She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 228: Living together

Chapter 228 Living together

Jingyuan, the sun is shining outside the window, and the warm light falls on the floor through the glass window.

Li Jiu yawned, stretched, and moved his muscles, only to find Qi Jingci looking at her with a strange look.

"What's wrong?"

 “You last night…”

Qi Jingci looked at Li Jiu who was about to speak, as if he didn't know how to speak.

"What's wrong with me?"

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows and looked at her carefully, with these thoughts in his eyes. After pondering for a while, he said, "Do you still remember what happened last night?"

Li Jiu frowned and thought about it carefully, but it was like it was fragmented and he couldn't remember anything.

Qi Jingci raised his head and drank the remaining water in the glass. His **** Adam's apple rolled, which was extremely sultry.

 “You’d better check your phone first.”

Li Jiu didn't know why, so he took out his mobile phone and took a look.

 Five missed calls.

 It's Mr. Li calling.

Li Jiu’s eyes twitched:…

   If she doesn't come home all night, the old man can talk about her to death!

 Click on the most recent missed call to call back.

 “Hello? Grandpa.”

“Ah, it’s Xiaojiu. How are you? Did you sleep well last night?”

Mr. Li's voice was as doting as ever, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Li Jiu's eyes flashed, was he so calm?


Mr. Li laughed twice and said, "That's good, that's good."



 “You don’t have anything to ask?”

 For example, why she didn’t go back all night and so on.

 “No, Grandpa knows it.”

what do you know?

"Xiao Jiu." Mr. Li spoke again: "I know you and Xiao Ci have a good relationship. Don't worry, grandpa will not disturb you in the future."

Li Jiu could even hear him snickering a few times over there.

Li Jiu:…

Li Jiu raised his head suddenly and glanced at Qi Jingci. The latter coughed a few times and lowered his eyes with a guilty conscience.

 “Why bother?” Li Jiu was simply confused.

“Weren’t you with Xiao Ci last night? He told me everything, and grandpa understands it. It’s normal for young people to have strong feelings for each other.”

 Li Jiu: “…”

"I think you and Xiao Ci have reached this point, so why not be more direct."

Li Jiu's eyes were filled with depression now, and he scratched his head irritably, unable to figure out what happened.


“Why don’t you just move over and live with Xiao Ci!”

As soon as Li Jiu opened his mouth, Mr. Li immediately said something shocking.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Li Jiu: “!!”

Li Jiuru was struck by lightning: "What?!"

Qi Jingci stood aside, his long eyelashes trembling as he was shocked by her sudden scream.

"No, Grandpa, listen to me, I just..." last night

 But Mr. Li didn't give her a chance to explain, and decided directly: "Okay, that's it, I'll ask your Uncle Xu to send your luggage there right away."

 After saying that, he hung up the phone.

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu put down the phone, raised his eyes expressionlessly, and asked in a calm tone: "What did you say to my grandfather last night?"

Qi Jingci looked stunned.

Last night, when he carried Li Jiu back to the apartment, the cell phone in Li Jiu's pocket began to vibrate, but he had no free hands and could only let it keep ringing.

After entering the bedroom, he gently put Li Jiu on the bed and then took out her mobile phone.

Qi Jingci glanced at the caller information. It was a series of numbers. He didn’t know who was calling.

 But this man hit five people in a row, so there must be something urgent.

Thinking of this, Qi Jingci gently pushed Li Jiu and said in a low voice: "Hey, wake up."

  Not moving at all.

  “Answer the phone.”    Still motionless.

Qi Jingci shouted a dozen times, but Li Jiu didn't respond as if he was in a coma.

Unable to do anything, Qi Jingci took a step forward, stood on one leg and knelt on the bed with the other. The soft sheets immediately dented.

He stretched out his knuckled hand, pinched Li Jiu's slender index finger, and placed it on the sensor under the phone.

 “Click—” The lock screen is unlocked.

 Looking at the latest missed call, Qi Jingci pondered for a moment, moved his fingers slightly, and called back.



Mr. Li on the other side of the phone was stunned. He didn't expect that the person who answered the phone was him.

“You and Xiaojiu are still together so late?”

Qi Jingci lowered his eyes and glanced at Li Jiu, who was still sleeping, and hummed softly.

 “What is she doing?”

 Why did he answer the phone? Where did Xiaojiu go?

Qi Jingci’s eyes moved slightly, “...sleep.”


Mr. Li's eyes suddenly widened, and he confirmed again in disbelief: "You said she is sleeping?"



 For a long while, no one spoke.

 “Lao Li, that one”

“Ah, okay, I understand, you...take good care of her, don’t cause trouble, and ask her to call me back tomorrow morning.”

 After saying that, the call was cut off, leaving only a busy tone.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 He seemed to have misunderstood something.

Li Jiu slapped her forehead with a look of despair.

 It's over, it's over, grandpa must have misunderstood now.

She was furious and pointed at Qi Jingci: "You! How could you tell grandpa that I fell asleep?"

 Or if we are together with him, everyone will think wrong, okay?

 “Otherwise, what can I say?”

Qi Jingci said that he was just telling the truth.

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu collapsed on the sofa tiredly, wanting to be quiet for a while.

 She felt that her brain might be a little insufficient right now.

 Why do we always get into trouble like this when we are together with Qi Jingci?

  It was the case last time at Qi's house, and it's the case again this time. Is it possible that she and Qi Jingci are naturally at odds with each other?

“What should I do now? Grandpa asked me to live with you.”

Qi Jingci was surprised: "Living together? Isn't that bad?"

Li Jiu glared at him fiercely.

 “It’s not because of you!”

 “…I am also telling the truth…”

 “You still said that!”

Knowing that he was wrong, Qi Jingci immediately fell silent.


At this moment, the doorbell was rang.

Qi Jing resigned and opened the door.

There was a man about fifty years old standing outside, followed by several people with suitcases in their hands.

Seeing it was Qi Jingci, he immediately smiled.

“Hello, Third Master, Mr. Li asked me to deliver the eldest lady’s luggage.”

Qi Jingci turned sideways, just revealing Li Jiu standing behind him.

Li Jiu crossed his arms and took a cursory look at the luggage behind Uncle Xu.

 Nearly all her belongings.

 Li Jiu: “…”

"Miss, the old man said that all the things that can be moved for you are here. If you can't move them, he has ordered people to buy them again and they will be delivered to you right away."

Li Jiu chuckled twice and squeezed out a smile: "Thank you, Uncle Xu."

Uncle Xu looked at Li Jiu and Qi Jingci with a smile, and after secretly saying that they were a good match, he said, "I will leave your luggage here for you. I wish you and Third Master a happy life."

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu: Thank you for the invitation, I’m not happy anymore

Qi Jingci: Thank you for the invitation. I caused the cohabitation myself.

Mr. Li: You’re welcome. You two have no chance to meet each other. You all rely on me to assist you.



 (End of this chapter)

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