She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 205: As long as you can take a leave of absence

Chapter 205 As long as you can take a leave of absence

Li Jiu said: "If the president knows, some people will also know."

He Yao frowned. The president is not clean around him?


Li Jiu didn’t say much.

 “You need to adjust the institute’s monitoring first.”

He Yao nodded, "Okay."

She took out her computer and typed on the keyboard with both hands quickly and flexibly. A bunch of incomprehensible codes kept flashing on the screen.

 A few seconds later, as she hit the last key, a video appeared on the screen.


He Yao said: "This is the monitoring for that period of time you want. It's all here, but..."


He Yao asked: "How are you sure that the inner ghost did it at that time?"

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and explained: "The strange stones in the institute will be re-marked at certain intervals. The previous one has this date on it."

He Yao suddenly realized, no wonder Li Jiu was so sure.

She smiled and said: "Boss, I'm convinced by you too."

They all just use the strange stones directly. Who would be free to check if there are any marks on them?

 Only Li Jiu is so perverted that he can even clearly remember the latest date marked on the strange stone.

Li Jiu glanced at her and said, "I thought photographic memory was a normal human reaction."

 He Yao: “…”

That's your normal reaction, right?

Li Jiu ignored He Yao's rolling eyes and stared at the surveillance camera tightly, not missing any detail.

Suddenly, Li Jiu stretched out his slender index finger, pointed at the person in the center of the screen who was wearing a white coat and couldn't see his face, and said, "Check who he is."

He Yao looked in the direction she pointed and said, "Okay."

The fingers jumped quickly on the keyboard, and almost instantly, the person's information appeared in front of Li Jiu's eyes.

“Boss, this is the information I found from the association’s archives.” Hearing this, Li Jiu raised a smile and patted her shoulder with appreciation.

 “Okay, I know you are still of some use.”

She is the only one who can sneak into the association's archives and retrieve information so quickly without anyone noticing.

He Yao’s lips twitched:…

 So she is just a tool, right?

She looked at Li Jiu sadly, her tone a little aggrieved: "Boss, you dragged your suitcase all the way to come to me, just to make it easier for me to check information?"

Li Jiu scanned the person's information and replied casually: "What else do you think?"

He Yao: hurts my heart.

In Li Jiu's heart, is she only of this use?

 “Oh, by the way, you have other uses.”


"Help me inform Lao Shi and accompany me to Szhou the day after tomorrow."

He Yao’s eyes twitched, and a black line slid down her forehead.

 Very good, she is the number one hacker, but now she has been reduced to a correspondent.

“Boss, why don’t I go with you? Lao Shi has been in retreat recently to write songs and find inspiration. It’s better not to disturb him.” He Yao suggested.

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked at her with interest: "Do you want to go?"

He Yao’s eyes were bright and she nodded quickly.

 She was almost suffocated in school. If she didn't go out for a breath of fresh air, she would really suffocate to death!

Li Jiu saw the longing look on her face, raised her lips and smiled softly, saying: "Okay."

He Yao was happy.

Unexpectedly, Li Jiu's voice changed and he said, "As long as your brother An Yan can approve your leave."

However, this probability is approximately zero.

He Yao's face fell.

 (End of this chapter)

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