She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 260: A little too much (first update)

 Chapter 260 is a bit too much (1st update)

The sun shines through the curtains and onto the carpet indoors, giving off a faint golden light. It’s another new day.

Li Jiu got out of bed and walked to the window. She opened the curtains and the warm morning light shone on her face, coating her whole body with a soft light.

  Stretched and yawned, Li Jiu came to the living room with eyes covered.

 The next moment, he was stunned in place.

What's going on? Is she dazzled?

How could Qi Jingci get up earlier than her?

What are you still busy in the kitchen? Is it because she hasn't woken up or is the sun rising from the west?

Li Jiu was wearing slippers, and the soles of the shoes made a slight sound when they rubbed against the smooth and hard floor. The tips of Qi Jingci's ears twitched slightly, and he turned around with a smile in his light gray eyes and said, "Are you awake?"


Li Jiu was shocked by his smile in the morning and was stunned for a while. She felt that she had not woken up.

Qi Jingci put the steaming porridge and steamed buns on the table, pulled out a chair for Li Jiu, and said, "I asked Jing Yi to buy breakfast. Eat it while it's hot."

Li Jiu nodded dreamily, then suddenly thought of something, and suddenly looked down at herself. She hadn't washed up, her hair was frizzy, and some of it was knotted in one place. She was wearing white pajamas, and her collar was pressed down by her. pleats.

  With a slight cough, Li Jiu's eyes were slightly vacant and he said, "I'm going to wash up first."

Qi Jingci chuckled: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

 The tone is very calm. Compared with the indifference with which he usually speaks, it can be considered gentle.

Li Jiu glanced at him strangely. Why did this man seem a little abnormal today?

But she didn’t think much and turned around and returned to the room.

Qi Jingci stood there, his cold eyes stained with soft light, looking at Li Jiu's back tenderly, thinking about the information he found last night.

 When chasing someone, you must first be careful and considerate, moisturize things silently, and blend into her life quietly.

 I don’t know if it’s true, but I’ll give it a try first. If it doesn’t work, I’ll try another plan.

Qi Jingci has always been straightforward and decisive in doing things, without any hesitation. Now that he knows his thoughts about Li Jiu, he will take action immediately to catch him.

However, according to Li Jiu’s steely straight emotional intelligence, it may be a little difficult...

Qi Jingci recalled what Li Jiu had done before and sighed worriedly.

Li Jiu changed her clothes and washed up. As soon as she sat down, Qi Jingci gave her a bun and said, "This is sold by a time-honored store. Jingyi has been waiting in line for a long time to try it."


Li Jiu looked at the buns in the bowl, but his mind was not on it at all. He picked up his chopsticks and poked them subconsciously, and glanced at Qi Jingci secretly.

Seeing that there was nothing strange about his expression, I felt even more confused.

 I always feel that his behavior today is strange.

 In a slightly weird atmosphere, Li Jiu finished a breakfast that was not easy to digest.

 After eating, Li Jiu put on his coat and prepared to go out.

Qi Jingci saw this and asked, "Where are you going?"

 “Mu You invited me to play at her house.”

Bai Muyou sent her several messages last night, crying and complaining that she had been "under house arrest" by Bai Yuxiu since she was discharged from the hospital. She was not allowed to go anywhere and could only stay in the old house every day and drink various supplements. Tang, if this continues, she will suffocate to death. Let Li Jiu go over and save her.

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows, "Then how are you going to save her?"

Is it possible to help her "escape"?

 But that is impossible.

Li Jiu's lips curled up slightly, "I just agreed to go there and didn't say I wanted to save her."

 Besides, that girl is free from work now and spends all day with her brother Niwai. She should be extremely happy no matter how you look at it, so why does she need to save him?

Li Jiu rolled his eyes.

 “Do you want me to send you off?” Qi Jingci did not miss the opportunity to get close to Li Jiu.

However, Li Jiu seemed to understand his purpose, waved his hand and said: "No need." Then he took the car key, opened the door and left.

Qi Jingci was left to reflect on his actions.

Is it possible that it's a little too much?

Bai Muyou had been discharged from the hospital a few days ago. In order to facilitate her care, Bai Yuxiu took her back to the Bai family's old house. There used to be many old people here when Bai's father and mother were still there, and he felt at ease serving Bai Muyou.

The Bai family's old home is in the suburbs. It took a full twenty minutes to drive. From the noisy urban area to the quiet suburbs, Li Jiu felt much more relaxed while sitting in the car.

After arriving at Bai's house, Li Jiu watched Bai Muyou jump towards him like a zombie as soon as he entered the door.

 “You’re finally here!” Bai Muyou was so eager to wait.

Li Jiu entered the door and looked around.

 “Don’t look, my brother is not here, he has gone to work.”

If Bai Yuxiu hadn't been at work, she wouldn't have dared to let Li Jiu come over, for fear that he would hear something he shouldn't hear.

 “Let’s go to my bedroom. I have something to say to you.”

Li Jiu nodded. Seeing that it was too hard for her to climb the stairs, he narrowed his eyes and stepped forward to lift her up.


Bai Muyou screamed unexpectedly, alerting Aunt Chen who was making soup in the kitchen.

She heard Bai Muyou's cry and thought she had fallen. She hurriedly ran out to check the situation, and saw this scene.

Aunt Chen couldn't help but be stunned. To be honest, in all these years, she had never seen Bai Muyou so close to anyone other than Bai Yuxiu.

But this is also a good thing. Since the Bai family and his wife left, the brother and sister have become more and more independent and more and more heartwarming.

 It is a good thing for the eldest lady to have her own friends, and she should be happy!

Aunt Chen smiled happily and went back to the kitchen to make soup.

Li Jiu carried Bai Muyou all the way to her bedroom, her boyfriend was so strong.

When she put Bai Muyou down, she still felt dizzy. It took her a while to come back to her senses, her face darkened, and she said, "Boss! Can't you be more considerate?"

Hold her directly on his shoulders like a sack, with her head down, almost making her faint.

 “This is convenient.”


Li Jiu ignored her expression and stood up and looked around the room.

  The decoration in the bedroom is very pink, and there are plush toys and dolls on the table and cabinets, which is full of pink girly atmosphere.

Li Jiu couldn't believe that this was her room, and asked without words: "Do you like this tone?"

Bai Muyou's mouth twitched, "What are you thinking about? This is the room I had when I was a teenager. I have stopped living in the old house since then, and the decoration of the room has not changed."

Li Jiu nodded. It could be seen that this room was decorated with great care, and it was indeed a style that little girls would like.

It’s just Bai Muyou...

Li Jiu can guarantee that she would not have liked this vulgar decoration style when she was a teenager.

 “You didn’t tell your dad that you didn’t like pink?”

Bai Muyou paused for a moment, curled his lips and smiled softly, his eyes became deep, as if he was recalling the past.

“My dad was very interested in preparing a surprise for me, and I didn’t want to disappoint him, so I didn’t say anything.”

 (End of this chapter)

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