She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 234: Scene 1: Dog food slapped on the face (first update)

Chapter 234 Scene 1: Dog food slapped on the face (first update)


  While everyone was astonished, Qi Jingci faintly uttered one word.

 He has been living in the old house these days. He just came back yesterday and there is nothing in the apartment.

Li Jiu made a sound, with a bleak look on his face, and asked again: "Can you cook?"

As soon as the question came out, Qi Jingci fell silent, raised his phoenix eyes and looked at her for a few seconds.

Li Jiu said expressionlessly: "Okay, I understand."

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 Everyone who has witnessed everything is still very happy: “…”

 What happened?

 Are they hallucinating?

 Why is there a woman in the third master’s family? And this woman seems to be very familiar with the third master.

Qi Jingci blocked the camera. Everyone had never seen Li Jiu before, so they naturally didn't recognize her. At this moment, their eyes were so shocked that they almost popped out of their heads.

I go! Isn't the third master engaged to the eldest lady of the Li family?

what is this? Third master cheated?

Everyone was silent. Although they had never seen Li Jiu, they felt that she must be very green at this moment.

Li Jiu, who was inexplicably green, tilted his head, looked past Qi Jingci at the computer with the screen still on, and asked, "Are you working?"

Qi Jingci nodded, walked around the desk with his long legs, sat back far away, and said with a cold voice, "I'll come here today, and put the report in my office tomorrow."

He had already turned off the video before the confused people could react.


 Feeling like I have witnessed something extraordinary.

"Now what?"

Li Jiu showed his hands to Qi Jingci. She didn’t know how to cook. There was no food here. Are they going to starve to death tonight?

"have no idea."

Li Jiu touched his chin and said, "Would you like to order takeout?"

Qi Jingci frowned and refused: "No, it's not healthy."

 Li Jiu: “…”

May I ask where you came from? The ancients didn’t eat takeout. Isn’t takeout delicious?

This didn't work, and Li Jiu couldn't think of a way. She stared straight at Qi Jingci, with one meaning in her eyes: hungry.

 After two seconds of silence, Qi Jingci stood up and said to her, "I'll think of a solution."

 Fifteen minutes later, Jingyi knocked on the apartment door.

 “Sir, did you call me?”

Qi Jingci is sitting on a soft European-style sofa. The sleeves of his white shirt are rolled up, revealing his lean and cold white forearms. His legs are crossed in a noble and cold posture.

Beside him, Li Jiu curled up on the sofa, her head resting on her arm, lying on her side on the sofa and yawning repeatedly, her eyes a little dazed.

 The two of them looked at him together, and the superposition of their double glances made him break into a cold sweat for no reason.

He should have done nothing wrong, right?

Jing Yi guiltily raised a large bag of vegetables in his hand and said, "Master, this is the food you want."

Qi Jingci glanced at it, nodded slightly, and suddenly asked: "Can you cook?"

Jingyi was stunned: "Huh?"

 After a few seconds, he suddenly reacted, and doubts arose in his heart. Why did I ask him this question? Is the assessment of his skills as a subordinate incomplete?

Before he could think of a result, Qi Jingci stretched out his hand and pointed to the kitchen behind, "Go and cook."

 Jingyi: “…”

Looking at the clock on the wall, Jing Yi immediately realized that it was dinner time, but his father didn’t know how to cook, and it seemed that his wife didn’t know how either...

Jing Yi coughed lightly and said quickly: "Yes, Master, I'll go right away."

 Fortunately, when he wasn't with Qi Jingci, he lived alone, had some ability to take care of himself, and could still eat the food he cooked, otherwise today would be embarrassing.

There was a clanking sound in the kitchen.

Li Jiu yawned, opened his delicate and charming eyes, glanced at the kitchen uncertainly, and asked, "Are you sure he can cook?" Qi Jingci glanced at her cell phone.

There are three pieces of information on it:-

                                Can you cook? ]


                 , Master, I don’t know how. ]-

             If you are looking for someone who can cook, Jing Yi’s skills are pretty good. ]

So, Jingyi is in the kitchen now.

 Li Jiu: “…”

Alright, let her believe it for now.

Li Jiu was lying on the sofa until half of his body was numb, so he stood up and sat up straight. In this way, he was much closer to Qi Jingci.

“Third brother, this can’t go on like this.” Li Jiu supported his head and said.

 Neither she nor he can cook, but they will have to live together for a while, and the food issue will be a problem.

Qi Jingci pondered for a moment and came up with a solution: "Go out to eat in the future."

Li Jiu rejected it without hesitation, "No, is it possible to go out to eat every meal?"

 Once or twice is okay, but if you eat out for three meals a day...

She is lazy and doesn’t want to bother so much.

Qi Jingci thought for a while and then asked: "Then... go back to the old house to eat?"

Li Jiu: " want Grandpa Qi and Grandma Qi to know that I live with you?"

 At that time, I am afraid that the two old men will ask them to get the certificate directly.

Neither method worked. Qi Jingci frowned: "Then what do you think we should do?"

Li Jiu’s eyes lit up, she came closer and said, “Are you going to learn how to cook?”

 “Why didn’t you go?”

Li Jiu shrugged and said helplessly: "I wanted to do it too, but not only did I blow up the kitchen, but I also sent the chef who taught me to the hospital. It seems that I have no talent."

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Why does your tone sound so proud?

Li Jiu then brainwashed: "As the dream lover of a billionaire in the empire, you can't even cook, right?"

Qi Jingci glanced at her, "Have you ever seen a woman who likes a man because of cooking?"

Li Jiu pointed at herself and said, "Me."


Qi Jingci opened his mouth and wanted to say something else, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Jing Yi coming out of the kitchen.

 “Sir, the meal is ready.”

Li Jiu's eyes lit up, and she jumped down from the sofa, staring at him with burning eyes, as if she was looking at a prey that was being targeted.

Jing Yi’s heart skipped a beat and he suddenly became nervous.

 Is there something on his face? Madam, why is she suddenly looking at herself like this?

Qi Jingci followed Li Jiu closely, raised his hand and patted her on the head, saying to Jing, "Don't worry, she's going crazy with hunger."

 Jingyi: “…”

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu narrowed her eyes dangerously and slapped Qi Jingci's hand on her head away with a slap, "You're crazy!"

Qi Jingci quickly retracted his hand. Even so, the back of his hand was still a big red. He raised his eyebrows slightly and asked with interest: "You are angry because of shame?"

Li Jiu wanted to give him a slap in the face.

Qi Jingci chuckled, raised his hand and touched her head, "Okay, I know you are hungry, go and eat."

 Jingyi: “…”

 Why did he think these two were flirting in front of him?

There was also a feeling like tons of dog food was slapped on his face!

Jingyi looked numb, looking at the scene of the two people being "in love", silently acting as the background wall, slowly moving to the door, and then quickly fled the scene.

 Sighing as he walked, you didn’t even ask him to come over to cook at night, but you also forced him to feed him dog food?

Master, you have changed.

 (End of this chapter)

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