked out of the master bedroom.

Qi Jingci just opened the door and walked in, holding a convenience bag in his hand.

In an instant, the rich aroma of food penetrated Li Jiu's nose.


Qi Jingci suddenly looked up at her.

Li Jiu subconsciously touched his belly, looking a little embarrassed.

  After being on the plane for a whole day, I didn’t even take a bite of the awful airplane food.

 After arriving at the hotel, I slept for so long without eating anything.

 I’m really hungry.

 “Why don’t you answer my call?”

Qi Jingci put on his slippers and put the food he had brought back on the table.

Li Jiu said: "I'm sleeping."

 She watched Qi Jingci take out all the food and put it on the table, and couldn't help but ask, "Why did you come back so late?"

Qi Jingci looked at the time and said, "After the cooperation talks were over, those people had a dinner party."

 “Oh.” Li Jiu said lightly.

Qi Jingci saw that she was obviously very hungry but still managed to remain calm, and an imperceptible smile flashed across her light gray eyes.

“I called you so many times but you didn’t reply. I knew you were asleep and I brought you a meal. Are you touched?”

Li Jiu nodded and muttered: "Dare to move."

After saying that, she sat down, picked up her chopsticks, and started eating.

Not to mention, the meals Qi Jingci brought back are really delicious.

 (End of this chapter)

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