She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 236: Bagua overturned (first update)

Chapter 236: Gossip overturned (1st update)


Qi Jingci coughed lightly, glanced at Li Jiu, turned around and opened the door to leave.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Is this person really sick?

Li Jiu said something incomprehensible and entered the bathroom with a bath towel.

 Half an hour later, Li Jiu came out with her jet-black hair hanging loosely, with water droplets still dripping from the end of her hair. Her long curly eyelashes were stained with moisture, and her charming eyes were also misty at this time, and they were particularly clear and light.

After blow-drying her hair, Li Jiu lay on her back on the bed, picked up her phone, and saw 99+ unread messages on WeChat.

Li Jiu frowned and clicked in to take a look.

 —[6: Where are the people? Come out, everyone, shocking news! ]

—[Three: Sixth sister, why are you crazy? Has your account been hacked? ]

                            六:...Fuck you, about the boss, whether you like to hear it or not. ]

     四:Hey, what’s wrong, boss? ]

               七: cough! Have you forgotten that the boss is also here? ]



     VI: Don’t worry, she doesn’t have time to watch the group now. ]

  —[三:Oh ho? ]

    VI: Boss, she and Third Master are living together. Do you think she still has time to look at her mobile phone? (Sneaky smile jpg.)]


The group was silent for a minute.

 —[Four: Wocao! ]

—[Three: Damn it! ]

             七: I’ll wipe! ]

              Eight: Oh my god! ]

          十: Mist grass! ]

-[five:? ]


                                 三: Fifth Brother, you are destroying the formation. ]

                         三:I'm going! Fifth brother, you actually know how to use a mobile phone? ]

—[Four: Even Lao Wu exploded out, tsk tsk tsk! ]

 Three tuts mean a lot.

Li Jiu squinted his eyes, danger flashed in his eyes.

 —[five: six, where did it come from, is it reliable? ]


      三:…Fifth brother, will you die if you type a few more words? ]

  —[五:会. ]

 He Yao: “…”

Alright, you are the brother and you have the final say.

At this moment, Bai Muyou, who dropped this shocking news, spoke again:

                  六: I have just been busy. ]

  —[6: @五老大 told me personally, and the information is guaranteed to be reliable. ]



        三: What do you think the boss is doing now? (Squinting smilejpg.)]

It is now 8:30 in the evening. It is dark and very cold outside. The weather forecast is for moderate to heavy snow tonight, so unless there are special circumstances, I usually stay at home.

  What can a man and a woman do when they live together in the same room?

     四:…Children should not be so mature in their thinking. ]

         十:小三, don’t ghs every day. ]

—[8: Ayao, have you watched something unhealthy again? ]

He Yao is feeling depressed, why is her mind unhealthy?

     三:I am asking whether the boss will date the third master now? What are you thinking? It’s you who I watch ghs! ]




      九: Are you very free? ]

 Almost instantly, there was a deathly silence in the group, and there was no sound.

Li Jiu sneered, pretending to be dead, right?

     九: Since we are all free, we must participate in the training camp in the next few days, especially Lao Liu. ]

 The next moment, almost everyone in the group was wailing.

—[Three: No, boss! It will kill people! ]

       十:Boss, please don’t kill me! ]

     四:Boss, we were wrong! ]

                  六:…Boss, I am injured, can I ask for injury leave? ]

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and moved his fingers lightly.

      九: If you say a few more words, you will be cured. ]

Bai Muyou: “…”

    九: If you really want to ask for injury leave, how about I help you make it more realistic? ]

      VI: ...No need, boss, I will definitely be there. ]

Let Li Jiu help her, I'm afraid she won't be able to do it without lying in bed for a year and a half.

Bai Muyou wailed and fell into the quilt, burying his head deep in it like an ostrich, and his intestines turned green with regret.

 She was bored in the hospital. She had just learned about the exciting news that Li Jiu and Qi Jingci were living together. She couldn't wait to share it with others, so she couldn't help but break the news in the group.     As a result, he was immediately caught by the real owner.

 Is there anything more embarrassing than this?

According to Li Jiu's temperament, she will definitely be trained to death.

Thinking of this, Bai Muyou's oval-like face suddenly wrinkled, and his watery eyes were filled with despair.

 The rules of the second team are that a training camp must be held every three months, and no absence is allowed unless there are special circumstances.

Speaking of training, it is essentially to complete tasks with extremely high difficulty levels. Usually the tasks have a time limit. If you cannot finish the task within the fixed time, you will have to accept the punishment.

Punishment will not make you feel physical pain, it will directly make you collapse mentally. For example, the last time the fourth child failed to complete the task, all his cars were looted; another example is the last time the seventh child exceeded the schedule. Time, all her clothes and bags were donated.

This inhumane rule was formulated by Li Jiu. She is the one who issues the task. What is even more terrifying is that she is also the one who executes the punishment.

Bai Muyou no longer knows how to face the sun tomorrow with a smile.

Li Jiu has come up with endless ways to torment them over the years, and it was because of their tenacity that they did not get depressed in her hands.

As soon as Bai Yuxiu entered the door, he saw Bai Muyou covering his head with the quilt and shaking it constantly.

Thinking something had happened, Bai Yuxiu asked, "Xiao You, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Muyou paused: "..."

Bai Muyou raised his head and looked at Bai Yuxiu with a blank expression, not knowing how to react.

Just now, did he see his stupid look?

At that moment, Bai Muyou's face was filled with embarrassment.

 “No, it’s okay.” Bai Muyou felt like his tongue was tied up.

Bai Yuxiu put the lunch box he was holding on the table, opened the lid, and the alluring aroma wafted out from inside, making people breathe.

Carefully blew a spoonful of soup, handed it to Bai Muyou's mouth, and said softly: "Drink some of the bone soup made by Aunt Chen, be careful not to burn it."

Bai Muyou's eyes lit up, and he immediately took a sip, arching his eyebrows in enjoyment.

Aunt Chen is the elder of their family. It can be said that she grew up watching the two brothers and sisters. She is good at cooking. When they were young, the Bai family and his wife were often away on business trips. The two of them grew up under the care of Aunt Chen. I also like to eat her cooking the most.

Bai Muyou asked: "Didn't Aunt Chen retire and go back to her hometown?"

“Her wife passed away a few months ago. It was not convenient to live alone with or without children, so I took her back.”

Bai Muyou nodded and said with a smile, "I haven't seen Aunt Chen for a long time."

After Bai Yuxiu fed her a few mouthfuls of soup, he wiped the corners of her mouth carefully, "If she sees you like this, she will definitely feel distressed to death."

To be honest, Bai Muyou looks pitiful now, with gauze wrapped around his head and plaster on his arm and left leg.

If Aunt Chen, who had watched her grow up since childhood, saw her, she would definitely be extremely distressed.

Bai Muyou lowered his eyes and pouted, "Aunt Chen will still talk about me to death."

Bai Yuxiu chuckled: "Then you should take good care of your injuries and make yourself fat and healthy. I'm sure Aunt Chen won't say anything."

Bai Muyou's eyes twitched, "Bai Bai Pangpang, brother, are you talking about a big meaty insect?"

 (End of this chapter)

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