She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 222: Ji Yunshu's fried hair (third update)

 Chapter 222 Ji Yunshu’s hair (third update)

Li Jiu:…

 Look, what you say comes as it comes.

 She pressed the answer button helplessly.

 “Ajiu, what are you doing here is human affairs?” Ji Yunshu asked.

 “I’m sorry, it’s not me who did this inhumane thing.”

 So, please find the culprit.

 “Come on, you know I’m not talking about the same thing as you.”

What she was talking about was that Li Jiu took the two children away, leaving her and Li Tingzhi alone.

Upon hearing this, Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, pursed his lips, and said happily: "So, how are you two progressing?"

On the other side of the phone, Ji Yunshu stopped talking.

Li Jiu raised the corners of his mouth in understanding and said with a smile: "It looks like the progress is going well?"

"You're not bad! Let's get down to business. Listen to the mistress, are you going to S State?"

Ji Yunshu's cheeks were slightly hot. He smiled and cursed, calmed down, and said again: "Those old guys have been waiting for so many years, so they must have some back-ups. Are you sure you don't want to bring more people?"

Li Jiu lay back slightly and leaned on the sofa, with a casual posture and arrogant eyes. He said word by word, "It's more than enough for one person."

Ji Yunshu rolled his eyes and said, "I know you are very powerful, but just in case, you should bring Liu Liu with you."

 “Lao Liu has to film a movie and has no time.”

 “Then take Lao Shi with you.”

Li Jiu curled his lips, "He has been in retreat recently to find inspiration and has lost contact."

 “What about the third child?”

 “She also needs to ask for leave.” Li Jiu said.

 Ji Yunshu: “…”

  “Okay, my dear, don’t worry about me.”

Li Jiu's red lips parted slightly, and the words she spoke in her clear voice were full of ruthlessness.

Looking like a gangster. Qi Jingci looked sideways slightly, frowned, and doubts flashed in his eyes. Who was she talking to, with such a familiar tone?

 “Who is worried about you? You are just being sentimental!” Ji Yun let out a sigh of relief.

Li Jiu smiled and hummed: "Don't talk nonsense with me about east, west, north and south. How far have you progressed?"

"None of your business!"

 “Ashu, where do you put this?”

 Two voices sounded at the same time.

Hearing the familiar male voice on the phone, Li Jiu curled his lips without surprise.

 “Tsk tsk tsk, Ashu?”

Isn’t this a very affectionate name?

Ji Yunshu froze, slightly covering the phone's receiver with his left hand, turned around and said, "Just leave it there first."

Then he said to the mobile phone: "Don't gossip, you must find someone to accompany you when you go to S State this time, otherwise I will tell the president that you are lazy and passive at work!"


 The call was hung up.

Li Jiu listened to the busy signal on her mobile phone, with a hint of interest in her eyes.

Ah, are you angry?

 “Are you in a good mood?”

Qi Jingci saw the corner of her mouth raised as she spoke to the phone, and her gloomy face instantly brightened. He couldn't help but wonder what was said on the phone that could change her mood so quickly.

Li Jiu: "Well, I teased a peacock with fried feathers, and I feel much better."

Ji Yunshu sneezed in the distance.

Li Jiu stood up and stretched, stretched his muscles and bones, looked at the watch on his wrist, frowned and said: "She has been trying for so long, why is she still not cured?"

Naturally, he was referring to Qi Mowei, who was still in the locker room.

“Don’t you girls have to be careful when choosing clothes?”

Qi Jingci was not in a hurry about this and sat there waiting patiently.

Li Jiu rolled her eyes and disagreed: "I never choose clothes."

Her clothes are always custom-made, so there is no need to choose, they can just be made according to the style she likes.

 (End of this chapter)

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