She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 250: It’s time for Weiwei to find a boyfriend (second update)

Chapter 250 It’s time for Weiwei to find a boyfriend (second update)

Qi Mowei straightened her hands. She seemed not to have thought about this.

Mrs. Qi knew that Qi Jingci and Li Jiu were living together. The first thing Li did after he sent Li Jiu's luggage was to inform Mr. Qi and her. For this, she was happy for a long time.

Now that Qi Mowei was fussing with these things, she suddenly remembered that her cheap son couldn’t cook!

 And looking at Qi Mowei like this, Li Jiu wouldn't do it either.

Mrs. Qi frowned and said, "It's true that your third brother doesn't know how to cook. Why don't you hire a chef? Why should Xiaojiu starve with him?"

Hearing the undisguised disgust in her words, Qi Mowei smiled dryly and wanted to say something for Qi Jingci: "Mom, third brother is usually busy and didn't notice this. What's more, if Jing Yi knows how to cook, third brother must feel that No need to hire a chef.”

Mrs. Qi glanced at her, then at the big bag of things behind her, and asked, "Since Jingyi knows how to cook, why are you bothering with all this?"

Qi Mowei: "...I, I'm not afraid that Ajiu will be hungry and have nothing to eat."

At this time, Qi Sijin suddenly came down from upstairs slowly, her long hair gathered together casually, her pajamas hung diagonally on her body, revealing her delicate collarbones and fair skin, with an extremely lazy expression, as if she had just fallen asleep. Nice sleeping cat.

Glancing at the things piled on the floor in the living room, Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows, his light golden eyes flashed with surprise, and said: "Weiwei, are you... preparing for camping?"

Qi Mowei rolled her eyes and said, "Fuck you, I'm preparing food for Ajiu."

Qi Sijin: "...Then she can eat quite well."

 The portion she prepared was enough to raise a dozen pigs.

 “I want you to take care of it!”

Qi Sijin had a peach blossom smile on his face. He looked at Qi Mowei with interest and said, "I advise you not to send these away, otherwise your third uncle will definitely throw them out to you."

Qi Mowei hummed, "I gave it to Ajiu, not him, so why should he throw it away?"

“Please think about it, with Uncle San’s level of mysophobia, can he agree to someone eating snacks in his apartment?”

Qi Sijin took a cursory glance at the snacks she had prepared. They were spicy peanut strips with melon seeds. They were either in shells or had a strong flavor. It would be strange if Qi Jingci was not crazy.

Qi Mowei: " seems to be the same."

“So, Miss, please don’t send these over, otherwise my third uncle will go crazy and I won’t be able to save you.”

Qi Mowei pursed her lips, and finally gave up the idea of ​​giving food to Li Jiu, and had the suitcase of snacks moved to her bedroom.

 Having bought everything, it would be a pity to throw it away, so let her handle it.

Thinking about it, Qi Mowei smacked her lips.

The corners of Qi Sijin's mouth twitched slightly, and a black line slid down his forehead. He quickly stepped forward to stop those people's movements, turned around and said to her with a stern face: "Qi Mowei, don't you want your figure anymore? So much junk food. , you want to eat a lot of gutter oil?"

Qi Mowei snorted coldly, "I won't gain weight no matter how much I eat, and I'm not afraid if these snacks weigh ten pounds!"

Qi Sijin’s face turned dark and she was a little angry, “No matter what, junk food is unhealthy, so you are not allowed to eat it.”

 However, his threat was neither painful nor itchy to Qi Mowei, and had little impact at all.

“I know junk food is unhealthy, but it tastes so good that no one can resist it, okay?”


Qi Mowei turned her head, stared at him, and snorted coldly: "It's all your little aunt's fault. Qi Sijin, are you a little bolder?"


Qi Sijin’s face became even more disgusting.

Qi Mowei ignored him, turned around and asked someone to carry the suitcase to her bedroom, and then followed her, not forgetting to turn around and make a face at him. Qi Sijin: “…”

Qi Sijin sighed helplessly and complained to Mrs. Qi beside her, "Grandma, you don't care about her doing this nonsense?"

Mrs. Qi squinted her eyes and smiled, saying: "This girl won't listen to anyone except her third brother. How can I care about her?"

“Then let her go on like this?”

Qi Sijin frowned. She had never liked eating since she was a child, and only liked to eat various snacks. He had spent a lot of effort to help her cure this problem. Unexpectedly, he had only been away for a few years, and she would do it again. It's an old problem.

Seeing his appearance, Mrs. Qi comforted him and said, "Okay, Weiwei is an adult now and knows what to do."

Qi Sijin lowered his head and muttered in a low voice: "She knows what she is, she is just an idiot."

Obviously a ghost. For so many years, he has not learned to take care of himself. He can poison himself to death. What is it an idiot?

Mrs. Qi chuckled and said, "Ajin, Weiwei heard this, it's time to start trouble with you again."

 “I’m not afraid of her.”

“I know you’re not afraid, but if she makes a fuss, don’t you still have to coax her?”

 Qi Sijin froze.

Mrs. Qi watched him and Qi Mowei grow up and knew their personalities very well.

Qi Mowei is the adopted daughter of the Qi family. She is one year younger than Qi Sijin, but she is a whole generation older than him.

  Qi Sijin has liked to control Qi Mowei since she was a child. He is stricter and more careful than her mother. Those who don't know think he is Qi Mowei's parent.

For this reason, Qi Mowei often quarreled with him and was quite uncooperative. Several times they almost started fighting and made him angry. Qi Sijin would go to coax him in person. Sometimes it would take several hours, and sometimes it would take most of a day.

 So, these two people are born to be enemies.

Qi Sijin scratched his head and said, "Grandma, I do it for her own good."

“I know, but don’t you think the way you two get along is a little different from that of ordinary aunts and nephews?”

Sometimes even she felt that the two children looked like brothers and sisters, not like aunt and nephew at all.

Qi Sijin's eyes paused and he lowered his head, "It's not like we are aunt and nephew, how can it be the same?"

Mrs. Qi slapped him on the back of the head and said, "What did you say? Weiwei is your little aunt, you can't kiss her."

Qi Sijin felt pain, covered his head and said sadly: "I know, grandma."

"Well, Ajin, from now on, don't be the same age as your little aunt. What will this sound like?" Mrs. Qi asked.

"Oh, grandma, do you still care about this now? Weiwei and I were like this before, and you never cared about it."

Mrs. Qi glanced at him and said, "It was in the past. Don't look at how old Weiwei is now. It's time to find a boyfriend. How many boys dare to chase you if you are like her all day long?" she?"

 Qi Sijin stiffened, a hint of displeasure flashed in his light golden eyes.

"What kind of boyfriend can you find at such a young age? Is it because the Qi family can't support her or is she impatient to marry?"

Not surprisingly, as soon as he finished speaking, another slap fell on the back of his head.

 “If you talk nonsense again, I’ll shoot you to death!”

 Qi Sijin: “…”

 (End of this chapter)

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