She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 212: Tongtong and Ala are here

Chapter 212 Tongtong and Ala are here

 After leaving Li's house, Ji Yunshu returned to the clinic. As soon as she opened the door, a surprise suddenly appeared in front of her.

 “Senior sister!”

 “Senior sister!”

Two excited and childish voices sounded, and Tongtong and Ala jumped in front of her at the same time.

Ji Yunshu smiled helplessly.

 “Why are you here?”

Tongtong said: "It's brother Li. He was afraid that the two of us would encounter the same danger as last time in the mountains, so he simply took us over."

Ji Yunshu felt happy, leaned down and pinched Tongtong's nose gently with his fingers, and said, "Brother Li? When did you and him become so close?"

Alas on the side snorted coldly, grabbed Ji Yunshu's sleeve, and complained: "Sister, please ignore Tongtong, he is a traitor!"

 “Oh? What’s wrong?”

Ji Yunshu looked at Tongtong in surprise. Tongtong blushed and said angrily, "Ara! Stop talking!"

Ara made a face at him, "I must say it!"

“Senior sister, that Uncle Li only bought him a mobile phone, and then bribed him. He calls him brother Li, and he’s more affectionate than calling him senior sister!”

Tongtong immediately retorted: "How can I have it?"

 “You have it!”

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Ji Yunshu stopped him in time, "Okay, okay, stop arguing. I ask you, what will you do in the mountains when you come here?"

Although there is a poisonous formation on the outside, ordinary people cannot break in, but if you are not afraid of ten thousand, be afraid of anything.

 “Don’t worry, senior sister, Uncle Li has made all the arrangements to ensure that nothing goes wrong.” Ala replied.

Ji Yunshu's eyes moved slightly, and he asked again: "Why did he suddenly think of taking you over?"

 Tongtong and Ala looked at each other and lowered their heads.

Tongtong said: "He said... In China, we are at the age of studying. We can't always stay in the mountains. We should go out and see more." Hearing this, Ji Yun was silent for a moment.

After a long time, she stretched out her hands and placed them on their heads respectively, touching them gently, with an apology in her eyes: "I'm sorry, senior sister didn't notice this before."

 Because of her own reasons, she has always regarded Tongtong and Ala as her assistants, but did not notice that they are actually just small children and should have a normal childhood and should not be around poison all day long.

 Li Tingzhi's actions made her pay attention to this again. Fortunately, it did not lead to a big mistake.

 Tongtong and Ala did not blame Ji Yunshu and waved their hands quickly.

Ala said: "No, senior sister! In fact, we also like being in the mountains. To be honest, we are not used to leaving the mountains this time."

 Tongtong nodded in agreement: "That's right, we don't like to get along with strangers."

Ji Yunshu sighed, "Anyway, now that you are out, you should be like normal children."

As she spoke, she touched her chin and thought: "I'll find a school for you two first, where you can make more friends."

After finishing speaking, Tongtong and Ala's expressions suddenly became a little strange.

Ji Yunshu looked at them and asked confusedly: "What's wrong? Don't you like going to school?"

The two shook their heads, and Ala said with some embarrassment: "Senior sister, actually..."

“Actually, I have already found a good school for them.

Before Ala could finish speaking, a cold and deep male voice interrupted.

 The wind chime hanging on the door made a crisp sound as the door was pushed open.

A tall and straight figure was leaning against the door, looking at Ji Yunshu with interest.

 It was Li Tingzhi.

Ji Yunshu turned around suddenly, his voice full of surprise: "Why are you here?"

 (End of this chapter)

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