She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 204: Li Jiu: I want monitoring from the institute

Chapter 204 Li Jiu: I want the monitoring of the institute

He Yao cried sadly, "Boss! I am a mental worker, okay?"

Li Jiu stepped into the house. Although the house was not big, it had everything needed and was neatly arranged, as if someone came to clean it frequently.

He Yao put the suitcase at the door, raised her head and held her waist and asked: "Boss, what are you going to do?"

Li Jiu turned around and said, "I remember you seem to have a computer here."

"Yes, I have."

As a hacker, that is a must.

Li Jiu raised her lips and smiled, "Help me check something."

He Yao's lips twitched when she heard this.

It's just to check something, why do you have to go all the way to her small rental house? Isn't the Internet cafe opposite the school nice?

 But there was no other way, after all, He Yao could only take out the computer without any complaints.

 “Boss, what are you looking for?”

“Surveillance video of the Association Research Institute.”


 He Yao almost choked to death on her own saliva.

Her pupils suddenly widened, she looked at Li Jiu in horror, and her tone of voice could not help but rise: "What did you say? Research Institute?"

Li Jiu nodded, making sure she heard correctly, "Yes."

He Yao swallowed her saliva with lingering fear and said: "Boss... are you kidding me?"

Is it possible to look at that thing casually?

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked at her calmly, "Do you think I'm joking?"

“But boss, that is against the rules. If the president finds out, I will definitely not be able to escape from the dark room for two months!”

He Yao just wanted to cry to death. Why did their boss always act so irrationally and cheat on his teammates?

  Every time you do something like this, it will bring them all down with them.

The previous few times were some outrageous things, but this time it’s better. Should the association’s expressly prohibited regulations treat it as a decoration?

“And it’s easy to find out if you just check the institute’s videos.”

"Don't you call yourself the number one hacker? You can't even do this?" He Yao: "..."

Isn’t this the same thing?

If something goes wrong with the institute's surveillance, the people from the association won't be able to find out who did it. The president would know it was her even if he thought with his feet!

Isn’t it obvious to tell people this!

He Yao was about to cry but had no tears. She almost knelt down in front of Li Jiu, "Boss, you have to tell me why you insist on checking the institute's surveillance, right?"

Li Jiu lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes casting a shadow. After a while, she said: "Look...which mole is so bold..."

He Yao frowned, "What?"

 The mole?

 Is there a mole in the association?

 “Boss, what is going on?”

Seeing that Li Jiu looked strange, He Yao also put away her playful smile and said seriously: "The mole you are talking about means..."

Li Jiu raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were dark and seemed to be full of emotions.

"Lao San." She said, "The strange stone...may have been taken away by people from the Mo family."


He Yao jumped up in shock.

She couldn't believe that this was true, but when it came out of Li Jiu's mouth, she had to believe it even if she didn't believe it.

“You are saying that the Mo family has a mole in the association, and that mole also stole the strange stone?”

He Yao suddenly remembered the previous auction, "Could it be the exotic stone that the man named Qian brought out at the previous auction?"

Li Jiu nodded, "It's very possible."

He Yao's face suddenly changed, and she was furious: "Them! How dare they?!"

  It’s so random!

“Boss, have you told the president about this?”

Li Jiu said: "Not yet, don't worry."

He Yao was shocked: "Isn't this urgent?"

People have provoked you right under your nose, why are you still in a hurry?

 (End of this chapter)

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