She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 218: Lu Qingran: It’s so difficult to take care of children

Chapter 218 Lu Qingran: It’s hard to raise children

Lu Qingran's eyes were filled with fear, and she stared blankly at the two little ones following Li Jiu.

 “Sister-in-law, are you kidding me?”

How can he take care of any children?

Li Jiu said: "Aren't you a doctor? I thought you doctors all get along well with children."

Lu Qingran’s eyes twitched, and she was about to cry without tears: “Sister-in-law! I’m a surgeon, not a pediatrician.”

Li Jiu nodded as if understanding, and asked: "Is there any difference?"

 Lu Qingran: “…”

 Lu Qingran was struggling: “It’s difficult to take care of children.”

Li Jiu lowered his head and asked the two little ones: "Is it difficult for you to take care of them?"

Alaa shook his head first and said: "Sister, we are very good."

 Tongtong also echoed: "That's right, we don't cause trouble."

Li Jiu raised his head and said, "Look, the children say they are easy to take care of."

Lu Qingran... Lu Qingran gave up struggling and turned her eyes to Qi Jingci for help.

“Third brother, I really don’t know how to do it! You know, I annoy children the most.”

Qi Jingci ignored him, raised his hand to check the time, stood up and said to Li Jiu: "Weiwei said she is in the mall now and asked if you would like to go shopping together."

Li Jiu thought to himself that he was idle anyway, so he might as well go and accompany Qi Mowei, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

Then he bent down and pointed at Lu Qingran and said to the two little ones: "This uncle will accompany you. You can just come to him for whatever you want to eat or play. Do you understand?"

 The two little ones nodded obediently.

 Lu Qingran:…

 Is he a tool man?

Li Jiu straightened up, patted Lu Qingran on the shoulder, and said in a tone of entrusting him with a heavy responsibility: "I'll leave these two to you. Take good care of them. Someone will take them away later. I will reimburse the expenses for food, drink and entertainment."

 After speaking, Lu Qingran took Qi Jingci and left with him without giving Lu Qingran a chance to refute.

He and the two little ones were left staring at each other in the huge box.

Lu Qingran: "..." I would rather be my sister-in-law!

Ala has always been thoughtful, and realized that Lu Qingran might not be very willing, so he asked softly: "Uncle, do you not want to take us..."

Lu Qingran sat down with his forehead pressed. At this moment, he felt a sharp pain in his temples. Hearing Ala's words, he said: "That's not true."

Tongtong is a familiar person. He ran to Lu Qingran and sat down next to him. He asked curiously: "Uncle, are you a doctor?"

Lu Qingran nodded tiredly and hummed.

Tongtong said "Hey" and said excitedly: "My teacher...sister is also a doctor."

Lu Qingran raised her eyelids and said, "Really?"

 “Yeah, yeah, she’s still a ghost...well!”

Seeing that Tongtong was about to reveal Ji Yunshu's true identity, Ala quickly covered his mouth.

 “What the hell?”

 “The ghost...has treated even the big shots!”

Ala reluctantly came around and winked at Tongtong frantically, warning him not to talk nonsense.

 Tongtong blinked innocently, indicating that he understood.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Lu Qingran was not suspicious, he just thought that the two children were bragging about their sister's medical skills.

 Forget it, just take care of the children. Now that it's reached this point, he can't throw these two away.

Lu Qingran spent a few minutes and reluctantly accepted her new job of taking care of her children.

 He stood up, looked down at the two little ones, and asked, "Where do you want to play?"

The two little ones shook their heads. It was their first time in the Imperial Capital and they didn’t know what to see.

Lu Qingran narrowed her eyes. Anyway, eating, drinking and having fun are not reimbursed, so... let’s go wherever it’s more expensive!

 Two hours later, Li Jiu received a series of bills and a series of death calls from Ji Yunshu.

 “Ajiu!! Where did you take Tongtong and Ala?!”

 Li Jiu: “…?”

 (End of this chapter)

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