She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 259: Qi Jingci likes Li Jiu (second update)

Chapter 259 Qi Jingci likes Li Jiu (second update)

Li Jiu was speechless at Qi Jingci's words and ignored him. He went back to the room and entered the bathroom.

Leaving Qi Jingci alone, the air pressure around him dropped inexplicably, his eyes became dark and deep, staring at Li Jiu's door, and after a few minutes, he returned to the room.

Li Jiu finished washing and picked up the hair dryer to dry her wet hair. Suddenly, her cell phone rang.

It was Xue Cong. Since Ye Wanxin and the others were all there just now, she couldn't directly ask Li Jiu about the Special Administration Bureau.

 “Hello, senior.”

Li Jiu let out her voice and turned her head sideways to blow dry her hair. Water droplets dripped down her black hair into her white neck. Her profile was soft and delicate, like a painting under the light.

"What's up?"

The other end was silent for a moment, debating whether to speak or not.

 After all, they had just met and they were not very familiar with each other, and Li Jiu's temperament did not seem like he would be enthusiastic about helping others solve their problems.

 But apart from Li Jiu, she doesn’t know any other people with powers.

Not long after she awakened her spiritual power, she was assigned to the Special Administration Bureau by her family. Her schedule was very hurried, so she had to squeeze in time for tonight's welcome party.

 Before she left, her family members only gave her some general knowledge and basic rules for people with superpowers. There was no time to talk about the extraneous information, so now she is both looking forward to it and being frightened.

She has been raised by her family to be a qualified lady since she was a child. She has her own standards for conduct and will not easily go out of line or enter unknown and unfamiliar areas.

 The awakening caught her off guard. For the first time in her life of more than 20 years, she felt at a loss and didn't know what to do.

But years of habit prevented her from showing it in front of others and could only keep it in her heart.

Li Jiu's appearance made her scared for a moment, but then her suffocated heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it turned out that there were people like her.

 Perhaps, she can ask Li Jiu for help.

With this in mind, Xue Cong made a call.

“Senior, I’m going to the Special Administrative Bureau tomorrow. I want to ask you... if there is anything that needs special attention.”

Li Jiu paused, not expecting that she was here to ask this question.

"have no idea."

 Xue Cong was stunned for a moment and did not react.

Isn’t she also from the Special Administration Bureau? How could you not know?

“Senior, didn’t you say that you are also from the Special Administration Bureau?”



Li Jiu's eyes flashed and the corners of her lips curled up slightly, "I said I was from the Special Administration Bureau, but I didn't say I was from the Empire's Special Administration Bureau."


 Xue Cong was completely confused. What did she mean? Is it possible that there is more than one Special Administration Bureau?

 “You’ll find out when you go tomorrow.”

Li Jiu didn’t tell her in detail, and hung up the phone after finishing her sentence.



Xue Cong looked at the phone that had been hung up, and was stunned in place. It took him a while to come back to his senses and realize that he had been hung up on.

 Looks like he doesn’t want to say anything.

 As for Li Jiu, when Xue Congcai met her for the first time, his impression could not be said to be good or bad. Although he was a little cold and hard to offend, he also reminded her and prevented her from using her powers in public.

Since Li Jiu didn’t say anything just now, she must have had her intentions.

Xue Cong's eyes flashed with annoyance, but he didn't ask anything.

 Forget it, let’s make peace with it as it comes, and deal with it tomorrow as we see it.

As for Li Jiu's statement that she would know tomorrow, Xue Cong completely ignored it and just thought she was trying to fool herself.

Li Jiu put down the hair dryer, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window on the soft white carpet with her bare white feet, looked at the bright neon lights outside and the stars that appeared and disappeared in the sky, and sighed: "It's almost another year. "Yeah." If she hadn't met Xue Cong tonight, she would have almost forgotten that she still had powers.

  After two years in the Imperial Capital, her life trajectory has almost blended into that of ordinary people, and there is no trace of her former self.

 It was as if a line had been drawn between her and the world full of superpowers, and she was isolated.

 But today's events reminded her again.

 Wherever there is any isolation, she has always subconsciously ignored it.

 In the blink of an eye, it’s almost the end of the year, and the association’s annual awakening selection is about to begin.

If nothing else goes wrong, the old man will call her again to bother her.

 According to the past routine, this year's seedling must be praised again, and then a few newcomers will be forced into her.

Li Jiu snorted coldly, does that old man think this place is a garbage dump? Can it be classified every time?

the other side.

Qi Jingci returned to the bedroom with a sullen face, sat down on the bed in a muffled voice, and began to close his eyes and meditate on his relationship with Li Jiu.

 It can't go on like this, he thought.

During this period of time together, Qi Jingci clearly knew that his feelings for Li Jiu were different from before.

To be honest, he knew her character very well. She was irritable, cold, and extremely tough.

 But sometimes it’s extremely awkward. If you accidentally offend her, it’s like stepping on a cat with fried fur.

 Because of what happened four years ago, his attitude towards her was not friendly, and he took advantage of her in various ways afterwards.

It should have been like water and fire, or no matter how bad it was, it should have been a well-rested relationship, but he suddenly had thoughts that he shouldn't have had.

 When is it?

Was it when he and she were sparring at Qi Mowei's birthday party, or when he went to Ancheng with her, or when he watched her fall asleep in the car a few days ago?

Thinking back carefully, Qi Jingci suddenly discovered that when he got along with Li Jiu of the Li family several times, his heart had a slight wave of emotion.

Sometimes he would feel uncomfortable when he saw her talking and laughing with strangers and not telling him her secrets, but he didn't dare to ask for fear of her being angry.

Especially tonight, Li Jiu went out without saying a word, which made him feel even more uncomfortable. Even though they were under the same roof, he didn't even know when she left, which made him upset.

He insisted on waiting for her for an hour, but she didn't react at all. It felt like a punch on cotton, leaving him with no way to exert any force.

 It can’t go on like this.

Qi Jingci pondered for a long time and came to this conclusion.

 He had to think of a way to make her care more about him.


Then what?

A rare trace of confusion flashed across Qi Jingci's cold eyes.

Then what? What should he do?

Let Li Jiu pay more attention to him and care more about his feelings. Is he a child who needs care?

 Obviously impossible.

 What is he planning?

The bedroom was eerily quiet, and the atmosphere was so silent that only his shallow breathing could be heard.

One minute…

 Two minutes…

three minutes…

 Suddenly, a glimmer of light flashed in Qi Jingci's light gray eyes.

On this quiet and ordinary night, he was alone in his bedroom, and something that had never happened before suddenly flashed through his mind.

 Oh, he figured it out.

 He likes her.

 Qi Jingci likes Li Jiu.

Oh My God! not easy! Third Master finally got the idea! If he doesn't figure it out, I'm going to go crazy. Now it's all right. Master Jiu is the only one left of the couple. It's easy to talk about anything after she's done with her. Damn it! Come on!

Qi Jingci:…



 (End of this chapter)

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