She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 257: It's still useful if you keep it

Chapter 257: Keeping it is still useful

Xue Cong came out of the bathroom and returned to the box but found that Li Jiu was not there. After asking Qi Mowei and learning that she had not come back, he went out to look for her alone.

As soon as she left the house, she heard a scream coming from the first floor. She immediately walked towards the source of the chaos, pushing aside the security guards who were maintaining order. At a glance, she saw Li Jiu standing there quietly, with a leisurely posture and an indifferent expression. Looking back in front of her, The faces of several people looked as if they had been painted white.

Xue Cong frowned, walked to Li Jiu, and said in a slightly surprised tone: "Li Yun?"

As he said this, Xue Cong was filled with doubts when he saw Li Yun's pale, bloodless face. Was she seeing a ghost? His face is so ugly.

Li Yun was shocked speechless just now by Li Jiu's sudden kick. Seeing Xue Cong appear, her eyes first flashed with surprise, and then disgust.

 “Xue Cong, why are you here?”

 She and Xue Cong are both the daughters of a well-known family in the imperial capital. They are similar in appearance and age, so they like to be compared by others. In the eyes of others, in terms of means and ability, she cannot compare to Xue Cong at all.

 So, she and she gradually came to dislike each other.

Xue Cong took a rough look around and roughly restored the situation just now from the unconscious person lying on the ground and Li Yun's pale face. Seeing that Li Jiu was still rubbing the soles of his shoes easily, he couldn't help but chuckle: "The bar is back again." It wasn't you, Miss Li, who drove it, so what does my whereabouts have to do with you?"


Li Yun's eyes widened and he looked at her angrily.

However, before she could finish her sentence, Xue Cong said again: "No, it's Miss Li Er."

Although Xue Cong's tone was calm and he was just stating a fact, he stepped on Li Yun's painful foot, causing her to explode on the spot.

"What Miss Li Er! I am the real eldest daughter of the Li family!"

Xue Cong raised his eyebrows and his eyes fell on Li Jiu, "Miss Li, your sister doesn't seem to recognize you."

Li Jiu's eyes were indifferent, "I don't have a sister."

 “That was a mistake on my part.”

The two of them sang together, making Li Yun's face turn red and white, making him look particularly ugly.

By now, no matter how stupid she is, she can still see that Xue Cong and Li Jiu are in the same group.

  Her eyes were heavy and her tone was threatening, "Xue Cong, are you sure you want to hang out with Li Jiu? She is an illegitimate daughter! Don't be laughed at."

"A joke?" Xue Cong's tone was normal, but he said words that were inconsistent with her temperament, "I think you look like a joke."


"Okay, Li Yun, let's think about how to solve the problem at hand. You don't want to be on the hot search tomorrow morning, right?" Xue Congdao.

The man was still lying on the ground, and the scene was in chaos. When she came over just now, she saw someone going to notify the bar manager, who should arrive soon.

Making trouble in a bar is a big deal or a small thing. If he is let out, tomorrow's headlines will definitely be: The rich and powerful daughter of the Royal Capital has a late-night bar fight and causes trouble.

In this era of information explosion, public opinion is beyond the control of people like them. The most indispensable thing on the Internet is keyboard warriors who hate the rich. If tonight's incident is exaggerated and spread by them, it will not only be them, but also the people behind them. The whole family will be affected.

"Solution? Is there any solution? It was all caused by Li Jiu alone! The responsibility lies with her!" Li Yun snorted coldly.

People around him immediately echoed: "Yes, that's right! So many people saw it just now, and she was the one who moved it first!"

Li Jiu glanced lightly, his eyes sending chills down their spines, and their necks shrank back involuntarily.

She crossed her hands, intertwined her fingers, and pressed her knuckles to make a clicking sound.

“Believe it or not, I’ll give you another kick?”

 One sentence, revealing a deep coldness.

Everyone was frightened and backed away. They pointed at her with frightened eyes and said, "Look, look! She's still threatening us!" "It's no longer a threat if you say anything more." Li Jiu raised the corners of his mouth and stared deeply. Watching them.

"Li Jiu! You, don't be too presumptuous!"

Li Yun saw that she really wanted to take action again, his eyes trembled and he felt frightened.

 “Presumptuous…who is so presumptuous!”

Li Jiu suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Li Yun's collar, and choked her until she was almost suffocated. He pushed her directly against the wall, making a muffled sound, causing everyone to scream again.

Li Yun suddenly screamed in pain, and her back hit the wall, causing pain all over her body.

Xue Cong was also shocked by Li Jiu's unexpected action, but she quickly calmed down. She believed that Li Jiu had a sense of control and would not do anything to Li Yun.

Hence, Xue Cong turned around and whispered a few words to the security guard. The security guard's face changed, and he immediately put on a flattering look. He responded and then dispersed the crowd of onlookers.

 After a while, she, Li Jiu, Li Yun and the few people around her were the only ones left here.

Li Jiu put an arm across Li Yun's neck and said to her with a half-smile: "Sister, please clarify the situation. I was just passing by, but you insisted on stopping me and instigated a group of dogs to bite me. "

As she spoke, she stretched out her slender jade finger and pointed at a few people not far away. When those people heard this, their faces immediately became livid, and their eyes were full of anger.

They are also wealthy young masters after all. They have been pampered and loved since childhood. When have you ever heard someone like Li Jiu call them dogs directly?

“I only knocked out one dog that wanted to bite me. I was merciful if I didn’t kill them all.”

“Li Yun, I disdain to be as knowledgeable as an idiot like you, but that doesn’t mean that my patience has no limit!”

  After saying the last two words, Li Jiu snorted lightly and let go of his hand.

Li Yun suddenly lost control, his body went limp and he almost fell to the ground.

She fell to the ground and looked at Li Jiu with vicious eyes, as if she wanted to kill her with her eyes.

Li Jiu kicked his hands in his pockets and looked at her condescendingly, his eyes dark and his tone cold, "I'll say it one last time, don't provoke me, otherwise, I won't care if you are the daughter of the Li family or not, I will still send you in." Hospital!"

Having been in Li's house for two years, she has always been on the same page with Li Yun and his daughter. It's not because of anything else, it's just her physical disgust when she sees them.

Xue Cong walked to Li Jiu and whispered: "It has been taken care of. The matter tonight will not be spread."

Li Jiu looked at her sideways and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Xue smiled from the corner of his mouth and said: "I am familiar with the bar owner."

Li Jiu nodded, glanced at Li Yun and others, and said, "Then please call the police, Miss Xue, saying that someone is causing trouble here."

Once he heard the call to the police, Li Yun's sinister expression finally changed, and panic flashed in his eyes.

No, she can't go into the police station, it will have a bad impact on her reputation.

  biting her lip, she glared at Li Jiu unwillingly, got up dejectedly and left quickly.

 When others saw Li Yun leaving, they also fled one after another.

Seeing that Li Jiu let them go so easily, Xue Cong couldn't help asking: "You just let her go like this?"

Li Jiu: "What a big wave a waste can make. What's more, keeping her is still useful."

  Sorry! Kavin is stuck too badly today, there is only one chapter... Let me sort out the plot first????????????

In addition, I would like to recommend a wave of wonderful articles by little sisters.



 (End of this chapter)

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