She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 249: Hire a chef directly (first update)

Chapter 249: Hire a chef directly (first update)

Su Ke curled his lips and secretly paid attention to her and Qi Jingci's super chat, planning to have some sweets when he was bored.

Li Jiu ignored her boring behavior, lowered her head and continued to do what she was doing.

 After staying in the laboratory for a day, Li Jiu sealed the samples, took off his protective clothing, and prepared to leave.


Du Zi took a step closer to her and blocked the way. He approached Li Jiu and asked flatteringly: "Professor, are you coming tomorrow?"

Li Jiu crossed his hands across his chest and said, "It depends on the situation. If something happens tomorrow, I won't come."

Du Ziyue chuckled and asked coyly: "I still don't understand the experiment today, and I want to ask you for advice."

Li Jiu raised his wrist and looked at the time. It was already half past seven in the evening. If he didn't go back, Qi Jingci would be anxious.

"I'll look at it for you tomorrow. I have something to do, so I'll leave first." After saying that, Li Jiu patted him on the shoulder, walked past him and left.

Du Ziyue could only scratch his head on the spot, a little confused. What time was it? It is normal for them to stay up until midnight while doing experiments.

I originally thought that Li Jiu would stay up all night when he came to the laboratory this time, but he left just after seven o'clock. Was he in such a hurry?

Su Ke walked up to him and said with a mysterious face: "Don't you understand? I have a lovely wife at home, so Master Jiu naturally can't let go of any job."

 Du Ziyue: “???”

Why is the charming wife so charming?


Qi Jingci sat on the sofa with his hands folded across his chest, his face becoming more and more gloomy as time passed. The air pressure around him dropped sharply, making Jing Yi breathless.

Jing Yi stood aside and observed Qi Jingci's expression, secretly nudged Jing Er with his elbow, and asked, "Hey, do you think I look like a harem?"

It’s as if she’s waiting for her husband who doesn’t come home late!


Jing Er pulled Jing Yi’s hand and said coldly: “I won’t stop you if you want to die.”

 Say this in front of me, are you afraid you want to be driven out to mine?

Jingyi was about to say a few words, but he heard the cold voice of Qi Jingci, who had been silent, without any emotion: "Jingyi, you talk too much."

Jing Yi smiled angrily and immediately covered his mouth.

He was really bored. Qi Jingci called him over and just stood here doing nothing. His legs were almost numb.

While Qi Jingci wasn't paying attention, he lowered his voice and asked, "Why don't you think Madam is back yet?"

"have no idea."

 “If my wife doesn’t come back, my legs will go numb.”

 “If you don’t shut up, your legs will be gone.”


Jingyi didn’t know why.

Jingji gestured to him with his eyes.

Following Jing Er’s line of sight, Jing Yi successfully looked into Qi Jingci’s ice-hardened eyes.

 Jingyi: “…”

Jing lowered his head for a moment, as quiet as a chicken.

Just as the surrounding atmosphere became increasingly stagnant, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Li Jiu hung up the keys, put on his slippers, looked up and met three pairs of eyes, and paused.

"You...are you waiting for me?"

The moment she spoke, Jing Yi, who was closer to Qi Jingci, felt his body suddenly relax, and the oppressive feeling disappeared immediately.

Qi Jingci raised his eyes and looked at her with a calm expression, "I'll wait for you to come back to cook."

"Huh?" Li Jiu said blankly, "I can't cook."

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Jing Er, who was behind him, quickly explained: "Madam, what I mean is that when you come back, I will let Jing Yi cook."

Jingyi nodded, "Yes, yes." If you don't come back, they will either stand here until they become numb and die, or they will be suffocated to death by the pressure of my aura.

Li Jiu looked at Jing Yi and said with some embarrassment, "Isn't that good? I ask you to cook every time. You are not a chef."

Jingyi waved his hand quickly: "No trouble, no trouble. I get my salary, so of course I have to work hard, part-time as a chef or something like that."

 After saying that, he very discerningly took Jing Er to the kitchen, leaving space for the two of them.

   Just kidding, I knew from the look on my face that I had something to say to my wife. If they were to act as light bulbs here, I would definitely give them a hard mark. It would be better for me to leave wisely, and I would be more satisfied.

Jing Yi proudly raised his chin at Jing Er, look, am I smart?

Jingji, who was caught off guard and was dragged away: "..." Make a staff!

Jing Yi and Jing Er left, leaving only Li Jiu and Qi Jingci facing each other, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Li Jiu was still worried about what happened outside the MZ Building in the morning, and was worried that he would suddenly mention it.

The strange thing is that Qi Jingci showed no signs of asking questions clearly, as if the incident in the morning never happened at all.

“How long are you going to stand there?” Qi Jingci suddenly spoke, pulling Li Jiu back from his thoughts.

She walked to the sofa and sat down. She kicked off her shoes with a natural expression, revealing her white feet. She skillfully put her legs on the sofa and crossed them.

Qi Jingci was stunned by this action and even swallowed the words he was about to ask.

 He frowned and said in a deep tone, "Put on your shoes."

"don't want."

 “The ground is cold.”


Li Jiu wanted to retort, but looking at his gloomy eyes, she felt guilty for some reason, so she could only reluctantly put on her slippers.

“Why did you come back so late today?” Qi Jingci asked.

"I'm in class," Li Jiu made up an excuse for himself, "It's almost the end of the semester, so I'd better sharpen my skills before the battle."

Qi Jingci's eyes flashed, he raised his head and looked directly at her, saying, "I asked Jing Yi to check your class schedule. You have no classes today."

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu coughed lightly and made up nonsense: "...I was called by the teacher to the office to make up for a whole day of lessons."

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows slightly. Today he had been to the Imperial University office to talk to Li Jiu's teacher all afternoon, but he didn't even see her shadow.

However, seeing her expression becoming more and more guilty, Qi Jingci finally sighed and didn't press any further.

 Forget it, if she doesn’t want to tell him, he won’t ask. She will tell him when she wants to.

Thinking of this, Qi Jingci's eyes softened a little, and the unhappiness in his heart because Li Jiu came back too late immediately dissipated, and he asked softly: "Are you hungry?"

Li Jiu nodded immediately. Are you not hungry?

 She has been standing in the laboratory for a day, because experiments cannot be separated from people, and she only eats instant noodles at noon. Her stomach has been protesting from just now until now.

“The meal will be ready soon. There is cake in the refrigerator. Do you want to eat some first to satisfy your stomach?”

Li Jiu grasped the key point and asked: "Where did the cake come from?"

 He doesn’t seem like someone who would buy these things.

“Weiwei came over in the afternoon and stuffed a lot of snacks and frozen food into the refrigerator.”

Li Jiu coughed lightly.

 It was Qi Mowei who understood her and Qi Jingci.

 The old residence of the Qi family at this time.

Mrs. Qi looked puzzled at Qi Mowei packing a pile of bread and ham sausages, and asked: "Weiwei, what are you doing? Wholesale snacks?"

Qi Mowei didn't even raise her head, "Neither Third Brother nor Ajiu can cook. If they live together, they will starve to death one day. I have to make some preparations for them."

“…Can’t you just hire a chef?”

 (End of this chapter)

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