She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 223: Qi Mowei: I’m so excited! (Fourth update)

Chapter 223 Qi Mowei: I’m so excited! (Fourth update)

At this point, Li Jiu suddenly realized a problem. She raised her eyebrows, looked at Qi Jingci curiously, who was not impatient at all, and asked: "How come... you feel so skilled, how often do you go shopping with girls?"

 For anyone else, this would be a proposition.

Qi Jingci just raised his eyelids and said coolly: "If Weiwei is a girl, then that's it."

“Third brother! What do you mean by this? Why am I not a girl?”

Qi Mowei pushed open the door of the dressing room angrily and looked at Qi Jingci angrily.

Wearing a white dress with dropped shoulder sleeves and a black belt around the waist, there are light golden cloud patterns on the hem of the skirt. She wears blue crystal sandals on her feet. She has a fairy-like temperament and her whole person is particularly elegant and agile.

Li Jiu looked her up and down, clicked his tongue twice, and said jokingly: "Whose little fairy is this?"

Qi Mowei raised her chin and said arrogantly, "Ajiu still has good taste."

He turned around and glared at Qi Jingci fiercely, "Third brother, tell me! Why don't I miss girls?"

Qi Jingci closed the magazine, rolled up his shirt sleeves, stood up, and looked directly at her, "Have you finished selecting?"

 Qi Mowei swallowed and nodded subconsciously.

There was nothing she could do. Her third brother had such a terrifying aura that her scalp felt numb when he stared at her like this.

It seems that only Ajiu can tolerate him.

 “Go back after you’ve finished picking.”

Qi Mowei: "Okay."

 The three of them left the mall together.

Qi Mowei was holding the clothes packaging box in one hand and holding Li Jiu's shoulder in the other. She imitated her holding a lollipop in her mouth, bouncing around as she walked, feeling very happy.

"Weiwei, what's wrong with you? It looks like you've been given chicken blood?" Li Jiu asked.

It's okay not to mention it. When she mentioned this, Qi Mowei became very excited, and she said to Li Jiu Anli with stars in her eyes: "Ah, don't you know? My little Fengfeng is coming to the Imperial Capital for a concert!"

Li Jiu looked confused: "Huh?"

“Of course you don’t know if you’re not a star chaser! Ning Feng! The most popular singing and dancing singer in the entertainment industry recently, he is a treasure boy! This concert will be held in the Imperial Capital, ah ah, my youth!”

Li Jiu: "..." Li Jiu looked at a loss for words.

 “Are you concerned about it?”

The excitement on Qi Mowei's face could not be suppressed at all.

"You don't know, Ning Feng is a singer who can do anything. He arranges, writes, and dances all by himself, and every song is so good that I cry! The last time a new song album was released, I didn't get it. what a shame!"

 Speaking of this, Qi Mowei stamped her feet with regret on her face.

Li Jiu had no choice but to say: "You have been choosing clothes for a long time, so you can't be..."

 But don’t think that’s what she thinks.

Qi Mowei nodded, "Yes! I just want to dress beautifully and go to Fengfeng's concert!"

Li Jiu: "..." Yes!

“Ajiu, I’m so excited right now. I feel like Ning Feng is my only pursuit in this life.”

Qi Mowei doesn’t know what to say now. She has always been a non-chief, and the probability of winning her in the Weibo lottery is about the same as the probability of the end of the world coming immediately.

 But this time, she actually won the ticket to Ning Feng’s concert!

You should know that every ticket for Ning Feng’s concert is sold out as soon as it is released, and you can’t even buy it if you want to.

This time the company was promoting an event and held a lottery for lucky viewers on Weibo. Unexpectedly, she actually won! !

 She also made a special call to inquire about the authenticity of this matter to avoid that she was dreaming.

Li Jiu looked at her nymphomaniac look and couldn't help but tell the truth: "You said the same thing last time when you were a fan of that actor."

As a result, after the actor announced his marriage, didn’t she immediately lose her fandom?

 Qi Mowei: “…”

 (End of this chapter)

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