She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 219: Ask your third brother for reimbursement

Chapter 219 Ask your third brother for reimbursement

Li Jiu was confused: "What did you say?"

Where have the children gone? Aren’t the two little ones in the restaurant...?

 The next second, her eyes fell on the bill sent by Lu Qingran.

 Li Jiu: “…”

What kind of bar is this girl taking her kids to? !

And ordered several six-figure bottles of red wine?

 Give a child alcohol and he wants to die? !

Li Jiu's face turned dark and his eyes were cold. He held the phone tightly, his fingertips turned white, as if he wanted to squeeze Lu Qingran to death.

Qi Jingci saw that she looked wrong and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Jiu looked at him with a sneer: "You really have a good buddy."

Qi Jingci: “…?”

Qi Jingci looked confused, not knowing what she was talking about.

 They are now sitting in the VIP reception room of the shopping mall counter, waiting for Qi Mowei to pick out clothes.

Although there were not many people in the reception room, the two of them undoubtedly attracted the most attention due to their eye-catching looks.

In this situation, Li Jiu couldn't get angry even if he wanted to. He could only stand up and said, "I'll go outside and make a phone call."

Lu Qingran was sitting in a booth at the bar with his legs crossed, holding a goblet in his hand, with a leisurely look, like a rich man looking for fun.

Two little ones were sitting on his left side, each holding a glass of milk, quietly watching the people in the bar dancing wildly.

 This weird combination of one big boy and two small boys raised a lot of eyebrows, but Lu Qingran’s expression didn’t change at all, and she was actually enjoying it.

 Tongtong and Ala also watched it with great interest.

Such a harmonious picture was disrupted by a phone call.

Lu Qingran looked at the caller ID, her eyes lit up, and she quickly picked up the call.

“Sister-in-law, can my task of taking care of the children end?”

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes and said in a deep tone: "Lu Qingran, where are you now?"

 “A bar?”

Li Jiu’s voice was even colder: “You take your child to the bar?!”

Lu Qingran said innocently: "Didn't you ask me to take them to have fun? I will take them to see the real Imperial Capital."

Li Jiu took a deep breath and calmed down her thoughts of killing Lu Qingran.

 Emotionally, in his eyes, does the real Imperial Capital refer to a bar?

He is truly worthy of his title as the Fourth Young Master in the capital!

"Bring Tongtong and Ala back immediately! Their sister is looking for them." Lu Qingran raised the corners of her mouth and showed a big smile: "Okay!"

"Sister-in-law, look at my expenses..."

Lu Qingran smiled, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Li Jiu sneered, raised her lips, and asked, "Do you want reimbursement?"



 “Then thank you, sister-in-law…”

Before Lu Qingran could finish her words of thanks, she was suddenly interrupted by Li Jiu.

“Go to your third brother to pay for the reimbursement.”

 After saying that, he hung up the phone.

There was a "beep beep" sound coming from the mobile phone.

 Lu Qingran: “…”

 Go to Third Brother for reimbursement, he must also have this list!

Lu Qingran suddenly felt like crying, and could only painfully accept the fact that she spent hundreds of thousands a day.

 He is a doctor, and this cost him several months of salary.

If I had known better, I wouldn’t have risked my life to buy such expensive wine.

 His money!

Lu Qingran was heartbroken, but she didn't show it on her face. She turned to the two little ones and said, "Okay, stop looking and let's go. Your sister is looking for you."

 Tongtong still had some unfinished thoughts and said, "Uncle Lu, can I watch it for a while?"

Lu Qingran wanted to end her task of taking care of the child immediately, so how could she agree with him? She refused and said, "No."

 Tongtong lowered his head in frustration.

Seeing him like this, Lu Qingran's heart softened and she comforted him: "I will take you out to play when I have time in the future."

 Tongtong raised his head suddenly, his eyes bright, "Really?"

 Lu Qingran nodded.

 Tongtong jumped down from the booth and said happily: "Let's go then!"

 (End of this chapter)

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