She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 196: Head of house

Chapter 196 Head of the Household

The car stopped steadily on the side of the road, and Li Jiu opened the door and got out.

The bar is very low-key because it is daytime and the door is tightly closed.

If it weren't for the "Closed" sign hanging on the door, one would have thought it was an empty store.

 “You wait here for me for a while.”

Li Jiu bent down, put his hands on the car window and said goodbye to Qi Jing.

Unexpectedly, Qi Jingci suddenly opened the door and got out of the car.

Li Jiu staggered and almost lost his balance.

 “I’ll accompany you in.” Qi Jing said.

 “But when I go in...”

Li Jiu looked into Qi Jingci's calm eyes and swallowed the words he was about to say.

 “Forget it, just follow.”

 There is nothing to hide anyway.

With this in mind, Li Jiu turned around and entered the bar.

The light was very dark, and the windows everywhere were covered with dark curtains. The sunlight was blocked out without any leakage.

Li Jiu walked around the messy tables and chairs with ease and went straight to the bar. He stretched out his hand and knocked on it, saying, "Is there anyone there?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a uniformed waiter yawned and emerged from under the bar.

He struggled to open his eyes, and after seeing Li Jiu and Qi Jingci clearly behind her, he said, "Are you sick? Are you coming to the bar in broad daylight?"

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "I'm looking for your boss."

The waiter replied nonchalantly: "The boss is not here, please come back next time..."

His eyes suddenly opened wide in an instant, and he looked at the card Li Jiu took out in disbelief, with astonishment written all over his face.

He glanced at Li Jiu in horror, swallowed, and his voice was trembling: "You, you are..."

Li Jiu repeated it again: "I said, I want to find your boss."

 “Okay, okay, please wait a moment.”

The waiter tremblingly picked up the phone next to him. After a few seconds, he tried hard to suppress his excitement, smiled, and said, "Boss, please come up. Please follow me." After saying that, he made a With gestures, he led Li Jiu and Qi Jingci to the second floor.

If the style on the first floor was low-key, then the second floor is unabashedly luxurious.

The top-notch decoration can be seen everywhere, exuding a luxurious atmosphere all the time, and inexplicably feels like a nouveau riche.

Apparently, this bar owner has quite unusual taste.

 The waiter led the two of them outside a private room.

 “You two, this is it.”

Li Jiu hummed, waved his hand, and asked the waiter to leave.

Then, she suddenly raised her leg, kicked it out, and kicked open the door of the box.

 The flowing movements made Qi Jingci behind him secretly speak.

There was a loud bang, and as the door of the box was kicked open, the fat body of the person inside shook violently and shrank back like a quail.

Seeing Li Jiu coming in fiercely, he weakly shouted: "Master..."

Li Jiu sat on the sofa opposite him, crossed her legs casually, and asked, "What are you doing to yourself? Are you so afraid of me?"

 “I, I, no, no…”

The man stammered and couldn't speak clearly.

He looked up and saw Qi Jingci who had followed Li Jiu in. He was immediately puzzled: "Master, this is..."

Hearing the man's name for Li Jiu, Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

 The next second, his idea was confirmed.

"Mo Huai, haven't you been following Mo Sang to deal with Jing Junyue recently? Why can't you recognize the real master when you see him?" Li Jiu's lips did not curl up, and his tone was indifferent.

As soon as these words came out, the color on Mo Huai's face instantly faded, leaving only a pale white complexion.

His whole body seemed to have suddenly lost all strength, and he sat down on the ground with a plop. His back felt cold and a thin layer of sweat broke out.

Mo Huai looked at Qi Jingci as if he had seen a ghost, "You, you, you! Jing, Jing Junyue?!"

 (End of this chapter)

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