She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 230: Bai Yuxiu is angry (1st update)

Chapter 230 Bai Yuxiu is angry (1st update)

The lights in the emergency room were always on, and the people in the corridor felt as if they were in the cold winter, and the cold breath made them breathless.

  The director and several other people huddled aside and shivered. When Bai Yuxiu was the only one present, they were almost forced to have a heart attack by his overwhelming aura, but now Li Jiu and Qi Jingci came.

How could they have expected that an accident on the set would offend so many big bosses.

"Director Chen, right?" Li Jiu suddenly spoke, his tone was calm, but there was an invisible chill.

Director Chen nodded quickly, "I'm here."

Li Jiu raised her eyes to look at him, her eyes unwavering, "I believe you will handle this accident well, right?"

"of course."

"I hope Director Chen will be more attentive. After all, I don't have that much patience." Li Jiu said word by word.

Director Chen stiffened, and the flattering smile on his face could hardly be maintained, "Yes... yes, I understand."

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Bai Yuxiu and promised: "Mr. Bai, please don't worry, I will definitely give Miss Bai and everyone a satisfactory answer to this matter."

Bai Yuxiu stretched out his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows, his eyes filled with fatigue.

 Since Bai Muyou's accident, he has been in a state of high mental stress. He has been waiting here for most of the day and is not in the mood to listen to his guarantee.

 “I have already reported this matter to the police.”

Director Chen and others looked horrified.

If this kind of scandal is not reported to the police and resolved privately, it will at most cause some public opinion. Once the police intervene, conspiracy theories will be imposed on the crew, whether it is an accident or not.

 At that time, the new drama that has been worked hard for several months will definitely suffer a huge impact.

Director Chen lost his temper and said, "Mr. Bai, this...maybe just an accident. It's really not necessary to call the police."

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Director Chen, didn't you just say that it was probably man-made?"

Director Chen choked.

"In this case, it would be better to open a case for investigation." Li Jiu said.

"But then the crew will be impacted by public opinion, and the new drama will definitely be affected by that time. Mr. Bai, you don't want Miss Bai's hard work for several months to be wasted, right?" Director Chen tried to reverse Bai Yuxiu's decision.

Who knows, when Bai Yuxiu heard this, he stood up and stared at him with a pair of eyes, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and a chill surged, as if the bottomless abyss was about to tear everything apart.

Director Chen's heart palpitated, as if he was being stared at by an angry beast. He was so horrified that he couldn't say a word.

 “New drama? Ha! What a fart?”

“In my heart, my sister’s safety is more important than your nonsense. If anything happens to her, I promise—”

Bai Yuxiu's murderous gaze swept across the crew present, and everyone gasped.

“I will make everyone in your crew walk around with nothing to eat!”

Bai Yuxiu suddenly sneered, his tone as if it had been tempered with ice: "When the time comes, I don't care whether you are innocent or not."

 He was at the scene at the time, so he was sure that this was not an accident but man-made.

He has seen a lot of scandalous things in the entertainment industry, but he never thought that one day it would happen to his own sister.

For the sake of the success of the new drama, the crew will definitely want to suppress the scandal and keep it quiet. Regardless of whether they are involved in it or not, the possibility of cover-up is the highest.

However, he doesn't care. If he doesn't get the answer he wants, then just deal with it together.

Although sitting together may sound a bit forceful and unreasonable, it is the most satisfying solution.

Director Chen's eyes were finally filled with fear. He knew that Bai Yuxiu was not joking. He had the heart and the ability. By then, let alone new dramas, even people like them will be banned by the entire industry.

Director Chen closed his eyes, his face turned pale, and his voice trembled as he said, "I understand, Mr. Bai, and I will cooperate with the police investigation."

Bai Yuxiu snorted coldly, "It's best this way."

Director Chen and others broke out in a cold sweat. They quickly lowered their heads and stood aside quietly.

Qi Jingci stepped forward and patted Bai Yuxiu on the shoulder, "Okay, sit down and calm down, you are too tense."

Li Jiu looked down slightly. Bai Yuxiu's hand hanging by his side unconsciously tightened his fist, almost crushing the joints.

 It seems that he is very worried about Bai Muyou.

"Young Master Bai, don't worry, Mu You will be fine." Li Jiu also spoke to comfort him.

She felt that if he continued like this, he would be the one in trouble.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Bai Yuxiu thanked him gently, sat down again, and continued to wait with a pale face.

 The lights in the emergency room went out.

Bai Yuxiu rushed forward with an extremely nervous expression and asked, "Doctor, how is my sister?"

The doctor took off his mask and said: "No vital injuries. The left leg is moderately fractured. There is a slight concussion, but the problem is not serious. I will be hospitalized for observation for a period of time. If there are no other accidents, I can be discharged."

After finishing speaking, he smiled softly again: "Falling from such a high place, this result is already very lucky."

Until this moment, Bai Yuxiu's heart, which had been hanging around, finally fell to the ground, his expression relaxed, and the worry in his eyes dissipated a lot.

Director Chen and the others who were cowering aside and not daring to speak also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, everything was fine. If something happened to this little ancestor, they would also be in trouble.

Li Jiu was the only one who raised his eyebrows slightly, not too surprised.

Let alone falling from a wire of several meters high, Bai Muyou's life would not be in danger even if he fell from a height of more than ten meters.

 After is really difficult for people like them to get hurt.

Thinking of this, Li Jiu lowered her long eyelashes to cover up the flash of self-mockery in her eyes.

 Everyone was overjoyed that Bai Muyou was fine, especially Director Chen and the others, who seemed to be surviving the disaster.

“Mr. Bai, since Miss Bai’s life is not in danger, we can feel relieved, why not...”

The meaning of the words is obvious.

Zuo just wanted Bai Yuxiu to show his noble hand and let them go.

Who knows that Bai Yuxiu sneered: "Is it okay if his life is not in danger? His left leg is broken and he has a slight concussion. When did my sister Bai Yuxiu suffer such an injury?"

 Injuries during filming are inevitable. He did feel distressed when she bumped into her on the set, but he did not interfere or even get angry, because he knew that although his sister was delicate, she was not a pretentious person.

 She has chosen the path of being an actress, and she has to go on it even if she suffers. He will support but not interfere.

 But this time, if someone wants to harm Bai Muyou, don't blame him for being stubborn and supporting her as a family member!

  "I put my words here. If there is no result from this matter, I will definitely not give up."

Director Chen repeatedly said yes, but the expression on his face was particularly ugly.

Now that Bai Muyou is out of danger, there is no reason for them to stay here anymore, so Director Chen and others said goodbye to Bai Yuxiu and left.

 (End of this chapter)

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