She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 247: Professor Li, you are here! (first update)

Chapter 247 Professor Li, you are here! (first update)

"Replacing you? Do you think you are a cabbage? I can find it easily?"

Mr. Wu glared at Li Jiu fiercely, "Among the students after you, I haven't seen anyone who makes me feel comfortable. Tell me, where can I find one?"

Li Jiu took a sip of tea and remained silent.

 “Don’t put it off for me, this project must be completed before the end of the year.”

Li Jiu pouted and said, "Two months, principal, do you want me to sleep in the laboratory?"

Mr. Wu chuckled and said, "Are you pretending to me? With your ability, even two months is too much for me."

Li Jiu sighed, "Okay, I got it."

 After saying that, she put down the cup and stood up to leave.

 “Wait a minute.”

Li Jiu came back to his senses and asked helplessly: "What happened again?"

“You forgot to publish the test papers as promised?” Mr. Wu reminded.

Li Jiu clicked his tongue, "No, if I were to come out with the paper, it would be hard to say whether there would be more than one person."

“Exactly, just as I wished.” Mr. Wu said in a calm tone.

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows. As a principal, he actually wants his students to fail?

“Principal, you...”

Mr. Wu saw the surprised look on her face and explained: "In recent years, the students at the Imperial University have become more arrogant than the others. They all think that they are superior to others because they have entered the first university in the Empire. I want to polish their minds."

Just in time, let Li Jiu, a monster who only meets once in a century, let them know what it means to be alone.

"Then... I'm not welcome?" Li Jiu asked tentatively.

If she really comes up with the test questions, she will definitely not lower the difficulty based on the ability level of Imperial College students.

 “Be polite, and give me a question that will kill you!” Mr. Wu said angrily.

Li Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth, said "Hello" and left.

As the number one university in the empire, Emperor’s University covers an area large enough to surpass other universities. Some netizens even joked on the Internet, “If you get lost in Emperor’s University, it’s definitely not because you are a wanderlust, but because Emperor’s University is just too big.” ”

This is not true at all. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Li Jiu's laboratory to have not been noticed by anyone in Imperial University for several years.

Even if someone accidentally walked here, they would just think it was an abandoned warehouse and not pay too much attention.

 Because the laboratory was built beside a small lake, surrounded by dense forests, and the walls outside were covered with vines, it didn't look like a place for research at all.

 “Professor Li, you are here!”

Passing the iris authentication at the door, Li Jiu stepped into the laboratory. As soon as he entered the door, he bumped into a boy in a white coat.

Holding the experimental materials in his hand, he suddenly saw Li Jiu, and his eyes lit up with surprise.

 “Yes.” Li Jiu nodded and replied lightly.

 “Professor! You are finally here!”

Suddenly, a howl sounded, and Li Jiu felt a black shadow pass before his eyes, followed by a heavy weight on his leg.

Li Jiu looked down and saw a large human pendant on his lap.

 “Du Yuezi, get up!” Li Jiu frowned.

 The "large human flesh pendant" pursed his lips and retorted aggrievedly: "Professor, my name is not Du Yuezi, and besides, I can't afford it!"

Li Jiu’s eyes twitched and she resisted the urge to kick him away.

"Du Ziyue, get up quickly! You can hold Mr. Jiu's legs? Believe it or not, I've chopped you off!"

An angry voice sounded. Su Ke held the experimental record in his left hand and put his right hand on his waist. Wearing a white coat and high heels, he rushed to Li Jiu's eyes, stretched out his hand and pinched Du Ziyue's ears hard.

 “Ouch! Be gentle!”

Du Ziyue's facial features were instantly twisted together, and he howled in pain: "Auntie! Let go!"

Su Ke didn't let go at all and directly grabbed his ears and lifted them up. In order to save his ears, Du Ziyue could only follow her strength and stood up from the ground.

"Auntie/I was wrong! Let go!" Du Ziyue kept begging for mercy.

Su Ke snorted coldly, let go of his hand, and looked at him coldly as he covered his ears and cried out that it hurt, and threatened: "If you don't get bigger or smaller from now on, your ears will be gone!" Du Ziyue: "..."

Du Ziyue pursed his lips in grievance and said weakly: "I'm also afraid that the professor will run away..."

"Just run away! Master Jiu is not a fugitive, why should he run away?"


Although Li Jiu is not a fugitive, she is harder to find than a fugitive.

 She hasn’t come to the laboratory for almost half a year, okay?

Du Ziyue rolled his eyes.

Su Ke glared at him, then turned to look at Li Jiu. The fierce look just now disappeared in an instant, replaced by a well-behaved and shy expression, "Master Jiu, why are you suddenly free to come to the laboratory?"

 This operation can be called a face change, and Du Ziyue's jaw dropped in shock.

 “I’ll go! Su Ke! Are you smart?”

Zuko made a face at him.

 “Okay, stop making trouble.”

Li Jiu held her forehead helplessly, feeling a little headache. These people were out of shape in front of her. She really didn’t know how Mr. Wu picked out these living treasures and sent them to her in the first place.

 “Yes.” Su Ke said obediently.

"Yes." Du Ziyue said depressedly.

Li Jiu looked at them, sighed, and walked forward directly.

 The two looked at each other and quickly followed.

 “Tell me about the progress of the experiment.”

Li Jiu walked to the isolation door, took a set of protective clothing, and put it on herself skillfully.

Su Ke and Du Ziyue behind her were also doing the same thing as her. While putting it on, Su Ke said: "It has entered the final stage."

Li Jiu paused with her hands wearing goggles, "So the principal is just kidding me by asking me to stay in the laboratory for two months?"


Su Ke and Du Ziyue didn’t hear the conversation between her and Mr. Wu.

  While talking, both of them were confused at this time. They glanced at each other and saw confusion in each other's eyes.

Seeing that they didn't understand, Li Jiu didn't say much. He changed the subject and asked Su Ke, "Su Ke, how are those brats?"

Su Ke's eyes flashed, the corners of his mouth curved, and he said: "You are very well-behaved. You will know it when you see him."

Li Jiu nodded, leaned down, and verified his irises and fingerprints.

 The next second, the door in front of you opened.

 Everything you see is delicately put together. There is a special mixed smell of various medicines floating in the air. Different glass instruments contain different types of specimens. The shapes of those specimens are either twisted or shrunken, which is creepy.

But Li Jiu and the others looked indifferent.

There was also a group of people wearing protective clothing standing in the laboratory. They all seemed to be students. They all held notes and experiment records in their hands and were writing and drawing. When they saw Li Jiu, they all stopped writing. action.


 “Professor Li.”

Only a few people respectfully called Li Jiu "Professor", but other people were all stunned on the spot, looking at Li Jiu's back without coming back to their senses.

Li Jiu ignored everyone's stunned gazes and walked past them to the experimental table in the center of the laboratory.

“How about test item x0744?”

Li Jiu took the experimental report handed over by Su Ke and asked.

 “The data is fine.”

Li Jiu raised her eyes, and a boy raised his right hand to report to her.

 (End of this chapter)

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