She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 211: Ji Yunshu: Did you and the third master quarrel?

Chapter 211 Ji Yunshu: Did you and the Third Master have a fight?

Li Yun walked out of the door and immediately took out his mobile phone from his bag.

“Hey, Ah Rong, what you told me about your cousin before, can you tell me again.”

Li Yun looked at the deserted street in front of him, but his thoughts had already flown to nowhere.

 She went to the Yun family as a guest before, and she seemed to have accidentally seen the Yun family's family portrait.

 That doctor just now, why does he look so similar...

 But the photo was too blurry and she didn’t dare confirm it.

 I don’t know what was said on the phone.

 “Okay, I’ll be right over.”

Li Yun hung up the phone, looked back at the Li family's old house, and couldn't help but tighten his knuckles on the phone.

The next moment, she opened the car door, got in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away.

 In the room, Li Jiu was confused about Li Yun's abnormality today, but he didn't take it to heart. He only focused on Ji Yunshu.

"Mr. Li, your work and rest have been a little chaotic recently, but there is nothing wrong with you."

Ji Yunshu put the checked items back into the medicine box and smiled helplessly.

This old man Li is also true.

 In order to see her, he actually came up with the trick of pretending to be sick.

“Okay, I’ll pay more attention in the future.” Mr. Li responded with a smile.

“Well, I’ll give you another prescription. If you follow it, your insomnia will be solved soon.”

Mr. Li said: "I just wanted to ask, I heard from Tingzhi that Dr. Ji is a Western medicine doctor. How come he has such in-depth research on Chinese medicine?"

Ji Yunshu smiled when he heard this: "You're serious, it's just out of interest. It's not a deep study, so I can only show you the small problem of insomnia."

 “Dr. Ji, you are so humble.”

Mr. Li did not believe that Ji Yunshu was only interested in traditional Chinese medicine.

 He had cold legs before and had dealt with Chinese medicine, so he could naturally see that Ji Yunshu's medical skills were more than just "interesting".

 At a young age, he already has Chinese and Western medical skills, but he opened a psychological clinic.

This guy... is really interesting. The smile in Mr. Li's eyes deepened.

Such an outstanding girl, if she could become a member of their Li family, he would be able to laugh out of his dreams.

Thinking of this, Mr. Li gradually looked at her differently.

Ji Yunshu trembled at the sight and quickly lowered his eyes, not looking at Mr. Li.

“Mr. Li, if nothing happens, I’ll leave first. There’s still something else to do in the clinic.”

 “Won’t you stay a little longer?”


Li Jiu saw this and said, "Grandpa, let me send Dr. Ji out."

Mr. Li nodded, "Okay."

Ji Yunshu breathed a sigh of relief. After saying goodbye to Mr. Li, he quickly turned around and left, his back slightly hurried.

Li Jiu followed her out of the door and said with a teasing smile: "Why does our always calm and self-controlled Dr. Ji act like a shy little daughter-in-law today?"

 Are you so nervous about seeing a doctor?

Ji Yunshu's mouth twitched, "Who has a little wife? I was scared when I saw you."

Li Jiu asked: "Am I that terrible?"

“It’s not that scary, I’m just a little surprised to see you. Didn’t you go to Ancheng with Third Master? Why did you come back suddenly?”

Hearing this, Li Jiu sighed softly, "It's a long story."


Ji Yunshu stopped and turned to look at her. A thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

"You shouldn't have...quarreled with Third Master, right?"

Li Jiu's eyes twitched: "...why do you all have such strange focuses?"

Ji Yunshu caught the key word, "One by one? Who else?"

Seeing her curious and gossipy expression, Li Jiu simply shut her mouth and stopped continuing the topic.

 (End of this chapter)

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