She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 208: Take back what you just said

Chapter 208 Take back what you just said

Qi Mowei looked at the mess she had made and cried without tears. She just wanted to have a midnight snack, why was it so difficult?

 At this moment, her stomach growled unexpectedly, as if in protest.

 Qi Mowei: “…”

Qi Mowei closed her eyes, smashed the jar, and murmured in a low voice: "No way, belly, you are a mature belly, you have to learn to feed yourself."

Qi Sijin, who heard her words clearly from the side: "..."

Qi Mowei choked her mouth. She had no choice. It was so late, and the last bag of noodles at home turned her into a biochemical weapon. There was nothing else to eat in the refrigerator, so she could only endure it for one night.

Thinking of this, Qi Mowei turned around in despair and planned to go upstairs to the bedroom.

 The next second, Qi Sijin grabbed him by the collar.

"Wait a moment."

Qi Mowei turned around and asked angrily: "What are you doing?"

 She is in a bad mood now that she has nothing to eat. He'd better not mess with her!

Seeing the angry and resentful expression on Qi Mowei's face, Qi Sijin couldn't help but laugh.

The light green eyes were curved, the corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and a crisp laughter overflowed from the lips. Qi Mowei's ears tingled when she heard it, and her face couldn't help but be dyed with a blush.

She stared at Qi Sijin with wide eyes, "Why are you laughing?"

Seeing that she was getting angry, Qi Sijin tried hard to suppress the smile on her lips and said, "What do you want to eat? I'll cook it for you."

Qi Mowei was stunned, obviously not expecting him to say that.

  After all, in her impression, he had never been so kind.

It seems that Lu Qingran and the others were right. In the past few years abroad, his temperament has changed a lot.

However, Qi Mowei still made a face, "I don't have any ingredients at home, what else can I do?"

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows, "But I think there seems to be something in the refrigerator?"

“Those are just leftovers, how can we cook them?”

 Qi Sijin: “…”

Okay, feelings are just scraps in your eyes?

He helplessly held his forehead and said to Qi Mowei: "You go out first, I will make you food."

When she heard that there was indeed something to eat, Qi Mowei's eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at Qi Sijin with eyes full of light, "Really?!" Qi Sijin nodded, stretched out his hand to push her shoulders, and pushed her out The kitchen.

“Well, go out and wait.”

 She should not stay here any longer, otherwise she might cause harm to this place.

Qi Mowei was very angry at the undisguised disgust in Qi Sijin's tone, but there was nothing she could do about it. They were cooking for her now.

She can only be obedient and wait outside.

Qi Mowei sat on the sofa, supporting her chin with her hands, looking boredly at the cactus not far away, and carefully counting the thorns on it.

The sound of chopping vegetables came from the kitchen in an orderly manner. Listening to this sound, the food should be good.

Qi Mowei guessed and yawned.

Before the supper was ready, Qi Mowei felt that her eyelids suddenly became very heavy, and she gradually lost consciousness.

 When Qi Sijin came out of the kitchen with a plate of fried rice, he saw that Qi Mowei had fallen asleep on the sofa.

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows, put the dishes on the table, stepped forward and shook her shoulders.


Perhaps she noticed a shadow suddenly cast in front of her eyes, Qi Mowei slowly opened her eyes, with a dazed look in her eyes that did not dissipate.

 She rubbed her eyes, sat up, looked at Qi Sijin, and asked, "Are you ready?"


Qi Sijin pointed to the fried rice on the table and said to her: "I put the fried rice on the table. Eat it while it's hot. I'm going to bed."

 After saying that, he turned around and went upstairs.

Qi Mowei looked at his back and suddenly felt that although he was a bit annoying at ordinary times, he was still quite good sometimes.

"By the way, don't forget to wash the dishes. Also, get rid of that mess in the kitchen quickly, otherwise when auntie comes tomorrow morning, she will think there was a thief." Qi Sijin said while standing on the stairs.

Qi Mowei’s face darkened.

She took back what she just said, this guy's mouth was still so annoying!

 (End of this chapter)

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