She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 195: stay a few more days

Chapter 195: Stay for a few more days

"Have you forgotten what I said?" Lin Yan asked coldly.

 Lin Yao remained silent.

“Why should I ask you to seduce Ji Huai, don’t you have any idea? MZ and SR each have their own place in the imperial capital, and their power is equally divided. If you get Ji Huai, it means that we will have a big help.”

Lin Yao retorted: "But wouldn't it be the same if I became the third master's girlfriend?"

Lin Yan snorted coldly from his nostrils, with sarcasm in his eyes, "Being Third Master's girlfriend? Who do you think you are? Don't say that I belittle you. If it weren't for you being my sister just now, even if you were naked and standing on the Third He won’t even look at you in front of me.”

Being ridiculed so bluntly, Lin Yao's face turned blue and white.


“Right now, be Ji Huai’s girlfriend and help me gain his trust.”

Lin Yao hummed, "Trust? He only uses me."

If she hadn't followed Lin Yan's instructions and showed Ji Huai some things he wanted, I'm afraid he wouldn't have taken her seriously.

“Using something is better than having nothing at all. As long as you have what he wants, he won’t quarrel with you.”

Lin Yao stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "I understand."

 After saying that, she raised her feet and turned around.

“Lin Yao, don’t forget, your mother is still waiting for you.”

Lin Yao paused suddenly, clenched his hands tightly into fists, and finally relaxed his grip.

 “I know.” She tried to keep her voice steady.

Her mother has been in his hands all these years, and she has been controlled tightly by him, leaving no room for resistance.

Lin Yao bit his lower lip, feeling powerless in his heart, and complicated emotions flashed in his eyes.

 If...if she could be stronger.

 Perhaps he won’t be so passive!

She glanced vaguely at the direction Qi Jingci left.

 There is a very good opportunity now, it depends on whether she can seize it!

Lin Yao lowered his hands to his sides and shook them briefly, as if he had made up his mind.


Li Jiu and Qi Jingci returned to the hotel, had lunch together first, then packed their luggage and set off for the airport.

The weather in the south has always been complicated and changeable. It was sunny just now, and soon, thin raindrops fell from the sky. Jingyi closed the car window, and the fine raindrops hit the glass, forming winding traces and sliding down.

Li Jiu put his arms behind his head, tilted his head and looked outside, and said: "The weather is not good, it started to rain just as I was about to go back. It looks like I have to stay here for a while."

Qi Jingci raised his head when he heard this: "Didn't Mr. Li urge you to go back?"

Li Jiu thought for a moment and said, "Although grandpa urges me to go back, it's probably nothing serious, so I'll just stay for two more days."

The old man is still in the Imperial Capital with Li Chen and Li Muye, what could happen?

Qi Jingci nodded, "Well, let's turn around and go back to the hotel first."

Jing Yiyi, who was driving in front, said: "Yes, Master."

 As he said that, he was about to turn around.

 “Oh, wait!”

Li Jiu suddenly stopped him.

Jingyi stopped suddenly, "What's wrong, madam?"

Li Jiu looked at Qi Jingci and said, "If you don't want to go back to the hotel, let's go somewhere first."


 “Floating bar.”


Jing Yi looked at Li Jiu in astonishment, why are you going to a bar in broad daylight?


 “Stop talking nonsense, hurry up.”

Qi Jingci glanced at him and said, "Do as she said."

Jing Yi seemed to have just reacted, "...Oh! Okay."

 (End of this chapter)

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