She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 203: Brother An Yan also wants to give me extra lessons.

Chapter 203: Brother An Yan still wants to give me extra lessons

 “So what are you going to do?” The doubts in his heart disappeared, and Qi Jingci asked with his lips raised.

Li Jiu leaned back, stretched out his right hand to rest on the back of his head, and said, "The soldiers are coming to block the water and cover up the soil. I want to see what kind of medicine Lin Yan sells in the gourd."

The weather in the south has always been erratic. As soon as we returned to the hotel, the sky was filled with dark clouds.

The rain kept falling until midnight, so they could only stay in Ancheng for one more night.

 Early the next morning, Qi Jingci had someone book the earliest flight back to the Imperial Capital.

The moment the plane landed, Li Jiu, who had slept all the way, slowly woke up, rubbed his eyes in confusion, and said, "Are we here?"

Qi Jingci: "Yeah."

 “Why didn’t you call me?”

Qi Jingci glanced at her lightly, "Can I wake you up?"

She fell asleep so hard along the way that she didn't wake up even after hitting her head on him countless times.


After leaving the airport, Li Jiu took out her mobile phone, looked down at the several missed calls that the old man had made to her, and said to Qi Jingci: "Grandpa is looking for me, I'm going back first, no need to send him off."

After saying that, he took the suitcase from Jing Yi who was following behind him, turned around and left alone, and gradually disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

Jingyi was a little confused, "Master, where are we going now?"

"back office."


Li Jiu was walking on the street, dragging the suitcase with one hand and pressing the buttons with the other, and called Mr. Li back.

 “Hello, grandpa.”

"It's Xiaojiu, are you back?" Mr. Li's voice sounded in a good mood.


 “Is Xiaoci with you?”

Li Jiu stopped and looked at the red light not far ahead. He said calmly, "He has something to do, so he should leave early."

“Then do you need me to send someone to pick you up?”

“No need, I just have to go find someone, so I won’t go home yet.”


After explaining to Mr. Li, Li Jiu hung up the phone and raised his hand to stop a taxi.

 “Go to the Affiliated No. 1 Middle School.”

 The No. 1 Affiliated Middle School, whose full name is Teikyo University Affiliated Middle School, is the high school with the best teachers in Teikyo University.

He Yao is studying here. At the gate of the First Affiliated Lieutenant Colonel, Li Jiu was leaning on a telephone pole on the side of the road, with her suitcase lying at her feet.

It’s lunch break now, and she has an hour of free time. The students entering and leaving the school keep looking at her with strange expressions in their eyes.

Li Jiu didn't care. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "Come out."

Two minutes later, He Yao, wearing her school uniform, hurriedly ran out of the school gate and stood in front of her, bent over and breathing heavily.

 “Boss, why are you here?”

Li Jiu stood up straight, took back her phone, and looked at her steadily, "I remember you have a rental house nearby."

He Yao nodded, "Yes."

That was what she planned to use as a temporary base, and it was very close to the school.

Li Jiu picked up the suitcase and said to her: "Let's go to your rental house."


 He Yao's face suddenly showed astonishment.

“But boss, brother An Yan will give me tutoring later!”

Even if the rental house is close, it will take more than ten minutes to go back and forth, but Brother Anyan only gives her five minutes to rest. How can she come in time?

But Li Jiu didn't give her a chance to refuse and directly dragged her away.

“As for your grades, it doesn’t matter whether you make up for them or not.”

He Yao: "..." That's too much.

Whether He Yao wanted to refuse or not, it was useless now because she had been dragged along several streets by Li Jiu.

Finally arrived at the rental house, He Yao leaned against the wall, almost breathing out her heart, liver and lungs.

 Oh my God, she hasn’t walked this much in a long time.

  And that’s even while carrying such a big suitcase.

He Yao took out the key and opened the door while looking at Li Jiu sadly.

 Boss, how could you bear to enslave an underage girl like this?

 However, Li Jiu said that she was very tolerant.

 And when he entered the room, he glanced sideways at He Yao and said disgustedly: "It seems you should strengthen your training."

 Walking this far would mean death.

 He Yao: “…”

 (End of this chapter)

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