She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 207: Large biochemical site

Chapter 207 Large Biochemical Site

He was relieved to know that the two of them got along well.

 After all, this marriage contract was brokered by their elders. If the two people are not in harmony, it is their fault.

 The night is getting darker, the fog climbs up the window, and a warm yellow light shines through the bedroom on the second floor.

Li Jiu was lying on the bed, talking on the phone with Qi Mowei.

“Ajiu, how have you and your third brother been playing these two days?”


Qi Mowei rolled her eyes, and her tone was full of ridicule: "What do you mean it's okay? I saw the third brother came back with a smile on his face, and said, what have you been doing these two days?"

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and smiled? Qi Jingci?

"Did you see it wrong, or was it because of something else?" Li Jiu said.

 When we were in Ancheng, we didn’t see him in a good mood?

 Why are you smiling so much?

Qi Mowei made a sound and said, "I'm not wrong. I think Third Brother has been having a lot of fun lately."

"so what?"

Qi Mowei covered her mouth and chuckled: "So I think you will become my third sister-in-law soon."

Li Jiu glared for a moment, and then said: "You'd better care about yourself first."

Qi Mowei curled her lips and said, "I don't have a boyfriend, why do you care about me?"

 “Then find one.”

Qi Mowei twitched the corner of her mouth, "Sister, do you think that when you fall in love, it's like you and the third brother do, and it's all assigned?"

Hearing this, Li Jiu smiled slightly and said, "That's not certain."

Qi Mowei frowned, not understanding what she meant.

Just when I was about to ask, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Ajiu, I won't tell you anymore, someone is looking for me."

After saying that, Qi Mowei hung up the phone.

  She lifted off the quilt, stood up, put on her shoes and went to open the door. Standing outside the door was Qi Sijin. He was wearing black pajamas, with a loose collar, revealing a large piece of white collarbone. His hair was wet and dripping, draped casually behind his back. He had obviously just taken a shower.

Seeing that it was him, Qi Mowei leaned against the door and raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why are you knocking on the door if you don't sleep at night?"

Qi Sijin put his hands in his pockets, narrowed his light green eyes slightly, and asked, "Did you cook something?"

Qi Mowei nodded. She didn't eat much for dinner. She was hungry just now, so she went to the kitchen to cook noodles for a midnight snack.

"how do you know?"

Qi Sijin smiled lightly, "Little aunt, don't you smell anything?"

Qi Mowei sniffed lightly and smelled something like burning. Her expression changed immediately, she pushed Qi Sijin who was standing at the door away and hurried to the kitchen.

 “My face!”

However, no matter how fast she was, it was too late to save her noodles.

Qi Mowei turned off the fire with an expressionless expression, and looked at the unknown black solid mass in the pot, and her heart collapsed.

Qi Sijin also followed her to the kitchen, stood behind her and teased: "Are you trying to commit suicide by taking poison?"

This thing will kill you instantly if you eat it, right?

Qi Mowei turned to glare at him angrily, her eyes sharp and murderous.

 “Why didn’t you remind me earlier?!”

Qi Sijin helplessly spread his hands, "Little aunt, I just finished taking a shower and wanted to come down and make a cup of coffee. Who knew I would stumble upon this biochemical scene?"

“Fortunately, my grandparents are all asleep, otherwise you would have killed them too.”


Qi Mowei was so angry that she didn't know what to say, so she snorted and turned away.

The object in the pot was still emitting steam, and it was sticky and stuck to the wall of the pot, and it looked like it couldn't be washed away.

Well, she cooked some noodles and scrapped a pot.

 (End of this chapter)

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