She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 229: Bai Muyou is seriously injured (second update)

Chapter 229 Bai Muyou is seriously injured (second update)

 After saying that, Uncle Xu and the people behind him put down their luggage and left quickly.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Running so fast.

In the blink of an eye, only Li Jiu and Qi Jingci were left leaning against the door, looking at the pile of suitcases with their hands folded.

Li Jiu sighed: "The old man must have started packing my luggage at midnight last night."

 Otherwise, how could it be possible to pack up so many things and deliver them over in such a short period of time?

Qi Jingci was silent for a while, then stepped forward, picked up the box with one hand, and said, "Let me help you take your luggage in first."

"Wait!" Li Jiu interrupted him and asked, "You don't really agree with me living with you, do you?"

 Are you kidding me?

Qi Jingci was stunned, "Otherwise? How did you tell Mr. Li?"

 Looking at this attitude, he was determined to let them live together.

Li Jiu’s head hurt again early in the morning.

 “You’d better stay here first.”

Li Jiu looked at him with half-squinted eyes.

Qi Jingci: "...Don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

Li Jiu chuckled, his eyes full of arrogance and disdain: "If you dare to do anything, I will let you know what it means to be a useless person."


But in the end, Li Jiu accepted the fact of living here first.

There is no other way. No one has lived in her other house in Dijing for a long time, and it must be full of dust. She should not be a human vacuum cleaner.

Let’s make do with it here now.

Li Jiu sat on the soft sofa and crossed her legs. She was wearing light blue tight jeans yesterday. The legs were slightly shorter. With this movement, she lifted them up to reveal her thin and white ankles. Her feet were one size too big. Men's slippers.

Qi Jingci moved all the suitcases to the guest room. When he passed by Li Jiu, his eyes fell on her slippers. He coughed lightly and said, "Let's go to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities for you later."

Li Jiu hummed without interest, looking very depressed.

Seeing her like this, Qi Jingci didn't say anything. He went back to the master bedroom, changed out of his nightgown, and went into the study to process documents.

Li Jiu was left alone in the living room, feeling unhappy.

Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will probably not be able to stay calm.

Being kicked out by your grandfather and forced to live with your fiancé is simply irritating.

Li Jiu, whose eyes had been filled with depression since he woke up in the morning, took out his mobile phone to relax.

Slid your finger to open the lock screen, and you were stunned the next moment.

 The small yellow wb icon on the desktop has a red "1" on its head.

Who downloaded wb for her? Didn't she unload it?

Li Jiu suddenly remembered that when he went shopping with Qi Mowei yesterday, he seemed to have given her his mobile phone to play with for a while.

He clicked his tongue and moved his finger to the icon. He wanted to press and hold to delete it, but he accidentally clicked on it.

   Immediately afterwards, his fingers suddenly paused.

 No. 1 hot search: #baimuyou was seriously injured while filming and was hospitalized#

Li Jiu frowned and sat up straight.

 Click in, and the comment area is filled with howls of ghosts and wolves.

—[Woooooooooo, Xiaoyou, I must be in trouble! ! ]

— [I fainted from crying in the toilet. Why is my little goddess so unlucky? ! ]

 — [Wish you well and hope for peace. ]

—[Is it very unlikely that this kind of accident happened to the crew by accident? An investigation is urged. ]

 —[Upstairs, reconsideration. ]

-[agree. ]

The following are some comments asking the crew to investigate the cause of the accident.

Li Jiu carefully read the cause and effect of Bai Muyou's injury.

There was a fight scene between the heroine played by Bai Muyou and the female supporting character. It was originally well performed, but who knew that the prop dagger in the female supporting character's hand was turned on and cut her arm, causing her to die. The three-meter-high wire fell off and he fell unconscious. He is still being treated in the hospital. Li Jiu frowned. According to Bai Muyou's skill, how could he be injured by a prop dagger?

This is really weird.

 But looking at the pictures and videos of this hot search, there is no doubt about its authenticity.

 Get up and knock on the study door.

Qi Jingci, who was reading the document, raised his head and looked at her, "What's wrong?"

Li Jiu walked up to him and showed him the phone.

“Mu You is injured and hospitalized. Come with me to have a look.”

Qi Jingci was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

 The two drove to the city center hospital.

When we got there, there was no way to get close. The road was blocked by the huge crowds of media reporters and fans.

In the end, it was Qi Jingci who contacted the dean and opened a green channel so that they could enter.

Outside the emergency room, Bai Yuxiu was sitting on a bench with his head in his hands, exuding a gloomy and terrifying aura. His white suit jacket was now stained with mottled blood, and his originally frivolous and romantic eyes had been replaced by scarlet.

 In front of him, there were several men standing smoking. Each one looked more anxious than the last, and beads of sweat had appeared on their foreheads.

"Mr. Bai, this... we really didn't know this would happen."

A slightly fat middle-aged man hurriedly explained to Bai Yuxiu that he was the director of Bai Muyou's crew.

Bai Yuxiu's thin lips trembled, and he spoke a cold word in a hoarse voice: "Check."

 “Yes, yes, we must check it out!” The director smiled apologetically, feeling flustered in his heart.

 Is he having bad luck for eight lifetimes today?

If nothing happens sooner, something will happen later, but something happened today when Mr. Bai came to visit the team. The project was almost finished, but if he caused this incident, wasn't he sincerely trying to cause trouble for him?

I hope nothing happens to the little ancestor inside, otherwise Bai will always be able to skin him.

Just when he was so anxious that he didn't know what he saw, and he was suddenly startled.

Qi Jingci and Li Jiu came here together. They both have exquisite faces that can kill everyone in the entertainment industry, just like a pair of beautiful people.

 Bai Yuxiu was focused on Bai Muyou who was rescuing him at this time, and did not notice their arrival at all. It was not until Qi Jingci put his hand on his shoulder and patted him that he froze suddenly.

 “Why are you here?”

Qi Jingci said: "I heard something happened to Mu You, so I came to take a look."

Bai Yuxiu lowered his head, his eyes were slightly red, and his eyes were stained with deep self-blame, and he choked and said, "It's all my fault."

 He was also present at the time. If he had reacted more promptly, perhaps Xiao You would not have been injured.

"Young Master Bai, don't blame yourself, I don't blame you for this," Li Jiu said.

 She turned to ask the directors: "Is this an accident or man-made?"


 The director choked up when asked.

He didn't expect that this striking-looking girl would actually ask, leaving him completely unprepared.

“I haven’t investigated yet, and I’m not sure if it’s the real reason…”

Li Jiu frowned, his eyes froze, and he said impatiently: "I asked you if it was artificial!"

 caught by Li Jiu's cold eyes, the director felt as if he was in an ice cellar, his tongue trembled and he spoke unkind words: "It's very, very likely... man-made."

Li Jiu sneered, "Then check, I want to see who is so bold!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the director and others felt a sudden chill descending on them, as if they were in the twelfth lunar month of winter.

 (End of this chapter)

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