She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 233: Everyone: Is there a woman in the third master’s family? (Second update)

Chapter 233 Everyone: Is there a woman in the third master’s family? (Second update)

 Perhaps it was because Qi Jingci was a regular customer and the food was served very quickly, even by the landlady herself.

“Today’s crucian carp has just been delivered. It’s very fresh. Try it.”

The landlady placed the crucian carp soup in the center of the table and smiled lightly at Li Jiu: "Miss Li is so thin, she should make up for it."

Li Jiu politely replied: "Thank you."

 “You’re welcome, I’ll give your third brother a supplement too, he’s too thin.”

The landlady originally came from the countryside, and she always believed that it was healthier to be fair and fat. In her eyes, Li Jiu and Qi Jingci were no different from two bamboo poles standing together.

Li Jiu suppressed a smile: "...Okay."

  "Then I'll go out first, please take your time."

 After putting down all the dishes, the lady boss left.

 The door was closed, and Li Jiu finally couldn't help it and laughed.

Qi Jingci stretched out his long white fingers to pick up the chopsticks and glanced at her, "Girl, the seniority is messed up."

What is this little girl talking about?

Li Jiu was so happy that she couldn't control it. She almost burst into tears. When she heard this, she waved her hand and said, "It's okay. You are six years older than me. Isn't it right to call you brother?"

Seeing how happy she was, Qi Jingci couldn't help but remind her: "You call me brother, where did you put Weiwei?"

"It's a good thing you didn't mention this. I'm actually a generation shorter than that **** girl Weiwei," Li Jiu said.

 Obviously we are best friends, but in the end we become elders. Who can feel comfortable with this?

Li Jiu bit the end of her chopsticks and watched Qi Jingci slowly pick out the fish bones. An idea suddenly came to her mind.

“Third Master, why don’t we worship you?”

Her abrupt words almost didn’t cause Qi Jingci to get pricked on his finger by a fish bone.

"What did you say?"

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, thinking that his idea was feasible, so he threw away his chopsticks, moved the chair closer to Qi Jingci, and said with bright eyes: "I said, let's get married, shall we?"

Qi Jingci looked at her serious eyes and fell into silence: "..."

Qi Jingci put a finger on her fair and smooth forehead and pushed it slightly, "Don't make trouble."

Li Jiu hummed and sat up straight, saying, "Who is making trouble? I'm serious."

“I have a relationship with you, and you are my brother. Weiwei has to call me sister.”


Qi Jingci asked with interest: "A sister who is two years older than you?"

 Li Jiu: “…”

Although she doesn’t want to admit it, Qi Mowei is indeed two years older than her.

Li Jiu: "So what? Do you want to worship me or not?"

  … “…do not worship.”

Qi Jingci looked at her with a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

 Helping her fiancé, has her emotional intelligence been bitten?

The curvature of the corners of Li Jiu's mouth gradually disappeared, he squinted his eyes, kept silent, and ignored him.

Qi Jingci lowered his head and continued to play with the crucian carp meat on the plate slowly. After a while, he had a small plate full.

He raised his head and glanced at Li Jiu. She was eating her own meal. She looked very elegant, as if she had been educated in aristocratic etiquette.

Qi Jingci stretched out his arms, took the empty plate in front of her, placed his own plate in front of her, and said, "Eat."

Li Jiu was a little dumbfounded and asked in disbelief: "Did you pick the fish bone for me?"

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows, "What if?"

"Just when I saw that you wanted to eat fish but couldn't move your chopsticks, I knew you were too lazy to pick out the fish bones." The corners of Li Jiu's mouth rose, and the unhappiness of being rejected immediately disappeared.

I didn’t expect him to be quite good at it. His eyes are so detailed!

Had she not known that he had not had a girlfriend before, she would have really suspected that this was a discernment that could only be honed by having many exes.

Picking up the fish and putting it into his mouth, Li Jiu arched his eyebrows in enjoyment, looked at Qi Jingci and said, "Are you really not going to think about it?"

Qi Jingci served her a bowl of soup and said, "Eat quickly."

Li Jiu snorted, "Let me call you brother so you can take advantage of me, okay?"

Qi Jingci slightly hooked his thin lips, his eyes were soft, and smiled: "Actually, if you want to surpass Weiwei in terms of seniority, it's easy."

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Huh?"

Qi Jingci leaned over and whispered in her ear: "If you marry me, Weiwei will have to call you Third Sister-in-law."

The warm breath wrapped around my ears, causing a tingling sensation.

Li Jiu stiffened, and the fish on his chopsticks fell to the table.

Almost instantly, Li Jiu quickly distanced herself from Qi Jingci, straightened her back, and said, "Don't push yourself too hard. The engagement is only temporary. Who is going to marry you?"

Qi Jingci also sat up straight and looked at her funny, "If you don't want to marry, you won't marry. Why are your ears red?"

Li Jiu used her chopsticks to poke at the medium-medium fish meat on the plate, mistook it for Qi Jingci, and rolled her eyes in her heart. He was the second person who could make her call her brother, but he turned out to be so ungrateful.

After being rejected twice, Li Jiu was naturally not so clueless and gave up.

 The meal gave Li Jiu a stomach ache, but Qi Jingci was very happy.

Before leaving, when the landlady said, "Come back next time," he actually nodded.

 After dinner, it was already past two-thirty when we returned to the apartment.

As soon as she entered the door, Li Jiu went straight to her room and said to Qi Jingci: "I want to take a nap, don't disturb me."

Qi Jingci raised his wrist and looked at the time, two forty...taking a nap?

However, before he could say anything, Li Jiu had already closed and locked the door, as if she was afraid that he would do something bad.

Sighing softly, Qi Jingci took off his coat and put on his slippers. Qi Jingci picked up the documents that he had not finished reading in the morning and went to the study.

Li Jiu woke up from hunger. She stood up and looked at the time, which was six o'clock sharp.

 Winter has entered now, and the days are short and the nights are long in the Northern Hemisphere. At this time, it is completely dark outside.

  Fumbling to find the switch and turning on the indoor light, Li Jiu scratched his head. Just as he was about to ask Zhou Ma to make something for her to eat, he suddenly realized that he was in Qi Jingci's apartment.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Living together is really troublesome, and there is no one to even eat.

 Opening the door to the bedroom, the living room was also dark, with only a little warm yellow light coming from the study, which faintly sprinkled on the floor.

Li Jiu knocked on the door of the study room. After receiving the answer, he opened the door and said, "I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat here?"

Qi Jingci was sitting in front of the computer, supporting his head with one hand, his eyebrows lowered and his eyes light, as if he had no interest.

Hearing her words, he raised his head, squinted his eyes and looked at the time, only to realize that the video conference had been going on for more than two hours.

 That’s right, video conferencing.

The expressions on the faces of everyone reporting work across the screen were blank for a moment.

 Just now... was that a woman's voice?

 They don’t have auditory hallucinations, do they?

 Isn’t Third Master at home? How could there be a woman?

 Everyone thought carefully with their minds that were a little stiff after having been in the meeting for so long, and came to a conclusion:

I go! ! Is there a woman in the third master’s family? !

Just now, a little cutie reminded me that I realized that my seniority was wrong and I have already corrected it. It’s really embarrassing. It’s all my fault. Why is seniority so complicated when I have nothing to do?

Third Master: (squinting) You are a stupid fool and you blame me?




 (End of this chapter)

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