She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 248: Su Ke: What do you think of the CP between the school bully and the school bastard?

Chapter 248 Su Ke: What do you think of the CP of the school bully and the school boss? (Second update)

Seeing Li Jiu looking towards him, the man chuckled and showed no nervousness at all. At first glance, he was the person under Li Jiu's command.

Li Jiu lowered his eyes and continued to ask: "Where is the cx4653 test product?"

 Another person raised his hand and replied: "The data is normal."


 “One…everything is normal.”


 “Should…should be normal…”

Li Jiu paused while turning over the report, "Should?"

The man's heart felt cold at the look in her eyes, his face froze, his palms became nervous and sweaty, and he stammered: "Yes, it's normal."

Li Jiu closed the report and threw it on the experimental table aside. It made a crisp sound that made everyone tremble.

"Who among you was just selected by the principal?" Li Jiu glanced at everyone present and asked.

Everyone looked at each other, and a few of them slowly raised their hands.

Li Jiu raised her lips and smiled, then asked: " many of you know me?"

   without putting down his hands.

 “It seems that I am very famous in Imperial University.” Li Jiu half-smiled.

Su Ke couldn't help but chuckle: "Who doesn't know the school bully of Emperor Jiu Ye University?"

 As soon as the word "school bully" came out, it was like a switch was touched, and everyone trembled.

Su Ke could see the situation, and he raised his eyes with a smile, and said, "Don't be afraid, Mr. Jiu is very amiable and approachable, right? Du Ziyue?"

Du Ziyue's expression twitched: "...Yes."

 Everyone: “…”

The biggest joke they have ever heard is that someone actually applied the words "affable and approachable" to Li Jiu.

Who in the Imperial University doesn’t know the glorious deeds of the school bully Li Jiu who sent all the boys in the department to the hospital as soon as he entered school and won the title of "Thanos"?

 Just, why is she here?

The few people who had just arrived in the laboratory were confused.

 From the moment Li Jiu stepped in the door, they felt that they were hallucinating.

 Why is Li Jiu here?

 Shouldn’t she be in class?

 Why do others call her professor?

At that moment, they thought they had traveled through time!

 Li Jiu? professor? Are you really kidding them?

 Where can I find such a young professor?


 No one is willing to believe this fact in their minds, and constantly remind themselves that this is false and an illusion.

 But the looks and expressions of the people around them forced them to accept it.

"I know, you are confused, right?" Just when everyone was shocked out of their bodies, Li Jiu said: "The principal must have never greeted you. You can't blame me for this. You go find him."

 Everyone: “…”

The premise is that we have to dare to look for it?

Given the principal's bad temper, they might be kicked out of the principal's office in a matter of minutes.

“Now that you’re here, follow the rules here and conduct experiments in peace. You deserve what you deserve, but—”

Li Jiu's eyes suddenly turned cold. He gave them a cold look and said, "If someone insists on not following the rules, don't blame me for being rude."

  Everyone shrank their heads and lowered their heads in response.

Li Jiu nodded with satisfaction and waved them away to do their own thing.

Su Ke quietly approached Li Jiu and said in a low voice: "Hey, I heard that one of the new people sent by the principal this time is the eldest son of our Imperial University!"

As she spoke, she pursed her lips at the back of a boy not far away with a playful look in her eyes.

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows without raising his head. He did what he was doing seriously and asked, "What, are you feeling springy?"

Su Ke rolled his eyes, touched his face, and sighed: "How can I do that? I still have some self-awareness. How can the school president like me?"

She poked Li Jiu's arm and said, "I'm asking you if you're interested in being a school cool boy or a school bully. Do you have a strong CP feeling?" Li Jiu's hand holding the test tube paused, and then he looked at it with a half-smile. Su Ke.

The latter felt terrified when she saw him and asked, "Master Jiu, what are you looking at me for?"

 What did she say wrong?

Li Jiu asked: "Have you been staying in the laboratory recently?"

Su Ke nodded, "Yes, I've been sleeping in the laboratory this month. What's wrong?"

There was an experiment that required people to keep an eye on it, and she didn't trust the newcomers, so she had no choice but to do it herself.

Li Jiu understood. It was no wonder. Mobile phones were not allowed in the laboratory. Su Ke stayed here for a month, which was equivalent to being isolated from the world. He had no idea what was going on outside.

Su Ke knew that she liked to flirt with boys in the past, so he was so bold to introduce her to the school sweetheart.

 But things are different now. Even if the school grass looks like a fairy, she might not be able to take a look at it.

 She would be in trouble if that stingy guy Qi Jingci found out.

Li Jiu was silent for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and handed it to Su Ke, saying, "You'd better go to the Internet cafe first."

 After saying that, he turned around and went to the experimental platform on the other side.

Su Ke was stunned by her actions and didn't understand what she meant at all.

But I haven’t been online for a month. Is it okay to surf for a while?

ten minutes later.


A scream suddenly erupted in the huge laboratory, causing everyone to freeze and look at the speaker in displeasure.

 The most important thing when doing experiments is to be careful and quiet. When she shouted, the reagent in her hand almost exploded.

  It took a few seconds for Su Ke to react after screaming: "..."

Su Ke smiled apologetically at everyone, and then quickly ran away.

“Master Jiu! Why didn’t you tell me about your engagement?!” Su Ke asked angrily, standing next to Li Jiu.

 “I didn’t hide it from you either.” Li Jiu said.

Isn’t this giving her a mobile phone to allow her to access the Internet?

Nowadays, the Internet is almost full of scandals about her and Qi Jingci. You can see it by browsing casually, and she didn't want to hide it from Su Ke.

 “But! But...”

Su Ke bit his lip in shame and anger. This is so embarrassing! She just introduced the school sweetheart to Li Jiu, and the next second she found out that she was already engaged!

The target is Qi Jingci, the number one person in the imperial capital. That aloof, cold and dignified man is even more her idol!

This, how could this make her calm down?

Su Ke felt like he was about to burst.

On one side is her incomparable powerful Master Jiu, and on the other is her superior Third Master. When these two people come together, Su Ke can't imagine what it would be like.

"Master Jiu...are you and Master San really real?" Su Ke asked cautiously, fearing that he would get a negative answer.

Li Jiu glanced sideways and glanced at her lightly, "What do you think?"

Su Ke thought for a moment and said, "I think... you are serious."


Su Ke’s eyes lit up, “Because you are very sweet!”

Even though I read the posts on the Internet, there are pictures and truth, and I can hardly hide the sugar in them.

Especially every time Qi Jingci looked at Li Jiu, the fondness in his eyes almost overflowed.

 If this were not true, she would never believe in love again.

Li Jiu raised the corners of his lips and said, "If you think it's true, then it's true."

 (End of this chapter)

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