She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 231: I want to eat melons when I see them (Second update)

Chapter 231 I want to eat melon when I see it (second update)

Bai Muyou was sent to the ward, and Bai Yuxiu kept watch over him.

Li Jiu and Qi Jingci followed him. Seeing his nervous look, Li Jiu touched the waist of the person next to him with his elbow.

“Young Master Bai really cares about Mu You.”

Qi Jingci nodded, "I have been my favorite since I was a child, how can I not care about it?"

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "But how come I heard that these two brothers and sisters don't see each other very often?"

"Yu Xiu has been busy with the company, and Mu You is filming all over the world. The brother and sister are busy with their own things, and they can't see each other more than once a year."

Li Jiu chuckled when he heard this, "Then they can still seem to stay together all the time. They really have a deep love for each other."

Qi Jingci paused for a moment at the words "deep love between brother and sister" and said nothing more.

In the huge ward, Bai Muyou's head was wrapped with circles of gauze, his left leg was slightly hung up with a thick plaster, and a breathing mask was placed on his mouth. His face was bloodless.

The nurse came to put an IV on her, and after giving instructions on what to pay attention to, she took Bai Yuxiu to go through the hospitalization procedures.

 In a blink of an eye, only Li Jiu and Qi Jingci were left in the ward.

 No one speaks, but you can hear the drop of a pin.

“Let’s go back to the mall later.” Qi Jingci suddenly said something as he thought of something.


Li Jiu was originally looking at Bai Muyou on the hospital bed, but when she heard his words, she subconsciously became confused.

“The bed sheets in the guest room are all old and need to buy a new set.”

Although the old set of sheets was very clean, I still felt that it was a bit uncomfortable for her to use.

“No need, grandpa just sent me a message saying that he had bought all my daily necessities and sent them to your apartment.”

Qi Jingci was stunned for a moment, then raised his thin lips, "Mr. Li is really considerate."

 They even delivered it to your door.

Li Jiu snorted coldly, "I think it's partiality."

 Him partial to him, a black-hearted lotus.

Seeing that she still looked angry, Qi Jingci said helplessly: "I didn't mean it."

 “I think you did it on purpose.”


 “Okay, okay, it’s my fault, okay?”

Qi Jingci finally couldn't resist Li Jiu and gave in.

If Jing Yi and the others saw Qi Jingci's current appearance, they would definitely be disappointed.

When did you show weakness to others?

  It is simply a horrifying thing to hear!

Li Jiu thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, I won't stay at your place for too long."

 As soon as her house is sorted out, she will move out immediately. As for this period of time, she will treat it as sharing a house with others.

“Then how will you explain it to Mr. Li then?” Qi Jingci asked.

Li Jiu suddenly realized something was wrong. He narrowed his eyes and said in a dangerous tone, "Why do I feel that you really want me to live with you?"

Qi Jing choked on his words.

 “No, you are overthinking.”


Li Jiu didn't believe it and wanted to see some clues in his eyes.

 But her idea still came to nothing.

In the ward, a cell phone rang.

Qi Jingci said to Li Jiu, "I'm going out to take a call."

Li Jiu nodded.

 The door was closed with a soft sound.

Li Jiu walked to Bai Muyou's hospital bed, curled up her index finger, and gently touched the head of the bed. She slightly hooked her lips and said, "Come on, everyone is gone, so there's no need to pretend."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Muyou, who was still unconscious with his eyes closed just now, could see his eyelashes trembling slightly, and he slowly opened his moving eyes.

 “How did you know I was awake?”

  The voice was very weak through the respirator, but Li Jiu could still tell what she said from the shape of her mouth. "The breathing rate is wrong." Li Jiu clicked her tongue. From the moment Bai Muyou was pushed into the ward, she felt something was wrong.

“Also, when I was talking to Qi Jingci just now, your facial expression changed slightly.”

“Besides, the amount of anesthesia required for surgery will have no effect on you at all.”

As soon as Li Jiu said these three words, Bai Muyou laughed softly.

“Boss, it turns out you pay so much attention to me that you can even notice the change in my facial expression.”

Li Jiu snorted and said, "Stop talking nonsense and tell me what happened to make you become like this."

 Bai Muyou felt so suffocated that he reached out and took off his breathing mask, took a deep breath, and sighed: "I really overturned this time."

“Of course, it will make you laugh out loud if you spread the news. People from the association can be hospitalized with a dagger, but you are the real one.”

The corner of Bai Muyou's mouth twitched. This injury was purely accidental. She was already depressed enough. Who knew that as soon as she left the emergency room, she would be attacked by Li Jiu.

She said pitifully: "Boss, you can't rub salt into the wound."

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows slightly, "What? Do you want some cumin?"

Bai Muyou: “…”

Bai Muyou looked at the ceiling and sighed: "In this circle, you still have to trust 30% and have 70% doubt."

 It's really unexpected that someone you have been getting along with for several years suddenly stabs you.


Bai Muyou chuckled, "How is it possible that this level can scare me? It's just a bit unexpected."

After all, the few years of getting along with each other were not fake. She was quite surprised that the man could do such a thing.

“Are you robbing her of her resources or her boyfriend?” Li Jiu asked.

Bai Muyou was helpless: "Boss, can you stop thinking of me so dirty!"

 Is she that kind of person?

 “I was just reasoning about her motive.”

Bai Muyou sneered. What motive could there be for committing the crime? Couldn't it be that she blocked someone's way?

 These days, people's hearts cannot stand the test of interests.

 “Forget it, let’s not mention her.”

Bai Muyou turned his head and looked at Li Jiu with bright eyes. His tone was full of gossip, and he asked excitedly: "Just now, what you and the third master said about living together, is it true?"

Li Jiu slapped her face expressionlessly.

 “Don’t gossip when you have nothing to do.”

 Bai Muyou pulled her hand down and said, "Oh, I've been in the entertainment industry for a long time. When I see melons, I want to eat them. Tell me."

 Eat melon?

Li Jiu instantly raised a charming smile and said, "Be careful if you eat chili pepper in one bite."

Bai Muyou: “…”

 Bai Muyou persisted in his determination to fight to the end and insisted on getting to the bottom of things: "When did you live together? How long have you been living together? Is there anything like that?"

 She could barely breathe as these series of questions were asked, and the fire of gossip was burning in her eyes.

Li Jiu was helpless: "We haven't started living together yet. Today is the first day."

 “Yo yo yo, what’s going on, tell me.”

So, when Qi Jingci came in with Bai Yuxiu who happened to be back after making a phone call, what he saw was a scene of two people standing and lying down, talking happily.

 “Xiaoyou! Are you awake?”

Bai Yuxiu opened his eyes wide and looked at Bai Muyou who was awake in surprise.

Hearing the familiar voice, Bai Muyou, who was full of excitement just now, turned his head and showed a somewhat guilty smile, "Brother..."

Bai Yuxiu hurriedly ran to her and asked with concern: "How are you doing? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? Does the wound still hurt? Does your leg hurt?"

Bai Muyou saw his nervous look in his eyes, and felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

If she could be more careful, she wouldn't have to worry her brother so much.

 (End of this chapter)

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