She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 238: Why are you checking your brother? (first update)

Chapter 238 Why are you checking your brother? (first update)

Bai Yuxiu lowered his eyes and looked at the black USB flash drive on the table, his eyes couldn't help but soften.

He made a soft hum in his throat and said, "Put it here, you can go out."

 The special assistant bent slightly towards him and went out.

Bai Yuxiu picked up the USB flash drive, put it in his hand and rubbed it back and forth. Finally, with a slight smile on his lips, he connected it to the computer, and the video inside was quickly uploaded successfully.

He thought, since his mind is very confused now, he might as well watch Bai Muyou's video to relax.

So, he clicked the mouse with his finger and clicked on the video file.

Bai Yuxiu propped his head and watched the video he recorded with slight interest.

 Originally, I wanted to take a picture and watch it with Xiaoyou, but who would have thought that something unexpected would happen.

 When Xiaoyou is discharged from the hospital, show her this video.

Since the video was shot secretly, the picture quality is not particularly good and there is a lot of noise, but Bai Yuxiu can still identify the protagonist in the video at a glance.

 Bai Muyou was preparing for filming at the time, and the directors around her were telling her about the scene, and she would reply a few words from time to time.

 When there was no role for her, she would sit on the side, sipping milk tea, and concentrate on watching other people filming.

While carefully watching others filming, making small movements, and occasionally yawning, Bai Yuxiu bent his eyes, unable to hide the smile in his eyes.

 This is his little princess.

Suddenly, in a certain frame, Bai Muyou was holding a glass of water in her hand, looking away from the camera at a hidden angle as if she was doing something. Something seemed wrong with her at this time, and the knuckles of the fingers holding the water glass had turned white.

Even though it was only for one frame, Bai Yuxiu still frowned. Is she uncomfortable?

 Why didn’t he discover it then?

 Move the mouse to enlarge the picture, but this is a video, so it is not feasible at all. Even if you zoom in, the picture will be blurred and nothing can be seen at all.

Bai Yuxiu frowned for a while, and then relaxed. Forget it, if Xiaoyou had anything to do, he would definitely tell him as soon as possible.

However, if he had been in front of Bai Muyou at that time, he would have definitely seen that at a certain moment, the glass of water in her hand suddenly started to spread white mist from the bottom of the glass. In a few seconds, it was originally at normal temperature. The water solidified and was frozen into ice.

It was just a blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, the water in the quilt returned to its original state, as if everything that just happened was just a temporary dazzle.

In the corner where no one noticed, Bai Muyou's forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat. Suddenly, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she opened her clear water eyes, and a flash of light blue flashed across her eyes. light.

He Han stayed for a while and then left. Before leaving, he asked Bai Muyou to send a message to comfort the fans. However, the latter didn't listen at all. She was now worried about whether Bai Yuxiu would capture the scene.

After thinking for a moment, Bai Muyou picked up the phone.

 “Lao San, do you have time? Do me a favor.”

He Yao, who was going to the canteen, paused, her eyes full of interest.

 “You actually asked me for help?”

 “Stop talking nonsense, I’m going to tell you something serious.”

He Yao raised her eyebrows. Her tone sounded a little urgent. She stopped joking and asked, "What's the rush?"

 “Hack into my brother’s computer.”

 “Your brother? Mr. Bai?”

 “Well, help me check the videos on his computer.”

He Yao was silent for a few seconds, sideways avoiding the flow of people rushing towards the canteen, holding her pocket with one hand, and looking for a cool shade.

The surroundings finally quieted down, and He Yao joked: "Why are you checking on Mr. Bai? To see if he watched a movie behind your back?"

Bai Muyou: "...why do you slip through the crackdown every year during the anti-pornography campaign?"

He Yao touched her chin and thought carefully, "Probably...I am so yellow that I am naturally white?"

Bai Muyou: “…”

Bai Muyou stared and shouted at the phone: "Hurry up and check it with me!"

 “Okay, sir, please wait a moment.”

 After saying that, he hung up the phone.

                                                                                                Bai Muyou held her forehead, mentally and physically exhausted. Sooner or later, she was so angry with He Yao that she had a myocardial infarction.

 Ten minutes later, the phone rang.


He Yao sat cross-legged on the lawn, leaning against a thick tree trunk with her back, a black notebook on her lap, and the fingers of her right hand kept jumping on the keyboard.

“I have dug out everything in your brother’s computer, whether encrypted or unencrypted. Which one do you want to see?”

  “Look to see if there are any videos of him on the set.”

He Yao moved her fingers slightly and clicked to watch one by one. After a while, she said: "It's true, but..."

 Her tone suddenly became very strange.

Bai Muyou was confused: "What's wrong?"

He Yao clicked her tongue twice and felt goosebumps all over her body.

“Hey~baby’s daily life? This is the name given to me. I can’t tell that Mr. Bai still has such a bad taste.”

It's really disgusting.

Bai Muyou's face darkened, "Why are you paying attention to those?"

 “Then what are you paying attention to?”

He Yao rolled her eyes. Those five words were right there, and it was difficult to ignore them.

Bai Muyou took a deep breath, calmed down, and said, "Look carefully at this video to see if there is anything that cannot be filmed. Last time I suffered from sequelae on the set, and I didn't expect that my brother happened to be recording at that time..."

He Yao pointed her fingers and said in a more serious tone, "You said you suffered from sequelae?"

Bai Muyou hummed.

"Haven't you had an attack for a long time? And the seventh sister said you should be fine?"

He Yao suddenly stood up from the ground and dropped the notebook on her lap to the lawn. Fortunately, it was not broken.

 “It’s okay, it’s just that one time.”

 “Are you sure? Don’t be like the boss.”

Bai Muyou smiled: "Come on, boss, it's just a mental illness. How could I be so serious?"

He Yao snorted, "I can't say for sure. I think back then -"

  At this point, He Yao suddenly paused, swallowed all the original words, and rephrased her words: "I thought that the boss was so calm on the surface, and thought she was fine, but it turned out to be so serious."

Bai Muyou was silent for a moment, "I wouldn't do that."

 “Tsk, who cares about you.”

He Yao hummed softly, bent down, picked up the notebook, put it back on her lap, clicked on the video, and carefully observed frame by frame.

A few minutes later, He Yao blinked her sour eyes and said to Bai Muyou, "Don't worry, the picture is all blurry and nothing was captured."

Bai Muyou breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, "That's good."

"I said, Sixth Sister, can you stop bothering me? If you are willing to listen to Seventh Sister and take a good rest, the injury you suffered four years ago will not have any sequelae."

 “I have a sense of propriety.” Bai Muyou said.

He Yao snorted, "You have a sense of propriety."

  Just like the boss, she is disobedient. No wonder the seventh sister is getting more and more irritable. It's a surprise that she doesn't get angry to death when meeting these two people.

Bai Muyou: “…”

Today is Fei Fei’s birthday. In order to celebrate Fei Fei turning one year older, I will add an update chapter.

(PS: If you can, don’t be stingy with tickets and rewards. If you have to be shameless, ask for a birthday gift here!)



 (End of this chapter)

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