She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 255: Li Yun is pregnant (first update)

Chapter 255 Li Yun is pregnant (first update)

 That counts?

 What is the answer?

Xue Cong frowned, and just when he was about to open his mouth to ask clearly, Li Jiu had disappeared.

Coming out of the bathroom, Li Jiu walked along the same path and planned to go to the private room. Unexpectedly, he suddenly caught sight of an acquaintance from the corner of his eye.

Li Yun was wearing a revealing and **** midriff-baring outfit, with flaming red lips. She held her fair arm affectionately in Lu Shaoqi's arm and was chatting and laughing with the people next to her in a very intimate manner.

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows. Didn’t his last confession fail? How did these two get together?

Lu Shaoqi was unwilling to accept Li Yun at that time, but now it seems that the relationship between the two of them is quite close.

 It seems that a lot of things happened during this period.

Li Jiu’s eyes flashed with a hint of interest.

“Hey, Yun Yun, look, is that your sister over there?” Someone was talking to Li Yun and suddenly pointed behind her.

 Because the lights in the corner of the bar were dim and they were so far away, the man was not sure.

Li Yun looked along his line of sight, his expression suddenly turned ugly, and the fingers that grabbed Lu Shaoqi's arm subconsciously tightened a little harder.

Lu Shaoqi frowned suddenly, his expression darkened, hissed, threw her hand away, and growled: "What are you doing?"

Why did this woman suddenly use so much force to strangle him to death?

Li Yun suddenly came to his senses and apologized quickly: "I'm sorry! Brother Shaoqi, are you okay?"

She reached out her hand to help him rub the sore spot, but he pushed her away.

"Do not touch me!"

Li Yun's expression changed for a moment, but it was fleeting. She lowered her head and said in a very low tone, "Brother Shaoqi, I didn't mean it..."

When the person next to him saw it, he immediately advised: "Shaoqi, Miss Li didn't mean it. You're a grown man, so don't worry about it."

 “That’s right, what are you afraid of if you are thick-skinned and thick-skinned?”

“With a beauty like Miss Li by my side, it doesn’t matter if she strangles me to death.”

  “That’s right!”

Everyone was laughing and joking, completely unaware of how ugly Lu Shaoqi looked.

Li Yun saw this and said quickly: "Don't say that, I can't bear to strangle brother Shaoqi to death."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another round of laughter.

 “Yo yo yo, are you feeling distressed?”

“Sister-in-law really feels sorry for Brother Shaoqi, and can’t bear to even pinch him.”

Hearing the last sentence, Lu Shaoqi's eyes instantly darkened and he scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about? She is not your sister-in-law!"

Is she worthy of such a woman? !

Li Yun's expression changed again, and he lowered his head, looking very depressed.

When everyone saw this, some couldn't stand it.

“Brother Shaoqi, you can’t say that, right? You’ve brought her to see us, but you still don’t allow us to call her sister-in-law?”

Every time he brought women to them before, he insisted on calling them sister-in-law. Why did he refuse to call them sister-in-law this time when they took the initiative?

 Lu Shaoqi stood up from the booth, his expression turned ugly. The people around him were startled by his actions, and they fell silent and looked at him blankly.

We were having a good conversation just now, why did we suddenly fall out?

 Everyone looked at each other, confused.

“Shaoqi, what are you doing?” someone asked.

Today was originally the time for Lu Shaoqi and his friends to get together on a daily basis, but unexpectedly he brought Li Yun with him.

Ever since Li Yun made a grand confession at the auction last time, everyone in the Imperial Capital knew that she liked Lu Shaoqi.

This time he brought Li Yun here, and they thought that the two of them had made a good deal, but the last time he refused her confession was because of the inconvenience of being in public.

They also understood this. After all, they were as carefree as Lu Shaoqi. They knew that agreeing to Li Yun in the last situation would involve the Lu family and the Li family, and they might even get married. He always likes freedom, why? May be willing to be bound by marriage.

But it’s one thing not to like being restrained, it’s another thing entirely to get along with Lu Shaoqi and Li Yun.

For people like Lu Shaoqi, there is no difference between changing women and changing clothes. In most cases, it is you and I who are willing to treat those women. After all the money, how can you not be tempted when you finally meet a rich and powerful daughter who loves you wholeheartedly and sincerely?

Li Yun is also the most beautiful woman in the imperial capital. Her face and figure are first-class. She has slept with her several times and it will not be a loss at all.

I didn't agree at the time, but after teasing him a few words in private, this person didn't take the bait easily.

 So, when they saw Li Yun and Lu Shaoqi together, they were not surprised, but rather expected.

As a result, Lu Shaoqi suddenly changed his face. From the looks of it, his relationship with Li Yun was not particularly good.

Everyone is confused, what is going on?

Li Yun was startled by Lu Shaoqi's sudden movement and looked a little embarrassed. She immediately put on a smile and said, "Brother Shaoqi, don't be like this. If you don't call me sister-in-law, don't call her sister-in-law. I don't have any objection."

With that said, she stood up and pressed herself into Lu Shaoqi's arms, saying coquettishly: "Brother Shaoqi, it's my fault. I hurt you just now. Don't be angry."

 The movements showed the posture of the little daughter, and her face was blushing. If Lu Shaoqi hadn't had a cold face, it would have been a very loving scene.

Everyone couldn't help but stare. Normally, they would only see Li Yun once or twice at various high-class banquets. Back then, she was always elegant and generous, and her aloof attitude was so different from that of a little bird at this moment. It was quite a contrast. big.

Li Yun took in everyone's expressions, and there was a hint of pride in his eyes, thinking that Lu Shaoqi must be very fond of this trick.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqi took a step back calmly, widening the distance between her and him, as if he was avoiding something dirty.

Li Yun's smile faltered, but she saw him leaning over her ear, saying viciously in a voice that only two people could hear: "Li Yun, don't think that you can do whatever you want by climbing into my bed and getting pregnant with my child. !”

Li Yun's expression suddenly stiffened, the color on his face quickly faded, his eyes immediately turned red, and he looked at Lu Shaoqi with a look of tears.

 “Brother Shaoqi…I don’t have one.”

Lu Shaoqi didn't want to hear her continue talking at all. To be honest, he felt sick even looking at her now. If it weren't for the one in her belly, how would he pay attention to her?

When he thought of this, Lu Shaoqi was so angry that he wanted to strangle the shameless woman in front of him to death.

 She used such despicable means to climb onto his bed and become pregnant with his child, and then came to threaten him!

Who gave her the face and courage? !

 But there is no way. Although he usually acts a little randomly, he always takes good measures afterward, so there are so many women who have followed him, and none of them have fallen into the trap.

Only Li Yun! He climbed into his bed while he was drunk, and then the child caught him even more off guard.

She wanted her to abort the baby, but she threatened to tell the Lu family about her pregnancy if she wanted to abort the baby.

The Lu family and his wife were deeply disgusted with Lu Shaoqi's promiscuous style. If they knew that he had made a woman pregnant, why not break his legs? !

 (End of this chapter)

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