She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 256: Li Jiu: Shut up! (Second update)

Chapter 256 Li Jiu: Shut up! (Second update)

 At that time, I’m afraid he will have to bear this responsibility whether he wants it or not!

 Let him marry a woman like Li Yun? dream!

Lu Shaoqi snorted coldly, picked up the coat on the side with his long arm, and said to Li Yun: "You take your time here, I have to leave beforehand."

 He then left quickly, and Li Yun was too late to stop him.

Seeing Lu Shaoqi's back disappear from sight, Li Yun's face finally turned livid, his eyes were full of hatred, and the aura around him was terrifyingly cold.

People around her were startled by her expression, thinking that she was unhappy because Lu Shaoqi left her alone, so they all comforted her: "Miss Li, don't be sad, Shaoqi has such a fiery temper."

“That’s right, sister-in-law, please forgive me, Brother Shaoqi, he definitely didn’t mean it.”

 “That’s right, that’s right.”

Li Yun was in a very bad mood now, but due to the presence of so many people, she had to maintain her gentle and graceful persona. The hands hanging by her sides clenched unconsciously, a smile appeared on her face, and she said: "I'm fine."

The corner of his eye suddenly glanced towards the corner, and when he saw the familiar figure still there, Li Yun's eyes became even more gloomy.

That familiar figure was undoubtedly Li Jiu. She looked at it with her hands folded across her chest and couldn't help but click her tongue. It was really a good show.

It seems that Lu Shaoqi is destined to be entangled with Li Yun.

With the male protagonist gone, the good show could not be performed. Li Jiu turned around and wanted to leave, but unexpectedly, a voice came from behind: "Li Jiu!"

She paused and turned around, and sure enough she saw Li Yun walking towards this side menacingly, his eyes full of anger.


Li Jiu raised his eyebrows. Is this person crazy? She was just watching a show, why were you angry with her?

 However, the reason why a mentally retarded person is considered mentally retarded is that she cannot understand it with ordinary people's thinking.

Just like now, Lu Shaoqi shamed her and left her alone. Li Jiu witnessed the whole process of this scandal, and Li Yun thought that she was really mocking him and came to see his joke.

 So she quickly blocked Li Jiu's way, stared at her with a gloomy face, and asked sternly: "Are you deliberately looking at my joke?!"

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu was so shocked by her high-decibel voice that she subconsciously stretched out her index finger to pick out her ears, and said calmly: "If you have a brain disease, I suggest you see a psychiatrist."

Li Yun became even more angry when he heard this. He blushed angrily and pointed at her angrily, saying: "You are the one who is sick! You stalker! You are the one who followed me to the bar."


Li Jiu suspected that she was sick just now, but now it is certain.

Would anyone in their right mind say something like this?

She now seriously believes that Li Yun has mild persecution delusion and moderate anxiety.

She usually dresses like a lady and socialite, but when it comes to her eyes, she looks like a lunatic in a mental hospital?

Is it possible that she has an automatic disease diagnosis function?

  It’s really baffling.

Li Jiu looked at Li Yun with indifferent eyes and said harshly, "Get out of the way."

 She doesn't want to talk nonsense with her now, that would be a waste of her saliva and time.

However, Li Yun refused to let go and didn't want to let Li Jiu go.

She worked hard to get pregnant with Lu Shaoqi's child, but during this period he was still ignoring her. Today he even broke up with her. If this continues, she has no idea that this child can still hold him. how long.

She was already upset, but then she found Li Jiu in the corner looking like he was watching a good show. How could she not be annoyed?

If she couldn’t express her bad temper today, her surname would not be Li!

 “Li Jiu! Let me tell you! Don’t think—ah!”

Just when Li Yunchang wanted to teach Li Jiu a lesson, the latter suddenly took a step forward and pushed her away with a dull look.

Li Yun was caught off guard and her back hit the wall nearby, causing her to cry out in pain, which instantly attracted the attention of many people.

"Li Jiu! Stop! How dare you push me?!" Those who were with Li Yun and Lu Shaoqi just now ran over when they heard the screams. At a glance, they saw her holding her stomach and leaning on her face in pain. on the wall, immediately startled.

 “Oh my God! Miss Li, are you okay?”

"sister in law!"

Several people hurriedly helped her up, and then quickly stepped forward to surround Li Jiu.

"Stop! You pushed someone and you want to run away? Do you know who I am, grandpa?"

Even if they were far away from here and didn't know what happened, combining what they saw just now and what Li Yun said before was enough to restore the truth.

“Hurry up and apologize to our sister-in-law! Maybe I can spare you.”

 “That’s it! Hurry up!”

Li Jiu squinted his eyes, glanced roughly at the people in front of him, and twisted his wrist.

 Each of them spoke in a loud voice, but I didn’t know whether they would be able to beat them smoothly or not.

But if you beat someone here, it may be a little troublesome to solve it later.

And she didn’t know what the power behind this bar was. If the follow-up issues were too complicated, then she would have to consider whether to use force.

 “Hey! I’m talking to you! Didn’t you hear me?”

The man saw Li Jiu standing there quietly and didn't speak, thinking that she was frightened by him. He felt proud and couldn't help but look at Li Jiu carefully.

This glance didn't matter, it allowed him to see Li Jiu's face clearly, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

 “Yo yo yo, this little girl’s skin is quite beautiful…”

As he spoke, his eyes became more and more lewd, and he couldn't help but reach out his hand to pinch Li Jiu's face.

 It looks so good, and it must feel good to touch.

Li Jiu's eyes narrowed slightly, a cold light appeared, and the air pressure around his body suddenly dropped.

 The next moment, he raised his legs, stretched out his feet, and kicked out with all his strength.

There was a scream. The man's body flew out like a rag and hit the wall. The sound of broken ribs could be heard clearly. He slid to the ground weakly and fainted from the pain.

 The air was quiet for three seconds.

 In an instant, bursts of screams erupted in the bar.

Everyone saw with their own eyes that Li Jiu kicked someone away. The man immediately fainted and his breath was weak. At first glance, he looked like he was dead.

They did not expect to see human life in the excitement. They were frightened and wanted to flee the scene immediately, causing a chaos.

Li Yun was leaning against the wall at this time, his eyes were wide open, and he looked at the fainted man blankly, his voice trembling: "Li, Li Jiu, you are done! Do you know who he is? You actually killed him. Ah!”

In the end, she couldn't hold it back any longer and screamed directly, the sound sharp and harsh, as if it was going to penetrate the ceiling.

Li Jiu was already annoyed by the screams of the people around her, but now she was howling like this, and she suddenly felt her ears ringing.

So, Li Jiu's eyes were as cold and sharp as a sword and shot at her, and his tone seemed to have been tempered by ice: "Shut up!"

Li Yun was so shocked by her eyes that he subconsciously closed his mouth and did not dare to speak.

At this moment, a group of uniformed security guards appeared out of nowhere and quickly and orderly suppressed the chaotic crowd.

"what happens?"

 (End of this chapter)

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