She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 156: Have a good sister

Chapter 156 I have a good sister

Li Jiu, with her mouth bulging, asked Qi Jingci vaguely: "Have you finished talking about everything?"

Qi Jingci sat down, picked up a pair of chopsticks, and started eating with her.

At the dinner just now, he didn't use his chopsticks much. Now seeing how delicious she was eating, he seemed a little hungry.

 “Not yet, there is someone I want to meet tomorrow.”


 “Do you have any plans for tomorrow?” Qi Jingci asked.

He knew that Li Jiu didn't like to talk about business, but it wouldn't be a good idea to leave her alone in the hotel.

After all, no one knows her in Ancheng. If someone messes with her without the foresight, she will accidentally beat them to death.


Qi Jingci hummed and said in a low voice, "Then come with me to talk about work tomorrow."

 It is safer to let her watch under his nose.

Li Jiu thought about it and felt it didn’t matter, so he said, “Okay.”


Over there, Bai Muyou also said goodbye to Lin Yan.

"It's already so late, why don't I see you off in person?" Lin Yan said.

 There was concern in his eyes, as if he was afraid that something would happen to the two girls.


Bai Muyou refused without hesitation.

She asked him to take her back so late. Did she think she didn't have enough hot searches?

 One of the richest men in Ancheng and an investor in the production personally sent her back to the production.

 What kind of **** storm will it cause if the protection is not complete?

He Han said from the side: "Mr. Lin, our car has arrived, no need to trouble you."

When the words came to this point, Lin Yan could only say: "Okay."

The two got into the nanny car. Lin Yan waved to them through the car window and followed them with his eyes until the nanny car disappeared from sight.

The smile on Lin Yan's lips became much lighter and he asked: "Did you take pictures of everything?"

Secretary Qiao appeared behind him at some point and said, "It was filmed."

 “Then let it go.”

Secretary Qiao was a little worried, "Boss, just based on a few photos, maybe..."

Lin Yan suddenly smiled and asked, "What kind of person do you think Bai Muyou is?"

Secretary Qiao was stunned and replied: "A... eldest lady."

He has a somewhat indulgent temperament and a domineering arrogance in his bones. She is a typical wealthy lady who is pampered to the extreme.

"So..." Lin Yan said: "This young lady doesn't care about this, do you understand?"

He didn’t point it out, but Secretary Qiao’s eyes suddenly lit up.

 “I understand boss.”

Lin Yan hummed, and then the corners of his lips raised, revealing a smile of unknown meaning.

“Bai Yuxiu, you really have a good sister.”

 There is someone who can be his weakness, a good sister!


 The next day, Li Jiu stood at the door of the hotel carrying her black backpack, looking at the man in the driver's seat.

 “Where did Jingyi go?”

Isn’t it always Jingyi who drives?

 Why did he come today?

Qi Jingci said: "I asked him to do something."


Li Jiu made a circle and opened the passenger door.

“This is my first time riding in a car driven by you.” Li Jiu looked at Qi Jingci and said with emotion.

Qi Jingci rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing his graceful arms.

 “Fasten your seat belt, I have no guarantee about my driving skills.”

Li Jiu’s mouth twitched. Is this person reliable?

 If it’s not reliable, why don’t you let her come?

 It was impossible to get her to come.

The moment Li Jiu put on his seat belt, the car rushed out like an arrow from the string.

On the road, the wind came in through the gaps around the car window, making Li Jiu shiver.

Qi Jingci raised the temperature of the air conditioner and clicked on a piece of music. Then he put his hands on the steering wheel and tapped it regularly with his long, jade-like index finger.

 The familiar melody flows like clear water.

Immediately afterwards, a low, magnetic and **** voice sounded, vaguely like a man or a woman, and there seemed to be deep sadness hidden in it, which made people couldn't help but resonate.

Li Jiu looked stunned, and his expression seemed to be blank for a moment.

 She turned to look at Qi Jingci, surprise flashed in her eyes.

 “Do you like ze?”

 (End of this chapter)

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