She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 235: Li Jiu: Is this person crazy? (Second update)

Chapter 235 Li Jiu: Is this person crazy? (Second update)

  After finishing the meal, Li Jiu put down his chopsticks and stared straight at Qi Jingci with his dark eyes, motionless.

Maybe the gaze was too strong to ignore. After a few seconds, Qi Jingci finally put down his chopsticks and looked up at her. He lowered his eyes slightly and looked at her bowls and chopsticks. He easily guessed what she was thinking, "Put the bowls aside." I wash."

Li Jiu curled her lips, a pleasant smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, but in order not to show it too obviously, she pressed the curve hard, "Then leave it to you."

 After saying that, he got up and went back to the room.

Qi Jingci was left alone, sitting there looking at her back in concentration, with a slight smile in his eyes.

 Did you attract an ancestor?

Shaking his head slightly, Qi Jingci accepted his fate and put away the dishes. He had a mysophobia, so he was naturally picky about how to wash the dishes. Therefore, it originally didn't take two or three minutes to finish, but he had to go back and forth for five minutes.

Li Jiu returned to the room and felt that her appetite was bloated, probably because she was full.

Jingyi’s cooking skills are not very good, but who wants Qi Jingci to accompany her to dinner...

Li Jiu clenched her fist to her lips and coughed lightly, her eyes flickering a little. It had to be said that Qi Jingci's face was really full of food. Looking at him, her stomach was like a bottomless pit, accepting all kinds of rivers.

 As a result, I now have food accumulated in my stomach, which makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Li Jiu looked around the room. The suitcase he had delivered before was still placed in the corner. Apart from a bed and a table, there were almost no other furnishings.

After pondering for a while, Li Jiu stretched out her long legs, walked around the boxes scattered on the ground, walked to a black backpack, opened the zipper, and took out a small white walkman.

The Walkman looks to be a bit old, and there are a few dark marks faintly visible on the outer shell, as if it was scratched by something hard.

  Take out the headphones and connect the Walkman.

Li Jiu put the earphones into his ears, stretched his arms left and right a few times, threw his body forward and fell to the ground, resting his arms on the floor with his elbows, doing a standard plank support.

 Half an hour later, Li Jiu stood up, looked at the corner by the door, and twisted his wrist.

Coming to the corner, he put his hands on the ground, turned his slender body over easily, put his legs together in the air, and did an easy handstand against the wall.

Since the whole person was turned upside down, the black sweatshirt and the white T-shirt underneath shrank down, revealing a thin and white waist. The long legs were neatly put together, as straight as pine and bamboo, and the clear vest line was faintly visible, which was eye-catching. Flirting.

Li Jiu closed her eyes gently, her long curly eyelashes trembling, her black hair falling to the ground, and the earphone cord also hung down.

However, about ten minutes later, when Li Jiu was concentrating, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Qi Jingci came to the door of Li Jiu's room and saw that the door was unlocked. He thought she was not asleep yet, so he put his hand on the doorknob and pushed it gently.

 There was a sound of "bump-", as if it hit something.

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked to the side.

 Then, he saw Li Jiu standing upside down in the corner by the door.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Li Jiu, who was suddenly hit by the door and almost unsteady, opened her eyes: "..."

 One was looking upright, the other was looking backwards, their eyes collided, and they looked at each other speechlessly.

Qi Jingci was stunned on the spot, not expecting that Li Jiu would stand on his head in the room.

He coughed lightly, and his eyes unconsciously fell on her, gradually moving upward, from her slender neck to her slender white arms, and then to her slender waist that could not fit into a hand.

From his angle, he could even clearly see the shallow umbilical fossa on Li Jiu's waist and a mole next to the umbilical fossa.

Qi Jingci's eyes darkened, his **** and delicate Adam's apple slid up and down, and he said in a low voice: "There are no women's bath towels in the apartment, you can use mine first."

As he spoke, he handed her the white bath towel in his arms. Li Jiu watched his movements and frowned. She bent her arms and rolled her long legs off the wall. Her black sweatshirt just fell down due to her movement, covering her alluring white scenery.

Qi Jingci calmly looked back.

Li Jiu reached out and took off the earphones and asked, "What did you just say?"

The action just now made her hair very messy, and a few strands of hair were still stuck to her face. With her blank expression, she felt inexplicably cute.

A flash of emotion flashed across Qi Jingci's eyes, and he couldn't help but reach out his hand and gently push the hair from her face behind her ears.

Li Jiu was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect his action. His calloused fingertips lightly scratched her delicate skin, causing an itch.

 Looking at Qi Jingci in slight surprise, his expression became a little unnatural.

Qi Jingci, on the other hand, looked indifferent, as if what he just did was perfectly reasonable, and said: "There are no ladies' bath towels, so you can make do with it first."

Li Jiu looked at the bath towel he handed over, nodded blankly, and said, "Okay."

Qi Jingci smiled: “What were you doing just now?”

 “Eat enough, let’s exercise.”

Qi Jingci looked at her unexpectedly, exercise? Does standing still and handstand against the wall count as exercise?

 “Then you’ve finished exercising now?”

Li Jiu didn't say anything, just put the towel on his arm like him, and then looked at him quietly.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 Well, he disturbed her.

Qi Jingci looked away and avoided her gaze. When he saw the suitcases lying on the floor, he was stunned, "Why don't you tidy them up?"

Li Jiu followed his line of sight, spread his hands, and said, "We'll just stay here for a few days. We'll have to clean it up now. It's troublesome."

What's more, her house will be ready soon, and she will only stay here for two days at most, so there is no need to unpack all her suitcases.

Hearing her words, Qi Jingci frowned without a trace, a flash of displeasure flashed in his eyes, as if he was not satisfied with her moving away.

 “I’m talking about Mr. Qi.”

Li Jiu curled her lips and said, "Do you think it's appropriate to stay in a girl's room late at night?"

Seeing that he was still standing there, he wanted to tease him, but Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows lightly and asked, "Are you a girl?"

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu narrowed her eyes and curled her lips in a sneer. Could it be that he saw that she didn't exercise enough and sent her to her door to be her sandbag?

 Twist your wrist back and forth, interlock your fingers, and make a crisp sound.

 “I advise you to think carefully before speaking.”

Seeing that she looked like she wanted to fight, her delicate and charming eyes were half-squinted, the tips of her eyebrows were lightly furrowed, showing displeasure, and her whole person looked very intimidating.

 But for some reason, in Qi Jingci's eyes, her appearance seemed a little...cute?

Qi Jingci was amused in his heart. With its teeth and claws dancing, it looked like a little wild cat with fierce breasts.

If Li Jiu knew this, I'm afraid he would be dead in the next moment.

But unfortunately, Li Jiu didn't have the ability to read minds. She just watched his expression develop into increasingly weird places.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Is this person crazy?

 (End of this chapter)

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