She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 258: Throw it directly on the road (first update)

Chapter 258 Throw it directly on the road (first update)

When Xue Cong heard this, he knew that Li Jiu had his own arrangements, so he kept his mouth shut. After a few words with the bar manager, he made sure that today's events would not be leaked, and returned to the box with Li Jiu.

As soon as she opened the door, Li Jiu came face to face with Qi Mowei, who was drunk and her cheeks were red. The overwhelming smell of alcohol made her frown, but Qi Mowei was so drunk that she didn't notice it and insisted on pounce on her.

It is difficult to maintain the balance of the body after being drunk. Qi Mowei looked at Li Jiu with a double image. He finally walked in front of her and almost fell to the ground. Li Jiu was the first to hold her up.

“Ajiu, where have you been? What took you so long…”

Qi Mowei lay on Li Jiu's shoulder, humming and moaning a few words from her throat.

This is how much you drank!

Li Jiu was so angry that she wanted to roll her eyes. Didn't this girl know how much she drank?


Qi Mowei couldn't hear Li Jiu's inner complaints. At this time, she was dizzy after drinking, and her temples were so swollen and painful that the eldest lady, who had been pampered for so many years, lost her temper and kept acting coquettishly: "I feel uncomfortable..."

Li Jiu cursed: "You deserve it."

Even though Qi Mowei was in a daze, she could still hear Li Jiu scolding her, and she immediately pursed her lips, looking like she was about to cry.

Xue Cong, who was following Li Jiu, saw this scene and his eyes twitched. He turned around and asked Ye Wanxin and the others: "How much did she drink?"

Ye Wanxin, who was holding a cell phone to record Qi Mowei's drunken and crazy behavior, coughed guiltily, took back the cell phone, and said: "It's not much, just...three bottles."

 The sound insulation effect of the private room is top-notch. In order to enhance the atmosphere, they played music. The dispute between Li Jiu and Li Yun on the first floor did not affect this place at all.

And because Li Jiu and Xue Cong never came back, they were bored and started playing truth or dare, with the loser blowing the bottle.


 How did she know that Qi Mowei was possessed by a non-chief tonight!

  Xue Cong: “Beer?”

 Ye Wanxin shook her head.


Ye Wanxin still shook her head, considered it, and secretly observed Li Jiu's expression. Seeing that her expression was as usual and not unhappy because Qi Mowei was drunk, she breathed a sigh of relief and said frankly: "It's white."

  Xue Cong: “???”

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Three bottles? White?

They just went to the toilet. Although there was a small interruption, it definitely didn't last more than fifteen minutes.

 In such a short period of time, this **** girl drank three bottles of white wine?

 Does she think this is plain water?

One bottle is several hundred milliliters, and three bottles weigh more than one kilogram. Did she think she was a wine barrel or something?

Xue Cong simply didn't know what to say. She glanced at Qi Mowei who was still lying on Li Jiu's shoulder and muttered something uncomfortable. She turned to Ye Wanxin and told Ye Wanxin a lesson: "You can't stop her from drinking so much." click it?"

Ye Wanxin scratched her head and said, "We..." We were too busy having fun and didn't even notice.

However, if she said this, she would definitely be criticized by Xue Congjun, so Ye Wanxin lowered her head as she spoke, skillfully pretending to admit her mistake.

Xue Cong had nothing to do with her like this and could only sigh.

Qi Mowei obviously couldn't stay here anymore after drinking like this. Li Jiu was extremely grateful for his foresight and not letting this girl come to the bar alone.

 Otherwise, the news that the fourth Miss Qi family died late at night drunkenly on the street would be flying all over the sky tomorrow.

Li Jiu straightened Qi Mowei's body and held her down with one hand to prevent her from causing trouble. The other hand reached into her pocket and took out a bunch of car keys.

 “I’ll send her back.” Li Jiu said to Xue Cong.

 Xue Cong nodded.

At night, countless cars are running continuously on the road. The dazzling car lights are reflected on the car windows, reflecting tiny rays of light, like the dazzling stars in the sky.

Qi Mowei squirmed restlessly on the passenger seat, her brows furrowed, as if she was being strangled and unable to breathe.

However, Li Jiuli ignored her and focused on driving. Just now she helped Qi Mowei get into the car, but who knew that this guy was so drunk that he went crazy and insisted on dancing. He kept twisting on the passenger seat and couldn't fasten his seat belt.

After working for a few minutes, a thin layer of sweat broke out on Li Jiu Guangjie's forehead.

She crossed her arms across her chest, looked at Qi Mowei with a cold look in her eyes, and sneered, "You forced me to do this."

The next moment, Li Jiu stepped forward decisively, held down Qi Mowei with one hand, pulled out the seat belt with the other hand, and wrapped it around her body several times like a rice dumpling. Finally, Qi Mowei was exhausted from the tossing and finally fell asleep peacefully. past.

When they arrived at Qi's house, Li Jiu put one of her arms on her shoulders and carried her all the way to the door of the house.

The person who opened the door was Qi Sijin. The moment he saw Li Jiu, he was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes fell on Qi Mowei beside her, and he immediately frowned.

 “She drank too much?”

Li Jiu hummed and let go. Qi Sijin immediately caught him.

"This girl is fooling around and drank three bottles of white wine. Watch her tonight, she will go crazy when she gets drunk."


Li Jiu nodded, turned around and drove away back to Jingyuan.

As soon as I entered the door, I found that the lights were still on in the living room.

Li Jiu was stunned. It was so late. Could it be that Qi Jingci hadn't slept yet?

As expected, the moment she opened the door, Qi Jingci's eyes moved slightly, and he stood up from the sofa, his eyes as dark and as deep as a deep pool, looking straight at Li Jiu.

He was wearing a bathrobe loosely on his body, with the collar half open. Under the light, his cold white skin and the smooth lines under the bathrobe were clearly visible.

Li Jiu glanced downwards. This person was still wearing slippers. He must have been waiting for her after taking a shower.

 “Why aren’t you sleeping yet?”

As soon as she got closer, the smell of alcohol all over her body could not be concealed, and all of it got into Qi Jingci's breath.

Qi Jingci frowned, a look of displeasure flashed across his eyes, "Have you been drinking?"

 “No.” Li Jiu said.

 She had been holding Qi Mowei for such a long time just now, so it was normal for her to smell of alcohol.

 “That **** girl Weiwei, you dare to drink so much even though you know how much you can drink.”

  After telling Qi Jingci what happened tonight, Li Jiu scolded Qi Mowei.

Qi Jingci frowned and said coldly: "Next time, just throw her on the road."

How old is she? She has no sense of self-protection at all. She dares to get drunk when she goes out alone. Fortunately, Li Jiu is here, otherwise this girl would be dead.

She just wanted to fool around alone, so she decided to drag Li Jiu along with her.

Just now he wanted to talk to Li Jiu about something, but he found that the person was missing, and the car keys at the entrance were also taken away. It was obvious that he had gone out.

He was still wondering what Li Jiu was doing out so late. He spent a long time watching Qi Mowei.

This **** girl is too worried!

  Took his future sister-in-law out to fool around in the middle of the night. Are there any rules?

 Throwing her out on the street would be an advantage to her!

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Brother, that’s your sister, so you don’t have to!

 (End of this chapter)

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