She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 202: a rock

Chapter 202 A Stone

Li Jiu felt that she did suspect that the relationship between Lin Yan and Mo Sang was more than just cooperation, but she never expected that Lin Yan was actually the person behind Mo Sang.

"That's right! I once saw them having a secret conversation in the room. I don't know what they were talking about, but Mo Sang's attitude towards Lin Yan was clearly that of a subordinate towards his superior."

Mo Huai was worried that Li Jiu wouldn't believe it, so he explained eagerly.

Li Jiu touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

I really didn’t realize that Lin Yan was hiding so deeply?

Qi Jingci also squinted his eyes, and a dark light flashed across his eyes.

 “What else do you know?” Qi Jingci asked.

Mo Huai thought about it carefully, and suddenly, he seemed to remember something, "Mo Sang seems to have something that Lin Yan wants in his hand."


“I don’t know exactly, but it seems like...a stone?”

Li Jiu frowned, "Stone?"

Mo Huai showed an uncertain expression.

"It should be, after all, the Mo family's minerals are in the hands of Mo Sang, but speaking of it, I have never seen that kind of ore before."

Qi Jingci asked: “What kind?”

Mo Huai scratched his head and looked troubled, "I was also peeking at it, but I didn't see it clearly. I only knew that the stone seemed to have lines on it."

 Stones with texture?


Li Jiu’s eyes suddenly changed, and something flashed through his mind.

 Stone...Lin Yan...Qian?

 Money? !

Almost instantly, all the trivial and vague clues in Li Jiu's mind were connected.

That stone is probably...

Li Jiu lowered his eyes, his face so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip from his face.

 The slender white fingers clenched tightly, making a small sound, and the breath around him became depressed.

 Damn it, why did she think of it?

 She should have been alert when she found out that Lin Yan had nothing to do with Qian.

This Lin Yan is really good!

 How dare you do such a thing in front of her!

Li Jiu took a few deep breaths to calm down her breathing. Afraid of being seen out, Li Jiu glanced at Qi Jingci subconsciously, only to find that the latter also had his eyes slightly lowered and seemed lost in thought.

“Qi Jingci?” Li Jiu called tentatively.

Qi Jingci turned around, his expression returned to its previous state, "Huh? What's wrong?"

Li Jiu sighed softly and said: "It's nothing, it's getting late, let's go back first."

Qi Jingci nodded.

As for Mo Huai, because he provided such an important clue, Li Jiu did not hand him over to Qi Jingci for the time being, but had him taken away.

The two of them left the bar. The rain had stopped outside, and there was still a damp smell in the air.

Jingyi was leaning on the hood of the car, bending over to smoke. When he saw the two of them coming out, he immediately put out the cigarette in his hand.

 “Sir, madam.”

 “Go back to the hotel.”


 Along the way, Li Jiu was very quiet and said nothing. He kept his head down and didn't know what he was thinking.

Qi Jingci noticed something was wrong with her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Jiu raised his head, his eyes confused, "Huh?"

“You have been silent since Mo Huai said those words just now. Why, is there anything wrong with his words?”

Qi Jingci looked at Li Jiu with his eyes. When he said this, his tone was calm, nothing unusual, but there was a feeling of temptation for no reason.

Li Jiu blurted out naturally: "There is a problem, and it is a big problem."


"Lin Yan, although I have not been in contact with him for more than a week, I also know that he is an out-and-out interest-oriented person. He has become the person behind Mo Sang, and he must have made many suggestions for him. Just for a stone, it’s unbelievable no matter how you think about it.”

Hearing this, Qi Jingci lowered his eyes and twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling amused by the suspicion that flashed through his mind just now.

how can that be possible.

 (End of this chapter)

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