She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 220: Maybe I saw it wrong (first update)

Chapter 220 Maybe I read it wrong (first update)

Lu Qingran returned to the restaurant with the two little ones, and saw that Ji Yunshu had been waiting at the door of the restaurant for a long time.

Li Tingzhi also followed behind her.

"elder sister!"

Having seen Ji Yunshu from afar, the two little ones ran up to her with their short legs.

 “Where have you been?”

Tongtong pouted, pointed at Lu Qingran behind him, and said, "Uncle Lu took us to play."

Ji Yunshu then turned his attention to Lu Qingran who was not far away.

Lu Qingran put his hands in his pockets, and his blue plaid shirt made him look neat and upright. His eyes passed over Ji Yunshu and looked at Li Tingzhi behind her. He raised his eyebrows and said hello: "Brother Li."

 Li Tingzhi nodded.

“Master Lu, thank you for your hard work.”

"It's okay, it's okay, it should be." Lu Qingran laughed dryly.

Although Li Tingzhi was indeed expressing his gratitude, he felt a little guilty for some reason.

Li Jiu had called just now to inform them of the whereabouts of the two little ones. After learning that they were taken to the bar, Ji Yunshu's expression was not very good, but Li Tingzhi was not too surprised.

Lu Qingran is about the same age as him, but has a very frivolous and uninhibited temperament. He has no formal appearance all day long. It was not until he was with the third master that he restrained himself a lot.

 It is indeed his style to take his children to the bar.

“Sister, the bar is so fun, can I come here again?” Alaa blinked her big dark eyes and asked seriously.

Ji Yunshu’s face became darker, “No.”

 Where should children go in bars?

Tongtong flattened his lips and said unconvinced: "But Uncle Lu brought us here even after he said so!"


 Lu Qingran coughed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed when Ji Yunshu and Li Tingzhi looked at her.

He stretched out his hand and put it on Tongtong's head, rubbed it, and said, "Be good, my uncle will take you to other good places to play."

Tongtong curled his lips, brushed Lu Qingran's hand away, and said angrily: "That's not what you said just now!"

Ala followed suit, "That's right! We clearly agreed to take us to the bar to meet some other people, but you... ugh!" Before he could finish speaking, Ala's mouth was covered by a big hand, and he couldn't speak. Make some noise.

 See something else?

 What else can be in the bar? !

Ji Yunshu frowned, staring directly at Lu Qingran with a pair of beautiful eyes, with a displeased emotion in his eyes.

Knowing that she had indeed not taught her child anything good, Lu Qingran felt guilty. Being stared at by her like this made him feel so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

I have always been careless, and this time I did something really wrong. Being stared at by other parents, in the end, I deserve it.

Lu Qingran clenched her fist and put it to her lips and coughed lightly, intending to apologize to Ji Yunshu.

When he raised his head, he narrowed his eyes and suddenly froze.

 “You are the cloud…”

Ji Yunshu’s eyes flashed.

“Master Lu, thank you for today. I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first.”

Ji Yunshu lowered his eyes, took Tongtong and Ala's hands and left.

Li Tingzhi saw this and followed him.


Lu Qingran wanted to say something else, but the few people walked away too fast, and in a blink of an eye, only their backs were left behind.

 “This shouldn’t be…”

Lu Qingran, who was still standing there, frowned, doubts flashed in his eyes, and he murmured: "How come he looks so like Aunt Yun..."

Isn’t that person dead long ago?

Although the eyebrows and eyebrows are somewhat similar, it shouldn't be possible.

 Perhaps he saw it wrong.

Lu Qingran stared at the direction Ji Yunshu was going for a while, pondered for a moment, and then drove away.

 (End of this chapter)

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