She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 254: Senior, are you also from the Special Administration Bureau? (Second update)

Chapter 254 Senior, are you also from the Special Administration Bureau? (Second update)

  The oppressive feeling around him was getting heavier and heavier. Xue Cong's white forehead was already covered with fine sweat, his heart was beating violently in his chest, and his face was abnormally red.

 “Hug, sorry.”

When Xue Cong spat out two words, his expression was no longer as calm as before, but instead revealed a sense of fear.

She just wanted to give it a try, wanting to see what the relationship between this man and Weiwei was like, and what hidden secrets there were.

 I didn’t expect that she would be so difficult to deal with.

Li Jiu glanced at her lightly and withdrew his pressure.

The suffocating feeling all over his body disappeared, and Xue Cong suddenly returned to the sea like a dehydrated fish, taking a few deep breaths.

Although the pressure disappeared, her violently beating heart reminded her all the time that the person in front of her was dangerous and poisonous, and she would die if he touched him.

Recognizing this, Xue subconsciously shrank back, his eyes looking at her filled with fear.

Ye Wanxin seemed to notice something strange here. She walked over and was shocked when she saw Xue Cong's ugly face: "Sister Congcong, what's wrong with you?!"

Xue Cong calmed down, tried his best to smile at her, and said, "It's okay, the box is too hot. I'll go out and take a breath."

 After saying that, he put down his wine glass and left the box, but his back looked very hurried.

Ye Wanxin frowned, and her suspicious eyes wandered over Li Jiu's face several times, but found nothing unusual.

 Did you guess wrong? Li Jiu didn't bully Sister Congcong?

Li Jiu's eyes fell on Xue Cong's hasty back, and he didn't look back until she disappeared from sight.

The corners of her lips were raised, indicating her good mood at the moment. She didn't expect that she could tease a newbie out so late at night.

It’s just that this little rookie is a little bit too new, and I can’t help but laugh at it.

Li Jiu held her chin in thought for a moment, then stood up. Although this was not her jurisdiction, considering that she was Weiwei's friend, it would be better to remind her.

 Lest she get into trouble and implicate Qi Mowei again.

Xue Cong trotted all the way to the bathroom and poured a large handful of cold water on her face. The biting cold temperature made her instantly refreshed and sober.

 After calming down for a moment, he calmed down his chaotic and complicated thoughts, and turned around to go outside to breathe some fresh air.

 In the next second, he met Li Jiu's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

  Xue Cong: “…”

The air was silent for a few seconds.

Xue Cong swallowed, and after mentally preparing himself, he asked tentatively: "Are you... also a person with superpowers?"

Unexpectedly, she would ask directly. Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, looked at her indifferently, and said nothing.

Xue Cong was so shocked just now that he didn't even realize what he said. When he came back to his senses, he suddenly remembered that this was a public place. There were people coming and going outside the bathroom, and there were surveillance cameras. He said this openly and honestly. It's just idiotic behavior.


Xue Cong's expression went blank for a moment, and his face immediately became apologetic, "Sorry, I was in a hurry and forgot the rules..."

Li Jiu didn't care at all and just asked: "New guy?"

Xue Cong nodded sheepishly, as if he was stupid, and his expression collapsed a little.

“I just joined the company last month and was transferred back to China.”

"Special Administration Bureau?" "...Hmm." Xue Cong blushed for a moment and nodded.

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked her up and down. Her temperament and upbringing were excellent, and she was obviously a weak young lady. He really didn't realize that she was actually qualified to be transferred to the Special Administration Bureau.

How can you investigate the case with this helpless look?

Li Jiu clicked his tongue twice in his heart. What were the senior officials of the Imperial Capital Special Administration Bureau thinking about all day long.

“Are the physical fitness standards of your Special Administration Bureau so low now?”


Xue Cong was at a loss for a moment. After he realized what she was talking about, his face turned red to his ears. He lowered his head and said in an embarrassed voice: "I... stuffed it in at home."

Li Jiu is aware of it, Guanhu.

But it doesn't matter. In the past few years, there have been more and more related households in the Special Administration Bureau, but the above people have always turned a blind eye and muddle along. She also knows the reasons, so she has no intention of Xue Cong using the back door. It’s not a big opinion, I just said yes.

However, Xue Cong didn't think so. She had been strictly required by her family since she was a child, and she worked extremely hard in everything she did. She got everything by relying on her own strength. It was just this time that she couldn't control her family, so she agreed to leave. back door.

 Now that I have told Li Jiu, I feel ashamed.

"I will work hard and won't let others gossip." Xue Cong raised his beautiful eyes and said firmly to Li Jiu.

This is not just for Li Jiu, but also for herself. Even if she goes through the back door, she must work hard to surpass others and let others recognize herself. There is no idle talk.

Unexpectedly, Li Jiu laughed softly as if he had heard some joke.

Xue Cong didn’t know why.

Li Jiu smiled and shook his head. He was indeed a newbie, and he was very enthusiastic. There are some things in this world that cannot be obtained by hard work alone.

“Miss Xue, people with superpowers are not ordinary people, and hard work alone cannot change anything.”

Xue Cong frowned and disagreed with her words.

"Why can't it change? Compared with ordinary people, doesn't it mean that people with superpowers have different levels of brain development and stronger mental strength, so they can have special abilities?"

“As long as you work hard to cultivate your spiritual power, you can improve your ability level, right?”

Li Jiu’s lips curled up slightly, without refuting her words, “That’s right.”

 She was right, but not everything.

Xue Cong is just a newcomer after all. It seems that her family only had time to educate her about the difference between people with super powers and ordinary people, but they did not explain the deeper meaning, which led to her such naive thinking.

In Li Jiu's eyes, newcomers like Xue Cong who have just awakened are no different from children who are just a few days old and don't understand anything.

 But what does this have to do with her?

  She did not have the kindness to answer these questions for Xue Cong. She would have to experience everything firsthand before she would be more convinced.

 And that was all she could say.

Li Jiu curled her lips and did not continue the topic with her. "Don't use your mental power on others in the future. In a situation like today, if you are discovered, Weiwei will be implicated."

Xue Cong blushed and said, "Okay, I understand."

Li Jiu nodded and turned to leave, but heard Xue Cong ask behind him: "Senior, are you also from the Special Administration Bureau?"

From the pressure just now, Xue Cong knew that his level was not good enough in Li Jiu's eyes, so he was right to call him "senior".

Li Jiu paused, raised the corner of his mouth with a meaningful arc, and said faintly: "So be it."

 (End of this chapter)

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