She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 237: What did I capture (second update)

Chapter 237: What was photographed (second update)

 Bai Muyou's injury was not serious, but Bai Yuxiu was still worried and moved her directly to the VIP special care ward. He stayed on the sofa in the ward all night so that he could take care of her at all times.

  Early the next morning, when Bai Yuxiu woke up, his eyes were dark and bloodshot, and it seemed that he had not slept well.

Despite this, he simply washed up, said goodbye to Bai Muyou, and went to work in the company.

His state made Bai Muyou feel heartbroken, and she felt even more uncomfortable when she thought that he was doing it for herself.

Bai Yuxiu left, and He Han pushed open the door and came in. Bai Muyou looked at Bai Yuxiu's retreating back in a daze, biting his lip, with some guilt in his eyes, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "What's wrong? Is this injured? Are you Mr. Bai?"

 Why do you look so distressed?

Bai Muyou looked away and glanced at the fruit basket she was holding. There was a delicate card on it. It was unclear what was written on the card. It should be some kind of blessing.

But, she and He Han are so familiar, even if she comes to visit the doctor, she won't write a blessing card, right?

Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows slightly, "When did you become so polite?"

He Han followed her gaze, lifted the fruit basket in his hand, rolled his eyes, and said in a cold tone: "This is a gift from Qin Qiuning, force it into my arms and ask me to bring it to you."

 After stuffing it and running away, you are really not afraid that she will throw it away, are you?

How dare you do such a thing and give me a fruit basket?

If she hadn't run so fast, she would have dunked a fruit basket on her head!

Bai Muyou's face didn't change much, and he said calmly: "Oh, then put it on the table."

He Han suddenly opened his eyes in surprise, "Aren't you even angry?"

Bai Muyou said: "Angry? Why am I angry with a gun?"


He Han frowned. Does she mean Qin Qiuning was used as a gun?

"Sister He, you will send out a message later and say that from now on in this circle, there will be her without me and me without her." Bai Muyou said.

He Han's eyes flashed, and his heart tightened subconsciously.

  She knew that Bai Muyou was serious about it.

Nowadays, who in the entertainment industry doesn’t know that Bai Muyou is the eldest daughter of the Bai family, and that the president of the entertainment giant Fenghua Entertainment is her brother. She can be said to be an existence that can move sideways in this industry.

Her words undoubtedly issued a fatwa to the industry. From now on, as long as it involves the entertainment industry, I'm afraid Qin Qiuning will never have a foothold.

Qin Qiuning has been in the entertainment industry for several years. He has spent the best time in the entertainment industry. If he is banned, he will be dead.

This sentence is not cruel, but it was her own death.

 However, He Han still had some doubts in his heart: "Mr. Bai will help you handle these things, why do you do it yourself?"

Bai Muyou snorted, "Because I feel unhappy with her."

If it hadn't been for Qin Qiuning, how could she have been so bored in the hospital, how could she have heard the gossip about Li Jiu and Qi Jingci living together, how could she not have resisted breaking the news in the group, how could she have been caught and ended up overturning?

 The most important thing is that Bai Yuxiu didn't get a good rest last night and was worried about her all night. She must be in a bad state at work today.

These are all caused by Qin Qiuning.

 He Han: “?”

He Han didn't understand the twists and turns in Bai Muyou's heart, so he just nodded and said, "Okay."

“Also, how long will it take for you to recover from your injury?”


“You have a very busy schedule ahead. If your injury takes a long time, I will push it for you.”

Bai Muyou thought for a while and said, "Push it away."

  Although she is fine now, looking at Bai Yuxiu's condition, I'm afraid he won't be relieved if he doesn't let her take care of her for a few months.

He Han nodded, as expected, "Okay, I'll postpone all those schedules, and you can take this opportunity to have a good rest."

This man works like a desperate man, especially in the past few years. He has been working all night long, and his work and rest are extremely chaotic, as if he has lost his mind and gone crazy.

If she hadn't known all about Bai Muyou's itinerary, she would have thought that she was dumped and wanted to use work to vent her emotions.       Okay, I get it.”

He Han sighed, then thought of something, and smiled again, "Sometimes I really envy the relationship between you and Mr. Bai. You don't know that when you fell off the Wia, Mr. Bai's whole body was filled with tears. Like crazy."

 He rushed out directly, so fast that he could only see the afterimage, like a ghost.

Speaking of this, Bai Muyou narrowed her eyes. She fell and was smashed to pieces that day, so she neglected some things.

 “Why did my brother show up on the set that day?” she asked.

He Han was stunned, "Don't you know? Mr. Bai went to visit the class that day."

Bai Muyou shook his head.

“Maybe Bai always wanted to give you a surprise. When you fell, he had been there for a long time, and he had been filming you with a camera, but you didn’t notice it.”

The play that day was a big scene, with a large number of extras and crew, and a sea of ​​people. In addition, Bai Muyou was too busy at the time and did not notice that Bai Yuxiu was normal.

"Mr. Bai saw that you were busy, so he didn't want to disturb you, so he just patted you silently in the corner." He Han said with a smile, Bai Yuxiu was so considerate to her that there was nothing to say.

However, the next moment, Bai Muyou frowned slightly. She remembered that at that time, she seemed...

Bai Muyou's expression suddenly changed.

“Sister He, are you sure my brother is filming me?”


 “How long did the filming take?”

"Well, let me think about it..." He Han recalled the time carefully, "We arrived at the crew at 8:30 that day. Mr. Bai should have arrived at noon, and it should have been taken at that time."


Bai Muyou's clear water eyes became solemn, and his eyebrows were furrowed.

If Bai Yuxiu really filmed her on that camera, it was very likely that it was all recorded.

If he saw it, it would be a big deal.

He Han saw that Bai Muyou looked a little uncomfortable and asked with concern: "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"Oh Nope."

Bai Muyou lowered his eyes, praying in his heart that Bai Yuxiu would never discover anything.

 Fenghua Entertainment, President’s Office.

 After listening to the supervisor's report, Bai Yuxiu waved his hand and asked him to go out.

The door was closed, and there was silence in the huge office.

Bai Yuxiu pinched the center of his eyebrows and pressed his swollen and painful temples.

  I didn’t sleep much last night, and after listening to so many people’s work reports today, my head is going to explode.


 There was a knock on the door again.

Bai Yuxiu sat up straight again, braced himself, and said, "Come in."

 Tezhu opened the door and walked in, placing a USB flash drive on his table.

“President, this is the video you recorded before of the eldest lady on the set.”

 (End of this chapter)

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